
Love – is the sister of Pain…
It is the reality of our life…
Remember it. It is the main;
Though it hurts, like a blunt knife…
We all like to be desperately sad, always,
To be sad about the opportunity we have lost.
Sadness must be forgotten like the past’s ghosts!
There are certain difficulties, anyway.

You know, everything will be fine!
We'll laugh at our melancholy later.
We don't order life – we don’t have a waiter!
Our life – is a series of black and white…

Give me all your weakness and pain;
I'll wipe your tears away with love and slow…
I'll never judge You! Dear, do You know!..
Live – still long remained; clear up your sane!..

His mouth, however, curled into a smile;
Yes, it's scary to watch – so twisted.
He was only abused and insisted,
He was so affronted, He wanted to die…

The “grime” can't be on "clean" hands,
And nothing can wash it away – so, just breathe…
However, you know, abusers haven’t a peace…
They can’t sympathize with the torments…

As if caught by the hand of a thief,
With conscience - “in share”, with the devil - collusion,
We’re ready to tear our dears: It’s a human “pollution”…
We're just a pack of dogs!.. How do we it achieve?

An offended person is capable of anything.
But He was guilty? Answer me! Answer me!..
I know the right answer – He talked to me;
Why are you silent – trembling with fear?..

A messenger of sorrow, coming out of nowhere,
He was in this world – no, not crazy:
He was trying to survive – He was meeting his basic!..
Not a line of my poem will offend Him! No, not there!..

He was a man, who could smile,
(Despite He laughed hysterically
And danced madly, but rhythmically)
He (always) remembered: keep on your smile!..

I felt sorry for Him. When he laughed,
I wept with Him and for Him:
I saw his face – haggard and thin,
He was looking for support, and more nothing!..

I don't blame Him, no matter what:
The Joker had the right to revenge!
Please, don’t tell me that He was “strange” –
The Black sheep was forced and left the flock…

Misunderstood, just a man, He had a rage;
Rejected, alone, He was full of rage!
He always was on a back stage!..
It is our world and our modern age…

Well, let's change reality!
I don't want anyone to be suffered,
To, laughing, at night be sobbed…
Let's keep the heart crystality!..

I don't consider myself a humanist.
In something with Him I accurately resembles:
Dull eyes, pale skin, our suffering’s endless,
I want to (but I can't) become a humorist…

Because of Him I’m saddened, upset;
I wrote a poem – I couldn't think anymore.
Some1 who didn’t understand Him – is just a complete moron…
I can't smile again, I haven't tuned in it yet…
(18:05-18:45; 22.10.19.)
