Об авторе
Широкую известность Е.Камышной принесли песни и романсы, написанные современными композиторами на ее стихи, они звучат в театральных спектаклях и концертных программах. Песни вошли в серию альбомов «Любимые песни России» народной артистки России Людмилы Рюминой, исполняются солистами, народными хорами и ансамблями Донского края. Некоторые из них стали лауреатами Всероссийских и региональных фестивалей.
Но в каких бы жанрах ни работала поэтесса, творчество для нее связано с ощущением Высшего мира, Его присутствием на земле и свободой духа.
About the author
Helena Kamyshnaya lives and works in Rostov-of-Don. She is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, a member of Peter's Academy of Arts and Sciences (St. Petersburg). Several of books of poetry, the cycle of spiritual роеtry came in a commemorative edition of the catalog "Russian Orthodox Icon" was released the tenth "Inva-Academy" (Krasnodar - Moscow). She has published articles, as in the periodicals, and in Russian. Participated in an international project of the book (Russia – France - USA) on our compatriot, the heroine of France Anna Yuryevna Smirnova-Marley. In May 2008, at the invitation of the Center for Science and Culture in Paris, the poet successfully presented her book "feather-grass silk" in the Salon of Russian books.
Widespread fame E. Kamyshnaya brought songs and ballads written by contemporary composers for her poetry, they sound in theatrical productions and concert programmes included in a series of albums "Favorite Song of Russia" People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina executed soloists, choirs and folk ensembles of the Don region. Some of them became winners of national and regional festivals.
But no matter what genre or working poet, for her work is connected with the sensation Upper World, It,s presence on the ground and by the freedom of the spirit.
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