The Strange issues with cups
"The Stange issues with cups", a story, On Russian/English
* The Strange issues with cups, mix Russian-English
* If you not know Russian language, just scroll text till a text on English
Странные дела с кружками
*Если Вы не знаете английский, просто пропускайте места на английском,
читая текст.
Эта история была 2-3 ноября 2019,
или, если точнее, как ушло время и собрать детали
и нарисовать рисунок и сфоткать,
то 2-4 ноября 2019.
Болела тут я, кашляла. А тут стала поправляться.
В доме, где я живу, порой бывает английское привидение или бумбарашка.
Тут я заметила странные вещи вдруг стали происходить в доме.
То свет сключался и выключался. То ещё что.
И я решила вдруг домового Бумбарашку накормить:
видео было на Ютюбе, в старину 1ое числе месяца хозяйка дома
выставляла домовому еду (сладкую кашку, как детям).
Но мне не ахти как можилось-моглось, ещё после болезни,
силёнок варить овсяную кашку как то не было.
Потому я пошла более простым путём: что хотелось самой, ела сама,
тем и поделилась. Был вечер , поздний вечер 2 ноября 2019.
Сделала я "крюшон",
лимонад с пузырьками и чуть чуть сока, летние фрукты,
смешала, малиновое такое получилось красивое.
Отдельно положила угощение.
Печенье корзиночкая закрытого типа-внутри начинка. ВВерх вырезан
в сеточке дырочек-окошечек. Сверху кругляшок
двойного шоколадного печенья с оранжевым кремом,
английской компании "Киплинг".
А поверх ещё и
* См Дополнение 2 подробнее, кому интересно.
А потом я сидела и смотрела,
ест Домовой или не ест? Угощение?
*Коробка с 6 печенками, одна, что я купила, куда то пропала.
*Но, может быть, я и сама съела, не заметила просто.
Я смотрела и я видела,
там где стоял клюшон (сок летних красных ягод и лимонад, вместе),
там будто кто-то невидимый
лакал и пил.
Мне это так понравилось:
живое что-то,
хотя и невидимое.
Стала я смотреть поближе,
мне показалось,
я увидела вот как 2 яркие глаза разного цвета-огоньки,
И чтото аткое неопределённое.
Мелькали порой сполохи света, как суетясь.
Кто-то как лакал воду (напиток, точнее) невидимый.
Сполохи света.
Шума не было вообще.
Я смотрела, мне понравилось.
Потом занялась своими делами.
Потом услышала у себя в голове голос телепатически
меня попросили,
если вдруг сейчас я глазами что-то необычное увижу
или технологию или ещё что,
не трогать руками
вообще ничего,
не дотрагиваться.
Потом сказали "ушло", всё в порядке.
Чуть позже я угощение убрала. Сколько можно?
Было это 2ое ноября 2019.
Угощения Домовым выставляют по традиции русских деревень
1го числа.
Но я болела, да и вообще не выставляю, обычно, ну, совсем.
Перед тем, как убрать угощение,
я ушла из дома побродить,
чтобы не мешать домовым
Пришла и зашла.
Никаких голосов в голове телепатических нет.
И я как то поняла "что без меня они тут
"повесились" "хорошенько"",
натворили что-то,
ощущение было такое.
Стала я ходить и смотреть,
где в доме у меня шкодняк иль пропало что.
коробка с 6 шоколадными двойными кружками пропала.
так вроде ничего но.
Но шкаф приклеянный к стене, от стены отклеялся и была щель
большая и тёмная.
С комнаты пропало,
пластиковые мешки, кучка была и не лежит.
Красный мешок СОС пропал
из комплекта выживания.
в ведре лежал, приготовленный
если будет Аппоколипсис=вторжение-иль бездомной стану
А так вроде больше ничего не пропало.
Да и то я не уверена.
Вдруг сама слопала шоколадные печенья?
Вдруг сама переложила куда то тот красный мешок?
Правда, полителеновые мешки куда то всё же делись,
но стоят они 9 пенсов. Пропали и пропали.
Не заметила я шкодняка.
Тут был у меня ктото до того.
И зелёную пластиковую динную трубочку положил,
упакованную в пластиковый пакет.
В плане, порой как "невидимые" в доме бывают.
Но одно я не придумала:
кухонный шкаф теперь от стены оторвался и там стала щель большая.
Может, это и был "шкодняк"? Потому все и удрали? кто были?
Я потом ходила и смотрела кругом.
Стуков нет. Постукиваний нет.
Телепатически голосов нет.
Всё хорошо, а ощущение как дети малые что натворили
и попрятались.
Чтобы их не заругали.
А потом я к той кружке подошла.
по сердцу и по мне ударило:
на поверхности
жидкости в кружке
белыми пузыриками
Вот ощущение, что типа как фломастер-ручка что-то.
4 малюсенькие точки в ряд
. . . .
Они были такие маленькие-маленькие
и нарисовать вот их такие и так
мог кто-то
кто ростом
очень маленький
и ребёнок-дети.
Нежное такое всё, дух захватывало.
От 4 х маленьких точек "наверху" или "в сторону"
расположились пятна как облачки
белого цвета
и по другую сторону "внизу" или "ко мне ближе"
тоже были белые пятна как облака.
