A Young Lady Left a Place

Long ago and far away
— when and where I dare not say —
a young lady left a place
at a brisk and steady pace.

She had seen and been through much.
And although she'd stayed in touch
with the normal and the sane,
she could not forget the pain.

She had tasted deep despair
smelled the fair and the unfair,
cried & laughed through frozen night
and put up a hefty fight.

All the while, her dreams and hopes
bounced around within the ropes
of an endless boxing ring...
It was over with a ping.

She had fought to round five
but come out of it alive!
Had she won or had she lost?
She survived… but at what cost?

Well, no matter, there she was —
marching on and on because
luck and strength had made a pact
to preserve her soul intact.

Now, the lady did not know
what to do and where to go.
Most of life was still ahead!
Yet... she could have stayed in bed,

slept and snored for seven years,
dreamt away her chills and fears,
studied, married, paid her dues,
shooed away encroaching blues.

Could have picked a bitter mood,
turned away — all set to brood.
Could have even lost her mind,
from the crushing daily grind.

But she picked another lot,
and bestowed a better plot
on the story of her life —
albeit with storm and strife.

Now she knew: her choice was made.
With no prompts or hints or aid,
she decided to forgive
turn around and simply… live.
