
How it was to go away?
How do you feel about living far away?
So, should I say?
I've been to England plenty times
And now I am studying on the banks of Tyne.
I feel, I am home. I am on my place.
But firstly meeting face to face
It was not this way
And I doubted my lay.

The trip was full of burden sadness
Due to the leaving home cosiness madness.
Packing clothes and things you like the most
And neatly see the childhood ghost
Scurrying here and there,
Reminding me of living here.
I said 'goodbye' for loads of once,
But every sound was like a knife.
It cut the heart from the inside
So I felt hurt right in my mind.
'’You never know what to expect
And also you cannot escape.
If you have chosen what your future is
Just don't you dare to abandon this.'’
That what I said exactly to myself,
While putting my own keys on shelf.
Felt like vanishing myself from place,
Where I used to be an ace.

Never moving to a different spot
Made my brain burn so hot,
With thoughts full of concern,
Incertitude in being good to learn.
I knew it was the only stage of life,
When you could get emotions rife,
As long as working on your wit
And going through the meet and greet.

I chose to try the different taste.
I chose not to be a talent waste.
I decided to discover
What the world could give me as a mother.
The knowledge of the dozens facts.
The lines of Shakespeare’s acts.

I might be honest I was terrified.
But looking forward of the study fight,
Caught my breath not once.
I couldn’t stop myself to glance
On the calendar chasing dates
Waiting to greet new mates.

’The secret how to make the dwelling home
Is make it as warm as the churches dome.
You see them from afar outside
But you already feeling great inside.

The dome is a highlight
That is shining bright.

This what you need to recreate:
To make the things that will reflect
Your personality within your head.
The things that can present
The concept you are thirst to send.’’
I’ve heard it one day
And I will not forget it anyway.

I do live here. That’s my base.
I have to say I don’t regret this any case.

Здравствуй, Маша, грандиозно!
Для начала- блестяще!!!

Ольга Лювенад   20.12.2019 07:32     Заявить о нарушении

Ольга Лювенад   12.04.2021 10:29   Заявить о нарушении