На полу справа от всего появилась
лужа воды.
Лужица воды
как там выемка вгиб пола.
Я подумала:
холодильник потёк?
подтёрла пол.
потом вода появилась снова.
и я опять подтёрла пол.
Я мама и я бабушка,
и когда я увидела
эти рисунки
белым воздушным
по поверхности
малиновой жидкости крюшона,
было ощущение,
вот как дети, дети какие то старались
чтото там нарисовать и рассказать.
Меня такая волна нежности
вспоминала свою семью и всех:
внуков, дочерей, родных.
Было как то очень тепло на душе,
почему то.
А потом мне захотелось плакать.
И казалось,
что я сейчас умру.
А потом новости.
В лодке.
Родной любимый мой человек,
очертания фигуры знакомые и родные.
И я все новости стала смотреть, искать,
фотки и о чём там.
Там я просто жду и скучаю и помню,
вот и мерещется кажется,
в каждом и каждой,
своё и родное.
Меня ругают мои дети.
Им неприятно порой,
что и кидаюсь
к незнакомым
что это они.
А потом смотрю фото больше,
и нахожу,
Опять помчалась, ...
Но в этот раз было и ещё нечто другое.
Дело в том,
что карта с новостей
была похожа
на рисунок белыми пузыриками пятен
на малиновом растворе клюшона.
Греция, Крит. Гераклион.
Дальше там острова. 4 мелких островка-точками.
рядом похоже побольше острова.
Это всё как в кружке у меня было, похоже
Кто читает мои рассказы и видео фото и видео,
я показываю и удаляю потом,
но мои читатели постоянные
помнят фото
меня и Домовой
меня и привидения
меня и души умерших погибших
я как медиум и сенс порой
что то фотиком.
Когда погибали люди порой,
если они имели отношение
к России как русскоговорящие
или к Великобритании, британцы или связь с этой землёй,
в день гибели
через 1-2-ю часа
у меня тут на кухне
то падало что-то и разбивалось
то ещё что-то.
Или как световые пятна , меняли форму.
Долго это не длиться.
Раньше я фоткала.
А тут фотик продала, биллы счета платить, и вообще.
Но, мне не хотелось это снимать.
Я , когда выливала, убирала,
я понимала, что такого вот уже никогда не будет, вот такого.
Ощущение детей было. Что вокруг невидимые дети.
И вот они нарисовали а я убрала.
Обычно я всегда фоткаю. И тут могла сфоткать.
Но фото оно ловит энергетику и отчасть и душу и чтото такое: отчего
часть не снимаются принципиально.
И вот я как то решила уберечь. чтото что не знала.
ощущение такое было: так лучше.
Это было трудно, убрать.
Когда маленькие детские пальчики рисуют что-то,
так трудно потом это взять и убрать.
Но в память остаётся.
И потом новости.
вот это угощение?
круг в металлической фольге и поверх
и желе = = новости и надувная лодка.
Женщина новозеландка
вызвалась быть проводником и провести
британца Мика (Майка)
с юга Турции до Афины Греция.
3 недели в пути они уже были, плыли.
И вот сделали остановку.
Женщина решила сделать шопинг и "размять ноги",
поехала на греческий остров Фолегандрос,
и заодно и подняться
на самую высокую точку горы, посмотреть кругом виды.
И, вот в пятницу вечером она уехала.
Позвонила, возвращается, суббота, а её так и нет.
Осомтрел яхту: нет её нигде. Стало быть, так и не вернулась.
Британец Майк вызвал тогда полицию греческую,
стали искать:
6 катеров,
подводный дрон.
Ищут-ищут. Уже стемнело. Нет её нигде.
Тут мама её Венди Стейн приехала,
её дочь инструктор по выживанию на воде работает,
других учит как выживать,
отчего нельзя прекращать поиски
её дочери
до 72 часов на воде она спокойно продержится,
так её мама считала.
Ну, раз мама уговорила,
то греческая полиция не стала прекращать поиски
(так бы прекратила: дорого это всё:
они потом пропавшей женщине счёт выставили
в сотни тысяч фунтов
за поиски её
вертолётом, самолётом, 6 катерами, подводным дроном).
Зато нашли.
Главное - зато нашли.
Специалистка по выживанию на воде
была истощена и изнемождена,
воды в надувной лодке не было.
Зато были такие пакетики с фруктовым мороженным
вскипичённым (с пузырьками)? т.е.
это описание того крюшона
если разлить в ёмкости для заморозки,
как раз где то 6-7 будет.
Фото было, там было видно:
она идти не могла.
В самом деле полное истощение.
3 суток без воды на жаре? При стрессе?
Повезло. Нашли. Спасли.
Я смотрела фотки и радовалась,
что нашли и спасли.
Подумать страшно.
21 век, спутники летают. а люди пропадают
в населённом густо районе море по сути.
Женщина новозеландка писала,
ка кона пыталась
привлечь внимание
зеркальцем сигналя
яркий красный мешок одевала на голову или махала,
если самолёты летели.
Носки свои стирала и сушила днём
на боковине надувной лодки.
