
036/ 386. _ingl a DISK of Fest.  Var_7, 8, 9, 10. " the DEVICE a SCALE of a MINUS? ".
P/s. In what that of a degree I already Assume that Will show further Фестский a disk, proceeding
From this that in a basis his(its) Drawing!
Give I you slightly просвещу- say you. In radio receivers, and is especial in radio stations apply the following Way of adjustment on station! It is possible on the Condenser of Variable capacity, that at the expense of turn of plates of a Rotor and makes Adjustment on station put Wheel_Шестерню of a Small
diameter, and Second шестерня let  will be on a diameter large, and the shaft with шестерней as small diameter is still necessary. So it turns out Понижающий__ reducing revolutions_ a reducer of time in Х = 20! And you, rotating the handle Adjustments, force a rotor of the condenser to rotate Slowly! How to make adjustment? And on Large шестерне __ Wheel _Write a Scale on a Diameter, and read out the indications in a Window. So it is accepted in many devices of radio stations and plane devices!
Windows in the Top sector I have decided(solved) them to cut out Separately, instead of Wholly sector! Figure   a disk of Fest rotates, but there is one BUT, what and you it has turned out same that in figure. In the drawing Two центра__ The centre of figure __ First Верхний_ above abov__ it Щит  Circle__with 7 заклепками__ by small circles__, and Is lower Цветок, that at the centre. Гвоздик it is possible to hammer into this Tandem only in Цветок_ Rose__, then 4 DIVIDING FEATURES in the Top sector of BLACK COLOUR WILL PRECISELY BE LEFT if to turn figure of a disk Counter-clockwise approximately on 30 degrees. 4 Dividing features on a disk will be left, they are marked with 4 Interrogative marks. But there is some more line on the  disk, and then not 6 words will turn out, and 13, that I have drawn below.
Than that it reminds an encryption, that frequently show in espionage films! There comes,say, telegram, on it(her) impose a pattern with Cut out Окошками_Windows__, and read the message. Then in a line up to 4 ADDITIONAL Hyphens turn out, in Russian it corresponds(meets) to such Construction of the offer:
" Я –ШЛА- - И-В-САД-И-Я-В-ТУ_НОЧЬ! " That does not correspond(meet) to Structure Фестского of a disk! There in a word Two Marks a minimum! For example _ the Man goes Рыба_Fish? Also there is no mark separately!
I at once Have noticed, that the Top sector on Such orientation of figure is specially allocated Риской, and I was not surprised that at turn AS In STATION In a WINDOW OTHER COMBINATION of MARKS HAS APPEARED. And time so, all TRANSLATIONS Фестского of a disk Are doubtful?
IT ВАРИАНТ_ the CIPHERED MESSAGE, And it has reached us!
P/s. I cut out Below windows in a spiral there all Same! The words Are broken off and the Separate marks turn out, that corresponds(meets) Сатице or pretext consisting from One letter: And, with, at, in, I, about, that Completely tear the Concept that Is written on a disk? If it NOT a SCALE of a COMPASS we shall tell, then the offers have in structure the Members of speech, pretexts, междометияиз of One letter, and I having checked up about a Quarter so on Windows have received about such 10 ONE-ALPHABETIC SYMBOLS. That corresponds(meets), though to my text now:
" And I at a disk see, about a strange picture! And. I, and you, certainly, and in that I am not sure, that with them, about a mountain! About, linguists, about, at that that to a disk, ан is and in it(him) a riddle!And about prestigious business, about I also shall not think, and at that I of a disk shall take, and, and is loud свисну_ singing "That that reminds the poetic size Гекзаметр! Such помпезный style! What  a disk of Fest? Let's talk about the CODES on -- 037/ 387
