Beyond our mind

There's something hidden inside that we all can feel but we can't comprehend it...
Something that's beyond our mind and from time to time it comes out unexpectedly.
It makes us commit senseless things as well as surmount any possible hardships.
But whatsoever it brings we must be careful and watch our actions.

Over again we're getting infected,
Love's syringe is in,
We're acting like slaves...
Over again we're feeling connected
With nature of light
Though it can be dark...

Over again we're getting elected
For the game with no rules
In the land with no frontiers...
Over again we're feeling dejected
'Cos there's no way back,
The habit is stronger...

There's something hidden inside that we all can see but we can't apprehend it...
Something that's beyond our mind and from time to time it comes out unaffectedly.
It makes us submit inner fears as well as discard any possible problems.
But whatsoever it brings we must be thankful and ready to give out.

Over again we're getting infected,
Love's syringe is in,
We're acting like slaves...
Over again we're feeling connected
With nature of light
Though it can be dark...

Over again we're getting elected
For the game with no rules
In the land with no frontiers...
Over again we're feeling dejected
'Cos there's no way back,
The habit is stronger...