Чтобы ночью одеть их на себя,
было холодно очень
всё время,
особенно ночью.
И ещё пела песни,
чтобы согреться.
Я все газеты просмотрела.
Там её история рассказывается
каждой газетой чуток иначе.
Поррой иначе.
Этот мужчина то её британский муж. То просто нанял её довести его яхту
с юга Турции до Афин.
Фамилия её разная.
Ms Longstaff
* Первая новость была напечатана
новозеландской газетой Stuff что читается и как Стафф
Лонг = Long = длинная, высокая
Сложно сказать, почему и как фамилия женщины вначале называлась
а затем Stein (Стейн, Штейн) как у её мамы Шейлы Стейн (Sheila Stein)
В первой новости женщину описали женой
владельца яхты Rival 34 yacht
отчего и фимилию женщины могли поставить тогда
по фамилии владельца яхты *как версия.
Kushila Stein
Кушила Стейн
Кушила Стейн
Кушейл Штейн
Кашейл Штейн
Кашейл Стейн
* Фамилия моего дедушки по маме Курушин.
* Моя мама, маленькая, "р" не выговаривала и фамилию свою
произносила "Куушина" "Кушина"
есть у части генетических кузенов моих
по тестам.
Отчего, чисто биологически,
вероятность пересечённого родства есть,
а тогда это и объяснение точкам на повершности:
человек в беде мог пытаться молиться и слать
и они могли идти и по линии и генетического родства
даже и удалённого, не близкого.
Типа биорадио.
По описанию, Кушила Стейн (Штейн) пыталась
передать в мир информацию,
найти её просила и спасти её жизнь.
Нашли её греки,
греческие полицеские
Hellenic Coastguard
3. Третье названии женщины в статьях идёт
как "КИВИ" "Kiwi"
Киви - фрукт, мягкий фрукт зелёного цвета.
"Киви", это "слэнг".
"Киви женщина" - "женщина из Новой Зеландии", "Новозеландка"
Kiwi woman
Kiwi women
"Киви мужчина" = "новозеландец, мужчина из Новой Зеландии"
Kiwi man
Kiwi men
1. Мякоть киви зелёная. Всё в "скорлупе" типа "остров"
2. "новичок", "зелёный"
3. Новая Зеландия = киви
4. киви = птичка "киви", символ Новой Зеландии и Новозеландцев
5. "Кто рано встаёт - тому Бог Даёт", Отчёт времени суток идёт для Россиия с Владивостока,
а для Африки и Южной Америки с Новой Зеландии. Рано же встают птички.
Отчег и киви символ Новой Зеландии.
6. Фотография. 1919 Киви птичка Булфорд (Балфорд) Англия или Новая Зеландия (?)
Chalk kiwi above the town of Bulford, executed in 1919
Kiwi (people)
Как странно это выглядит.
Однотипные бараки. как концлагерь. не видно людей вообще никого.
Следов жизни на улице нет тоже. Страшно.
а грунт и дорога
утрамбованы чем то. ровные очень.
From Wikipedia
"Women in New Zealand "
are women
who live in or are from New Zealand.
The first female settlers in New Zealand were
The first known European woman to settle in New Zealand was
Charlotte Badger.
women in New Zealand, also called
Kiwi women,
are descended from European, Asian and Pacific Islander stock."
Я не привожу все статьи по теме.
Просто кратко.
Шло описание места,
где нашли новозеландскую женщину
55 миль от Гераклита (Heraklion, Crete), Крит
23 мили от острова Фолегандрос (Folegandros)
более точнее и подробнее
включив и упоминаниние и
Cyclades islands
Циклады, острова
На этом я рассказ закончу.
В надувной лодке
была найдена
новозеландская женщина "киви женщина" с Новой Зеландии
Kushila Stein
Кушейла Стейн
Кушила Штерн.
Женщина объяснила
что потеряла весло
в надувной лодке
На фото мы видим весло
со стороны фотографа.
Есть и другая история.
Та же женщина и её мужчина
были на неком судне пароходе
Northen ...
И женщина выпрыгнула
с (7? 8? 10?) дека
с корабля
в море.
Возраст женщины по новостям разный
45 лет, 46 лет, 47 лет.
Кушила или Кушейл Стейн или Штейн
описывает, что уронила весло
и описывает, что был сильный ветер.
New Zealander adrift in tiny dinghy in Aegean survived on ...
But on her way back to the Rival 34 yacht, she lost an oar and winds ... the alarm on Saturday morning after she had failed to return to the yacht.
Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive
Kiwi woman rescued off Greek coast used plastic shopping ...
New Zealand Herald
Missing sailor Kushila Stein survived on boiled sweets for 37 ...
The Times
тексты из новостей
с ссылками,
на английском
поиск и пропажа
и находка
потерявшейся в море
у Крита
новозеландской туристки
articles from News, text on English, link
more and photos on links
News UK News Rescue
By Matthew Dresch
00:23, 4 NOV 2019 UPDATED 09:15, 4 NOV 2019
"Tourist lost at sea for three days after her dinghy blown 100 miles off course"
"The 45-year-old woman had taken the dinghy to Folegandros, Greece, where she went to stock up on supplies"
"A woman was stuck at sea for three days after her dinghy was blown off course while returning to her yacht.
