I don t know!

Today Wensday, it's midnight.
I don't sleep want agan.
I can't say: "Seround me All right... '
Is it possible? - Nan,anywhen..

I' m earnemy for,  may be, - off the peace.
But summer spirit, i because not cry!
Wather i want to kiss,
Wather say :" He's only my.

It's not, and  better, - nan!!!
Im crossed, I have berned.
My preposition Is yet Un...
And I am always Jaims Bond.

Why my soft, what for hart,
Today i think as sivial Britan?
I very glad begin my lucky Start,
My motherland all sense Is hidden.

When i'll look the own show,
Where i Will souch  grow!?
Not only sings, not only spirits
Because my name still Is the Village.

19.06.2019 about 3.40a.m
