He forgot and I remembered by Emily Dickinson
то случалось всяким днём...
Иисус и Пётр когда-то
грелись храмовым огнём.
- ТЫ был с ним. - рекла "девица".
Пётр отрёкся: - Нет, не я!
Иисус же - глянул просто...
Мне ль дать больше - для тебя?
("Он" в 1й строке - это Сэм Боулз.
Прист говорит о некоей тайне для себя,
но тайна просвечивает: Эмили отдала Боулзу
девичью честь, а тот отрёкся и бросил.)
[David Preest:
The incident of Peter saying to a maid that he knew not
Jesus as he warmed his hands at a fire is in all four gospels,
but only Luke records Jesus’ look in his sentence ‘And the Lord
turned and looked upon Peter (Luke 22:61). Jane Donahue Eberwein
believes the look was a reproachful one, and suggests that
‘someone as suggestive as Emily was to slights and withdrawals
could only identify with Jesus as he cast a reproachful look
at Peter.’ This may well be correct. On the other hand the Greek verb
for ‘looked’ is neutral in meaning, and as Luke is often called
‘the compassionate gospel’ the look may have been one of mingled
sorrow and forgiveness rather than of reproach.
The ‘he’ in the first line may possibly be Samuel Bowles,
but what he forgot and Emily remembered is a mystery.]
He forgot -- and I -- remembered by Emily Dickinson
He forgot -- and I -- remembered --
'Twas an everyday affair --
Long ago as Christ and Peter --
"Warmed them" at the "Temple fire."
"Thou wert with him" -- quoth "the Damsel"?
"No" -- said Peter, 'twasn't me --
Jesus merely "looked" at Peter --
Could I do aught else -- to Thee?
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