The 45-year-old tourist had taken the rubber boat to the Greek island of Folegandros, where she went shopping.
The New Zealander was on her way back to her British husband's yacht when she went missing on Friday.
She was swept across the Aegean Sea and was eventually rescued 50 miles north of Crete yesterday.
A coastguard patrol boat spotted her vessel and found the woman exhausted and dehydrated, reports say.
She was exhausted and dehydrated, reports say
Efforts were underway last night to reunite the woman with her husband
A coastguard patrol boat spotted the woman
Six navy vessels and a helicopter were involved in the search, according to The Sun.
It is believed efforts were underway last night to reunite the tourist with her British husband, who was on their yacht when she went missing.
She rang him just before she set off from Folegandros on her return trip.
The woman is reportedly an experienced seafarer who has taken part in major sailing competitions.
It comes weeks after Kay Longstaff plunged into the Adriatic and was rescued after treading water for 10 hours.
Ms Longstaff said she fell from a cruise ship and sang to keep herself warm in the cold.
However, investigators think she 'jumped', with passengers on the Norwegian Star claiming Ms Longstaff and her boyfriend had a drunken row before she plunged from the seventh deck.
Investigators believe she jumped off the ship 'voluntarily' – and in a ‘determined’ fashion.
The 46-year-old will not have to contribute to the cost of her rescue, thought to run into several hundred thousand pounds."
"Tourist lost at sea for three days after her dinghy blown 100 miles off course"
"The 45-year-old woman had taken the dinghy to Folegandros, Greece, where she went to stock up on supplies"
News from Greece
Home Greek news
By Philip Chrysopoulos -Nov 3, 20
"Missing Tourist in Greece Found Alive and Well at Sea"
Missing Tourist in Greece Found Alive and Well at Sea
"Missing Tourist in Greece Found Alive and Well at Sea"
Source: Greek Coast Guard
A 45-year-old woman who went missing on Friday from the island of Folegandros was found on a dinghy on Sunday, many nautical miles from the point where she had been reported lost.
The tourist, from New Zealand, was located by a Heraklion Central Port Authority boat at a point 55 nautical miles north of Heraklion. She was exhausted when she was found and was immediately transported to a hospital as soon as the rescue boat landed at Heraklion.
The New Zealand woman and her husband had been cruising the Aegean on a sailboat on their vacation. On Friday, the woman left the sailboat and got into a dinghy to go shopping on Folegandros Island.
In the afternoon, after she finished her shopping, she called her husband and told him that she was about to return to their boat.
From that moment on, all traces of her were lost. A few hours later, her husband alerted the Coast Guard and a search operation was immediately underway. A Hellenic Navy boat and three private boats were involved in the search for the lost woman.
The port authorities of Ios, Folegandros, Milos, Naxos, and Santorini were also alerted of the disappearance of the 45-year-old woman.
Thankfully, the woman was found off the coast of Crete.*
By Philip Chrysopoulos -Nov 3, 20
"Missing Tourist in Greece Found Alive and Well at Sea"
PUBLISHED: 04:54 GMT, 4 November 2019 | UPDATED: 09:15 GMT, 4 November 2019
"New Zealand tourist lost at sea
for two days survives
by rationing 'a handful of boiled lollies'
after getting washed away
as she paddled back to a yacht in Greece"
"A New Zealand tourist has been found floating in a dinghy near a Greek island"
The woman, 45, went missing two days earlier after leaving to go shopping
The skipper raised alarm with the coast guard and a desperate search began
She survived two nights at sea with just a handful boiled lollies and no water
Photos @Hellenic Coatguard
New Zealand sailor Kushila Stein (pictured) has survived two days at sea in Greece on a tiny inflatable dinghy after losing an oar
Photo @Hellenic Coatguard
Ms Stein (pictured) told local reporters strong winds and forced her vessel off course and she was unable to control where she was going
Photo @Facebook
Kushila Stein (pictured in an earlier photo) had been on a yacht with a British man when she decided to take the dinghy out for the day to stretch her legs
Photo @Daily Mail @Google map
The map, from Google
The woman, 45, was found floating on a dinghy in the Aegean Sea, 55 nautical miles north of Heraklion in Crete on Sunday
Photo @Shutterstock / Vladimir Sazonov (in Daily Mail)
She was found off the coast of Crete (pictured) and taken to hospital for treatment
"An experienced sailor
survived two days at sea
on an inflatable dinghy after losing her oar
and drifting
more than 110 kilometres
off the coast
of a Greek island.
Kushila Stein, 45, from New Zealand,
was found floating on the dinghy
in the middle of the Aegean Sea,
north of Heraklion
in Crete
on Sunday.
She wrapped herself in plastic bags
to stay warm,
and survived without drinking water
by snacking on a 'handful of boiled sweets'
during her two nights lost at sea.
Ms Stein
had been on a yacht
with a British man
when she decided to take the dinghy out for the day to stretch her legs,
her mother
Wendy Stein
told Stuff.
The British man, named Mike,
had been transporting the vessel
from southern Turkey to Athens
with Ms Stein's help.
