Roman Yartsev
Went in the ass in running away side
Extra in two wheels Yamaha,
System on the shoulders
the cable in the open
the rifle on the breakdown...
Politics is a crazy bitch...
Ukraine, Syria, Iran... the road to 80_y Afghanistan
A sweaty tunic, bleached with chlorine and sweat,
soldier's flask-fermented wine,
the pockets match, prima, cigarettes cigarettes and cartridges iron
in Homeland-Mother his in soul again...
At the regimental checkpoint canteen officer
girls waiters-Krasus and skilful-Bush in no man's land,
where you crushed me to death with your heart...
Iran is my people in spirit, in Islam...
Moscow-Iran, where are my 18 years ?
I want to go to Tehran
на заброшенный бархан...
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