Mars Destroyer of Special Relativity

Suppose an ultrafast spaceship flies in a straight line. It flies, without stopping. My ship does not accelerate. It is the ship of "aliens", it simply on full speed passes Earth, Mars, and Pluto. "The Origin of Oumuamua, Our First Interstellar Visitor" YouTube.

Another title of my contribution is "Twin Paradox revisited". This paradox, according to Wikipedia and its peer-review sources, tells us, that the space travel lasts as less, as high the velocity of travel is. In the limit v -> c, it is an instant moment to travel from Earth to Pluto.

It passes the Earth at the moment of 0 seconds (of spaceship clock in the astronaut's cabin), and then at the moment of 0.0002 seconds spaceship meets Mars, and then, having passed it, it reaches Pluto at the moment 0.003 seconds and flies on without stopping. Thus, the moment of flight over Mars is very small: 0.000000001 seconds. The Theory of Relativity claims that when the speed of the ship would be up to the speed of light, all three of these numbers become indistinguishable from zero.

But then, from the point of view of the astronaut, a meeting with Mars occurs almost instantly, thereby Mars flies passing the ship with almost instantaneous speed. And this contradicts the law of nature that the speed of Mars should be less than the speed of light (no matter what position Mars is considered from).

After all, what is the relativity of motion? From a bus passenger's point of view, the bus does not move but the tree moves, which the bus passes. And if a tree moves on a passenger position instantly, according to the passenger's wristwatch, then the speed of motion of the tree exceeds the speed of light.

Correction of this paradox should include such a concept as Virtual Terms - mathematical insertions into the equations and laws of nature, which are made not from fundamental premises, but “by hand” in order to fit the theory under observation. An example of such inserts is Dark Matter and Dark Energy, therefore, they cannot be directly detected, but to measure their effect on nature is possible. As a prime example, the Dark Matter anomaly has acted on the space-time grid so much that it created an additional force of attraction of stars to the center of their galaxy.

By the way, the proton radius measured by many experimenters was different in different years. This riddle did not find yet a solution: Jean-Philippe Karr, Dominique Marchand, "Progress on the proton-radius puzzle", Nature 2019. I solve this with a virtual insert V into the radius value: r = R + V.

The explanation for specialists:

The space-ship travels under the speed of light v<c, but in Einstein's theory the clock inside the ship almost does not tick, does not go. So, being the astronaut one looks at the clock, which is inside the ship, and records, that at 0 second - Earth, at 0.0002 sec - Mars, 0.003 sec - Pluto.

If the speed of Mars in my problem does not exceed the speed of light, then this speed is equal to v. The astronaut does not move in relation to the spaceship, so the proper length of the ship L does not depend on the speed of the ship. Then, the duration of the encounter with Mars is simply L / v (according to astronaut's clock). In the limit of high speeds, it does not become zero but tends to L / c. However, the time on the astronaut's clock of the entire journey from Earth to Pluto becomes zero, because the time of a high-speed object stops. The contradiction is then L/c=0, whereas L is not zero and not small.

You believe to know, that the astronaut would see the distance from Earth to Mars contracted, such that it only took 0.0002 sec to get there.
The observer on Earth sees in a telescope, how the meeting with Mars begins at astronaut's time 0.0002 seconds (then front-side of the ship meets the Mars position) and ends when the back-side of the ship meets Mars position at 0.0002+0.000000001 seconds. It is not necessary, but you can recall the Lorentz contraction of the moving object according to Earth observer: S=L*sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}. Thus, there are beginning and end of the meeting with Mars, which lasts T(v)=0.000000001 seconds. The proper length of the ship L is velocity-independent, thus, the speed of the meeting can exceed the light-speed by simple division: L / T(c) > c, because T(c)=0, L<>0.


I follow my guiding star: "Guiding Star - Original Song" YouTube. Anyone can join me. I must be convinced (by me or others), that I have a mistake. This mistake must be found, and I must be convinced, that it is a mistake, and not an usual trolling and bullying, which comes from Truth Haters - the Nihilists. There are all good ones around me. I am not the God, but "must be a reason why I am king of my castle" YouTube.

I refer to Presumption of Innocence: I am not having mistakes, until the moment the mistakes are found. But I often find people who disagree without any reasoning with my theories. A genius idea, which is 1000 years ahead of its time is not acceptable today. Even 4 years Einstein was rejected by all Science (the paper was published, but during 4 years it remained not understood despite of its logic). Published in viXra: 1911.0239


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