Local reports in Greece had claimed
she was travelling with her husband,
but her connection to Mike
is unclear.
After spending most of Friday
on the nearby Greek island of
Ms Stein
had messaged him to say she was on her way back.
When she failed to return that afternoon,
he assumed she’d decided to stay ashore.
When she was still
not back at 5am on Saturday,
he became worried and began searching for her.
He then raised the alarm with the coast guard
and a large-scale search began
a Hellenic Navy boat and three private boats.
After nearly 40 hours at sea, with no drinking water, she was finally rescued.
Her mother, Wendy Stein,
the NZ Herald
Kushila was an experienced sailor who had previously instructed others in how to survive at sea.
The 45-year-old had worn a red bag on her head to make herself known to passing boats, and also waved an oar at planes as they flew by.
To keep warm, she reportedly hung her socks out to dry on the side of the dinghy and put them on at night.
In addition,
she rationed out
her supply of
boiled lollies
over her 37-hour
ordeal to keep herself alive.
The woman, 45,
was found floating
on a dinghy
in the Aegean Sea,
55 nautical miles
north of Heraklion
in Crete
on Sunday [03.11.2019] [2019.11.03]
Ms Stein wrote her mother's name and phone number on the side of the dinghy in case she died before being rescued.
She was taken to hospital for treatment.
Ms Stein later told her mother she had been nervous about taking the motorless dinghy back to the yacht.
'She told me:
''I did everything I could to survive'',
' Wendy Stein said.
'She has been trained in sea survival so is quite competent.
I think that might have saved her life.'
The Greek coast guard
said the alarm had been raised
in the early hours of Saturday
that Ms Stein
had been missing since Friday afternoon.
Photo @Shutterstock / Vladimir Sazonov via @Daily Mail
She was found off the coast of Crete (pictured) and taken to hospital for treatment
Read more:
"Missing Tourist in Greece Found Alive and Well at Sea"
"Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive" |
"Kiwi woman rescued off Greek coast used plastic shopping bags and lollies to survive" - NZ Herald
Share or comment on this article:
"Missing New Zealand woman Kushila Stein who disappeared in Greece is found on dinghy"
Daily Mail
"A New Zealand tourist has been found floating in a dinghy near a Greek island"
By Philip Chrysopoulos -Nov 3, 201
"Missing Tourist in Greece Found Alive and Well at Sea"
Source: Greek Coast Guard
"Missing Tourist in Greece Found Alive and Well at Sea"
"A 45-year-old woman who went missing on Friday from the island of Folegandros was found on a dinghy on Sunday, many nautical miles from the point where she had been reported lost.
The tourist, from New Zealand, was located by a Heraklion Central Port Authority boat at a point 55 nautical miles north of Heraklion. She was exhausted when she was found and was immediately transported to a hospital as soon as the rescue boat landed at Heraklion.
The New Zealand woman and her husband had been cruising the Aegean on a sailboat on their vacation. On Friday, the woman left the sailboat and got into a dinghy to go shopping on Folegandros Island.
In the afternoon, after she finished her shopping, she called her husband and told him that she was about to return to their boat.
From that moment on, all traces of her were lost. A few hours later, her husband alerted the Coast Guard and a search operation was immediately underway. A Hellenic Navy boat and three private boats were involved in the search for the lost woman.
The port authorities of Ios, Folegandros, Milos, Naxos, and Santorini were also alerted of the disappearance of the 45-year-old woman.
Thankfully, the woman was found off the coast of Crete."
"Missing Tourist in Greece Found Alive and Well at Sea"
TAGS #Folegandros #Greece #Greece #newsGreek #news #Crete
STUFF New Zealand
By Lorna Thornber
16:22, Nov 04 2019
"Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive" |
"Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive" |
"Lost at sea off the coast of Crete,
Kushila Stein
survived on a "handful of boiled lollies"
and wrote
her mother's name
and phone number
on the side of her inflatable dinghy
in case she wasn't found alive.
The 47-year-old Warkworth woman,
who was recently rescued
after two days adrift
in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Crete,
was helping a British man
transport his yacht
from southern Turkey to Athens
when she decided
to take the dinghy
to the Greek island of
to stretch her legs,
her mother
Wendy Stein
the skipper, Mike,
late on Friday afternoon
to say
she was ready to head back
to the boat,
a Rival 34 yacht,
but when she still hadn't appeared after a couple of hours,
he assumed she'd decided to stay ashore a bit longer.
"Kushila Stein, an experienced sailor, was helping transport a yacht between Turkey and Greece."
When he woke at 5am
though and there was still no sign of either her or the dinghy,
he began to search for her. To no avail.
* Missing Kiwi tourist found floating in inflatable dinghy off Crete
* Moment a tourist was saved after 20 hours on the open sea on an inflatable sunbed off Crete
* A gripping tale of one man's survival adrift at sea
"He thought
"Oh no, that does not look good"
and called the police,"
Wendy told Stuff.
By this stage, Kushila had been adrift for some 12 hours,
having lost control of the dinghy after an oar went overboard.
