Пусть бегут неуклюже...
тельницей методики преподавания англ.языка (не
помню имени) в начале 70-х годов прошлого века-
госпединститут г.Уссурийск, Приморский край.
Разместила ниже понравившиеся переводы других авторов.
муз.В.Шаинского слова А.Тимофеевского
1.Пусть бегут неуклюже
Пешеходы по лужам,
А вода по асфальту рекой.
И неясно прохожим
В этот день непогожий,
Почему я весёлый такой.
припев: Я играю на гармошке
У прохожих на виду.
К сожаленью, день рожденья
Только раз в году.
2.Прилетит вдруг волшебник
В голубом вертолёте
И бесплатно покажет кино.
С днём рожденья поздравит
И, наверно, оставит
Мне в подарок 500 эскимо.
1.Let the passers run puzzled
Straight along dirty puddles,
Let the rain fall on paves all the day.
On that fine day, believe me,
They can't guess having seen me
Why I'm cheerful and happy and gay.
припев: I'm playing my garmoshka.
Let the passers run and stare.
It's a pity we have birthday
Only once a year.
2. The magician will fly here
In a blue helicopter.
And he'll show the children free films.
He will send us best wishes,
And it would be delicious
If he left us much tasty ice-cream.
перевод Евгении Саркисьянц
1.Let the rain make a muddle,
Let the street be a puddle,
Let pedestrians awkwardly run.
And they can't quite decide it
Why I look so excited
On this day when the sky has no sun.
refrain: But I am smiling,
I am singing,
Let all people
See and hear!
Come a worse day,
But the birthday
Comes only once a year!
2.A magician will stop here
In his blue helicopter
And will show me a movie for free.
Birthday gifts he will give me
And, of course, he will leave me
Lots of ice-cream, enjoyment and glee!
Перевод: Harry Somers
Jumping over the Puddles
1.Jumping over the puddles
The pedestrians nuddle,
And the water-it flows like a stream.
And they look and they wonder
In the rain in this thunder
Why I’m smiling –
So happy I seem.
Refrain: I am playing my garmoshka
Loud enough for all to hear.
What a pity that a birthday’s
Only once a yeаr.
2.A magician will drop here
In his blue helicopter
And he’ll put on a show just for free.
Then he’ll sing “Happy birthday”
And perhaps he will leave five
hundred Eskimo ice-creams for me.
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