The Dark Lord

All things good and va-a-aluable,
all progress great and small,
all folks small and ma-a-alleable,
the Dark Lord ate them all.

Defied the constitu-u-ution
launched media attacks,
abated persecu-u-ution,
of Mexicans and Blacks.

Colluded with the Ru-u-ussians,
told 15,000 lies,
shrugged off the repercu-u-ussions,
discredited his spies.

Caused economic ru-u-uin,
impeded world trade.
’Twas all the Dark Lord’s do-o-oin’
and hence — this here tirade.

Who paid off shady la-a-adies
and claimed he knew them not?
He’ll rot for this in Ha-a-ades
and lose the wealth he’s got.

Who tried to pressure Co-o-omey
till Comey blew the lid?
Made Alex Jones his ho-o-omey?
The Lord of Darkness did!

Discarded Kurdish re-e-ebels —
that bloated, thievish leech! —
as if they were just pe-e-ebbles
on Mar-a-Lago’s beach.

I could go on fore-e-ever
with my remarks so snide.
I’ll call it quits, howe-e-ever.
Let history decide.

НБ.  На мотив и по ритму знаменитого религиозного гимна "All Things Bright and Beautiful", написанного в 1848 г. в Англии.