Drawing upon the survival skills
she had learned as an offshore sailor,
wrapped herself
in three plastic bags
to keep warm
and, while she had no fresh water,
rationed the handful of boiled lollies
she had stashed in her day pack.
By this stage, Kushila had been adrift for some 12 hours,
having lost control of the dinghy
after an oar went overboard.
Drawing upon the survival skills s
he had learned as an offshore sailor,
Kushila wrapped herself in three plastic bags to keep warm and,
while she had no fresh water, rationed the handful of boiled lollies
she had stashed in her day pack.
"Stein was found 55 nautical miles off the coast of Crete in Greece."
Whenever a plane flew overhead,
she pointed a mirror
toward the sun,
hoping to create a flash
that would attract passengers' attention.
She took off her wet socks
and dried them on the side of the boat
to help keep warm
as temperatures dropped overnight.
"She also told me
she wrote down my name and number
and attached to the dinghy
so they would know who to contact
if they found her and she was dead,"
her mother told Stuff.
Kushila told her mother
she had had second thoughts about rowing the motorless dinghy back to the yacht
the wind had "picked up a bit".
But, deciding the yacht wasn't far away,
she decided to push ahead.
After Mike
alerted police,
Greek authorities
a search and rescue mission,
sending out
six coastguard vessels,
a helicopter
underwater drone. "
"Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive" |
By: Nikki Preston
Herald reporter based in Hamilton
4 Nov, 2019 8:01pm
"Kiwi woman rescued off Greek coast used plastic shopping bags and lollies to survive" - NZ Herald
Photo / Facebook
"Kushila Stein from Warkworth was returning to the yacht she was helping deliver when she lost an oar and drifted out to sea". Photo / Facebook
Photo / Crete Live
"Kushila Stein spent 37 hours floating in a dinghy in the Aegean sea after drifting away from a yacht near Folegandros in the Cyclades islands. " Photo / Crete Live
"I still have one lolly left mum."
They were the first words
Kushila Stein
shouted through the phone
to her relieved mother
she was rescued
from floating
on the Aegean Sea
near Greece
for 37 hours.
The 47-year-old Warkworth woman
had been helping
a British man
named Mike
deliver a yacht
from southern Turkey
to Athens in Greece.
They were
three weeks
into the trip
and moored
near the Greek island of
and she decided
to row the dinghy
50 metres ashore
to the highest point
of the mountain.
She texted him
at 4.30pm on Friday
[01.11.2019] [2019.11.01]
to say
her phone battery was low
and she was heading back,
but on her return
she lost an oar overboard
and the winds pushed the boat away
Rival 34
When she hadn't returned
by 5am
the next morning
[02.11.2019] [2019.11.02],
Mike went looking for her
and when there was no sign of her or the boat
he raised the alarm
at 8am.
[02.11.2019] [2019.11.02],
A search and rescue operation
six Coastguard boats,
a helicopter and
was launched
at 11am.
[02.11.2019] [2019.11.02],
Wendy Stein,
also from Warkworth,
told the Herald
her daughter
had lost her oar
trying to row
the short 50-metre journey
back to the yacht
the winds had pushed her
off course.
Her daughter was an experienced sailor who had trained others in sea survival,
so tried everything she knew to keep herself alive.
After her first night lost at sea,
she wrung out her socks
and hung them over the boat to dry
so she could put them on at night
when the temperature dropped.
had no water, but digging her into day pack
she found a handful of
boiled lollies
which she rationed out
during the 37 hours
she was adrift.
She also unearthed
three plastic shopping bags
which she used to wrap her hands
and other parts
in at night to keep warm, and during the day
she wore a red bag
on her head
to attract attention.
Another bag was tied to her remaining oar
so she could wave it at passing planes like a flag.
She also pointed the small mirror
she kept in her backpack
at the sun
to try and attract the attention of
any planes that flew over.
In case she wasn't found alive,
her mother's name and phone number
had also been written on the side of the boat.
By this time
Wendy found out from a friend in the UK
that Kushila was missing
and had been floating in the Aegean Sea
for 14 hours.
The search stopped
at nightfall on Saturday
[02.11.2019] [2019.11.02],
and resumed the next morning.
[03.11.2019] [2019.11.03].
said even after the search was called off the first night,
she had still been optimistic her daughter would be found
she knew she would never leave the dinghy
on her own accord,
that you
kept searching
for at least 72 hours.
The search had been going a few hours
on the second day
when Wendy received a call from Mike
that the coast guard wanted to speak with her.
The woman took the phone and said:
"She is found and alive."
She had been located
55 nautical miles
off the north of Crete
about midday on Sunday. [03.11.2019] [2019.11.03].
Wendy whooped with relief.
They later learnt that
had been picked up by
the Greek Coast Guard
and had been able to walk to the boat.
A short time later,
Wendy received another call from an unknown number.
This time it was an ecstatic
Kushila who yelled down the phone that
she still had one of her lollies left in case
she had to spend a third night on the water
before she was found.
After being give the all clear at the hospital,
she was discharged
and took
a ferry to Santorini
to meet a friend
who had arrived from the UK
to help lead the search.
Wendy had planned to travel over on Wednesday to relieve him.
