4-004 460 ingl. a disk of fest. side b. the first
+ 4-004/460. Precisely. It is a working Drawing for side_B _ a disk of Fest.
Even if you already have tried to put a series of lines, using figures from four previous pages / even provided that you have figure by the size in page / lines go very much frequently! And it only beginning! Буде a Palings from Tens lines! All marks as that Are adhered, and in a basis me already understandable Partially drawing, but..
That is I already understand Logic of the man, that Probably did(made) a disk Being verified at a seal of marks with the Drawing. And that is bad a disk and First printed document, though and on a clay disk, but also First in the world the Drawing ИЗДЕЛИЯ_a Product! More abruptly like and, there is no place!
This figure is received from a rather qualitative photo of a disk, that I have taken with mentioned N 4 numbers for 2008 from a magazine "Minerva". How time the decodings of a disk were summarized of 104 years(summer) processes ". " Conclusions in this Fourth chapter with number in начале_Четыре. / 4-001 as an example / . Basically though in clause in the beginning the authors of clause have complained, that already have tried, and have listed in detail up to two tens Approach to decoding, and perusal of a disk, but It is unequivocal, that Precisely have transferred(translated) is not present while the answer! But I am a lot of interesting nevertheless has gathered, and from the mentioned magazine, and from pair tens of the books, that in parallel has downloaded from the Internet. That in the Chapter 4 I also have described!
I already have resulted the Drawing, and some соображени such as " that the pier is drawn the Jet plane last 5 generations on a disk ", but it not absolutely joke, and is Figures, that it have turned out at Вычертивании on the certain technique of the Drawing for turnaround Стороны_А of a disk. Now Same technique, that is is necessary to make the Drawing in the beginning, and it(he) will give the further movement think.
Is clear to me. But in the beginning certain specification! There is a Photo! There is a small local printing house, that can not up to 40 centimeters to stretch(drag out) it a photo, and and it is more! I have looked their Printed equipment! The carriage will give a print and up to meter in a diameter! But I have worked with a diameter in 40 centimeters for the first party, and I consider(count) that such size Is optimum, and Possessing experience склейки__to glue from 4 Sectors of the increased figure for the further Comfortable work I to you of the ladies some Advice(councils) concerning Successful listing.
I for Side_А I have achieved that after pair Неудач__ Failure Coils of a spiral refer to within 2-3 миллиметро, and it it is enough what to do(make) Conclusions.
First of all I Have turned an initial photo approximately on 45 degrees To the right. Compare to the first Initial snapshot on Стрю 4-001, even!
P/s. Understand! We frequently in Simple admit Error! Here in figure the Standard Sizes Фестского of a disk. That is - look figure: his(its) diameter to change_ from: 16.5 up to 15.8 centimeters! A small plate! But this Pure(clean) error!
You owe, if you will take advantage of yours, instead of this figure ON an EYE TO CATCH this difference in 8 approximately of millimeters, that Will increase approximately up to 15 mm on Increased in the future figure! But before about Error коему 115 years! Unless a Rim of a disk смят as though Гармошкой__Twisting line!? Is not present! The form of a disk an Ellipse! That is one axis it(him):
- Is correct, on Width = 165 millimeters, and on height it(he) = 158 миллиметровъ! Also it is desirable And To develop(unwrap) Initial figure!
P/s. But Take into account, that in different sources the disk revolves Arbitrary! Still specification esteem earlier about that as I Began To draw Side_А!
Business in that but subjects having the form of an Ellipse, or Close to an Ellipse, for example Egg Automatically лягут in a Horizontal plane! Well, an Egg for example " напопа- has understood Value of this word "! Not on "попа", and on "попу__Ass" in sense the Basis there is no sense to put! It Will overturn! And, it is quite possible when Side_А photographed a DISK HAS ACCEPTED HORIZONTAL a rule(situation) Automatically.
1.P/c. More precisely it Is specified оттиском_Голубь__the pigeon on a Rim, he(it) has Original 2.Вирама_Line, feature about some of marks- feature at a print, but NOT a straight LINE as 3/on this party at ten prints, and Specially drawn as letter/ simbol_Г, and having connected a 4.ruler this feature, and the central Socket I and have received a Horizontal axis on the back!
5. Reasons for –------------------------------------------ 4-005/461 ----.------------------------------
P/s. Сравни!! текст на Английском языке Длиннее на 5 строчек! Нижние строчки 1-5 прибавились Автоматически, по сравнению с Русским текстом! Почему? это то же относится к Приемам дешифровки. Я считаб что Средняя Длина слов как в Русском, так и в Английском языках ОДИНАКОВА. скажем- 4-5 букв, а Дополнительные 5 строчек получились от наличия: a, an, the артиклей которых не в Русском языке, пробелов, что получатся дополнительно!И по этому я переключаю на более Мелкие буквы, что б текст уместился в 1 страницу!
P/s. Compare!! The text Is in English longer on 5 lines! The bottom lines 1-5 have increased Automatically, in comparison with the Russian text! Why? This same concerns to Receptions of decoding. I считаб that Average Length of words both in Russian, and in the English languages AM IDENTICAL. Let's an effectve 4-5 letters, and the Additional 5 lines have turned out from presence: a, an, the of which articles not in Russian, blanks, that will turn out in addition! And on this I switch to Fineer letters, that the text would go in in 1 page! ------------------------------------------ 4-005/461 ----.--------------------------------------------
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