041 391 rus. фестский диск промежуточный a result
! Ах! Фестский a disk 0f Fest! Than not Stounhenge in a Miniature.
.. As it is possible to consider(count) the assumption,, that there is a Real Labyrinth but on a surface, can on Крите or in a district, and it as though Instruction to that, AS WELL AS WHAT TO OBSERVE! And what observe in Stounhenge?
First of all about некотрых _ some_
Design features Стоунхенджа__ Stounhenge. First of all there Very originally Calculated Day of a Solar or Lunar eclipse. On some radius from the center, where is, now partially destroyed, and some stones have disappeared, there was as though pavilion, that consist of stones, and from above they were blocked by other stones.
It Визиры__ Lines of an aiming, supervision and between them sometimes Very small backlash of centimeters in 30! Then from 50- 60 meters it seems as a Crack, that gives Accuracy if to observe from Platforms, that are designated! For example, to rise so, that Пяточного_ Stone in 100 meters from the centre of a stone To touch by a back, or if want Пятками__ Back surface of a foot!
Is counted - Zero, that is Beginning of Year per 365 days. what to predict Lunar and Solar eclipses it is necessary to rise in Other places - on the so-called Shaft, it is a circle отстоящий__ On distance in
_ in one hundred meters from the centre Стоунхенджа.
ЛУНКИ. Holes in ground
Them has opened and has dug out Обри in honour of him(it)
they are named лунками_Holes of Обри_Obrey. It(he) seems there at the bottom - they not deep, by depth up to meter has found Color stones. System of account such, that from
Лунки in Лунку __holes into holes_ shifting stones, It seems, five pieces, it is possible to receive in a CERTAIN point of a circle that stones that symbolize the Sun " simply on colour " and in relation to Opposite лункам and predicted Eclipses. If the stones the Sun the Moon Converged in these лунках_ holes!
They occur in the Site, that is in one point of a way of the Moon, Earth and Sun. Per the Certain days in one year, Earth and Moon can be concerning the Sun to be: either Is higher or Below, and then the shadow will leave in space. Or Sun, Moon and Earth will be on One line. There will be an eclipse - Solar or Lunar., it Камешками__ little stones-, looking if they are Opposite(on the contrary) on a Circle, and predicted and now predict Eclipses. What Общее __ Identical
_ at disk of Fest and Stounhenge? It is important for The statement or refutation, that it is the Zodiac on a disk, and I am farther it I shall explain more in detail, and practically . Same most or similar is in figure of this disk!
1. The top figure is recollected " by(with) planes 7 generations of a Minus, I in the comic form have shown that that in the Top figure here. "
2. The construction as a Rectangular and Многогранника__ Much coal figure
- is all there is in detail I say you. ------------- 042/ 392 --------------------------------------- -----
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