But now her daughter was safe and well
she was now waiting
to whether
she would continue with her travels
before returning home
in mid-December.
she was extremely grateful
to the Greek authorities
for leading the search
finding her daughter
safe and well.
Kiwi woman's dinghy misadventure ends in successful rescue off Greek coast
Herald NZ
"Kiwi woman rescued off Greek coast used plastic shopping bags and lollies to survive" - NZ Herald
New Zealander adrift in tiny dinghy in Aegean survived on ...
By Nick Squires, rome
4 NOVEMBER 2019 • 12:17PM
"New Zealander adrift in tiny dinghy in Aegean survived on boiled sweets during 40 hour ordeal "
"New Zealander adrift in tiny dinghy in Aegean survived on boiled sweets during 40 hour ordeal"
"Kushila Stein survived two days adrift in a dinghy in the Aegean, eating boiled sweets "CREDIT: GREEK COAST GUARD
Photo @Thelegraph @FILE PHOTO
"Kushila Stein, an experienced sailor, was found drifting in a dinghy south of Folegandros and north of Crete" CREDIT: FILE PHOTO
"New Zealander adrift in tiny dinghy in Aegean survived on boiled sweets during 40 hour ordeal"
"A New Zealand woman survived two days adrift in a tiny rubber dinghy by rationing a supply of boiled sweets and putting a red bag on her head to attract attention.
Kushila Stein was rescued at sea north of Crete after a massive search involving Greek Coast Guard vessels, civilian boats and aircraft.
During her ordeal, in which she had no fresh water, the experienced sailor put plastic bags on her feet to keep warm at night, used a mirror to try to attract attention and ate boiled sweets that she happened to have with her.
She put a red bag on her head during the day in the hope that she might be spotted by a passing ship or plane.
She wrote her mother’s name and contact details on the hull of the dinghy, in the event that she did not survive.
Ms Stein, 47, was helping a British man, identified only as Mike, to take a yacht from southern Turkey to Athens.
They reached the Aegean island of Folegandros, where on Friday Ms Stein decided to row ashore in a dinghy in order to spend some time on dry land.
But on her way back to the Rival 34 yacht, she lost an oar and winds quickly pushed her out of the harbour of Agkali.
Her British sailing partner raised the alarm on Saturday morning after she had failed to return to the yacht.
The Greek Coast Guard
launched what it called
“an extensive search and rescue operation”
seven patrol vessels
and three private boats
as well as a Coast Guard aircraft
and a Navy helicopter.
After nearly 40 hours from her disappearance,
she was found drifting at sea southwest of Folegandros,
about 55 nautical miles off the north coast of Crete.
She was taken to the port of Heraklion in Crete,
where she was treated for exposure and dehydration.
Photographs released by the Greek authorities showed she was able to walk onto the Coast Guard vessel.
Ms Stein is a keen sailor who had been trained in survival at sea, her mother Wendy told
“She told me:
'I did everything I could to survive.’
She has been trained in sea survival so is quite competent.
I think that might have saved her life."
She had rationed the sweets so carefully that she still had one left when she was rescued.
After making a full recovery, Ms Stein took a ferry to Santorini to meet a friend who had traveled to the region to help with the search."
New Zealand
Telegraph UK
"New Zealander adrift in tiny dinghy in Aegean survived on boiled sweets during 40 hour ordeal "
But on her way back to the Rival 34 yacht, she lost an oar and winds ... the alarm on Saturday morning after she had failed to return to the yacht.
Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive
Kiwi woman rescued off Greek coast used plastic shopping ...
New Zealand Herald
The Times
By Anthee Carassava, Athens
November 5 2019, 12:01am,
The Times
"Missing sailor Kushila Stein survived on boiled sweets for 37 hours"
"Missing sailor Kushila Stein survived on boiled sweets for 37 hours"
"Kushila Stein was carried 50 miles out to sea in a dinghy by strong currents
A female sailor survived 37 hours drifting without food or fresh water in an inflatable dinghy.
Kushila Stein, 45, from New Zealand, was delivering a yacht from Turkey to Greece and took the dinghy to shore to buy supplies. She was carried 50 miles out to sea by strong currents while trying to row back to Rival 34, which was anchored off the Aegean island of Folegandros. When she failed to return, her sailing partner alerted the Greek coastguard, which began a search operation, including a naval helicopter.
Ms Stein had to live off sweets and used plastic bags in her emergency kit to keep warm and to try to alert rescuers.
A speedboat finally spotted her 60 miles north of Crete. She was taken…"
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"Missing sailor Kushila Stein survived on boiled sweets for 37 hours"
Stuff NZ
Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive
Lorna Thornber
16:22, Nov 04 2019
Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive
The Independent
By Chiara Giordano
4th Nobember 2019
"Tourist survives two days at sea on boiled sweets after dinghy swept awayTourist survives two days at sea on boiled sweets after dinghy swept away from holiday island "
Photo @ Hellenic Coast Guard
"Kushila Stein, 47, from New Zealand, survived two days at sea by eating boiled sweets after her dinghy was swept away from the Greek island of Folegandros on 1 November, 2019."
( Hellenic Coast Guard )
The Independent
A tourist survived two days at sea by eating boiled sweets after her dinghy swept away from a holiday island.
Kushila Stein, 47, drifted 26 miles from the Greek island of Folegandros in the Aegean Sea after the boat’s oar fell overboard.
The sailor survived despite having no drinking water by rationing the few boiled lollies she had in her bag while wrapping herself in plastic bags to stay warm, her mother Wendy Stein told
The experienced offshore sailor, from Warkworth, New Zealand, also wrote down her mother’s contact details and attached them to the vessel in case she was found dead.
Ms Stein had reportedly been helping a British man named Mike transport his yacht from southern Turkey to Athens when she decided to take the dinghy for a trip to Folegandros on Friday, according to her mother.
She messaged him that afternoon to say she was about to head back to the boat.
When she had not returned two hours later, the skipper thought she had decided to spend more time ashore and went to bed.
But when there was still no sign of Ms Stein and the dinghy by 5am, he began to search for her and alerted the police.
By this point Ms Stein had stuck out at sea for about 12 hours.
She was eventually found between Folegandros and Crete in the early hours of Sunday morning.
The Hellenic Coast Guard had sent out seven patrol vessels and a search and rescue aircraft, while three private vessels and a Greek navy helicopter helped in the search operation.
Ms Stein’s mother told Stuff that her daughter pointed a mirror towards the sun every time a plane flew overhead in an attempt to catch someone’s attention.
She added: “She told me: ‘I did everything I could to survive’.
“She has been trained in sea survival so is quite competent. I think that might have saved her life.”
"Tourist survives two days at sea on boiled sweets after dinghy swept awayTourist survives two days at sea on boiled sweets after dinghy swept away from holiday island "
Fox News Channel
EUROPE Published 2019 - 11 - 04
By Stephen Sorace | Fox News
"Missing New Zealand woman, 47, survives two days lost at sea in dinghy by rationing boiled candy"
"Missing New Zealand woman, 47, survives two days lost at sea in dinghy by rationing boiled candy"
Photo @ Hellenic Coast Guard
"Stein was found floating in open waters between the islands of Folegandros and Crete, officials said." (Hellenic Coast Guard)
"A New Zealand woman was found alive off the coast of Greece on Sunday after spending two days adrift in the Aegean Sea, during which time she reportedly survived by wrapping herself in plastic bags and eating boiled candy.
Kushila Stein, 47, was rescued 23 miles south of the Greek island of Folegandros after being lost at sea for 37 hours, the Hellenic Coast Guard said in a statement.
Stein had been helping a British man named Mike deliver a Rival 43 Yacht from southern Turkey to Athens when the boat moored near Folegandros on Friday, according to the New Zealand Herald. She reportedly decided to take the dinghy to the island and explore.
Stein rationed a handful of candy she had in her pack and wrapped herself in plastic bags to survive, her mother said. (Hellenic Coast Guard)
With her phone battery running low, she texted Mike she was heading back to the yacht. But as she rowed the dinghy back, an oar fell overboard and strong winds blew her off course, her mother, Wendy, told the Herald.
With no idea when help would arrive, Stein’s survival instincts kicked in.
"She told me: 'I did everything I could to survive,'" Wendy told "She has been trained in sea survival so is quite competent. I think that might have saved her life."
Stein wrapped plastic bags around her hands and other parts of her body to stay warm at night, and put a red bag on her head during the day to try attracting attention, the Herald reported. She tied another bag to an oar to wave at passing planes. She also used a mirror to reflect sunlight at any planes that flew overhead.
Stein was found floating in open waters between the islands of Folegandros and Crete, officials said.
While Stein didn't have fresh water, she rationed the “boiled lollies” she had brought in her backpack, her mother said.
And in case she wasn’t found alive, Stein wrote her mother’s name and phone number on the side of the dinghy so she could be contacted, Wendy said.
She told me:
'I did everything I could to survive.'
— Wendy Stein, mother of Kushila Stein
On the yacht, Mike was unaware Stein had gone missing until Saturday morning and alerted authorities, according to the outlet.
The Hellenic Coast Guard dispatched a helicopter, several boats and an underwater drone to aid in the search. When they finally spotted the 47-year-old, they brought her safely to the Port of Heraklion on the island of Crete. She reportedly arrived at a hospital in good health.
Wendy, relieved that her daughter was found alive, spoke to her on the phone. She told the Herald that Stein’s first words were: "I still have one lolly left, mum.”
By Stephen Sorace | Fox News
"Missing New Zealand woman, 47, survives two days lost at sea in dinghy by rationing boiled candy"
PUBLISHED: 05:46, Mon, Nov 4, 2019 | UPDATED: 07:56, Mon, Nov 4, 2019
"Horror as missing woman found days after her rubber dinghy was swept 100 miles out to sea"
A WOMAN who went missing off the coast of a Greek island has been found in the middle of the sea.
Photo @ Daily Mirror
"The woman was found around 100 miles off course" (Image: Daily Mirror)
Photo @ Daily Mirror
"The woman was rescued by a patrol boat" (Image: Daily Mirror)
Photo @ Daily Mirror
"She was taken to hospital and treated for severe dehydration (Image: Daily Mirror)
"The woman, a New Zealand native, has been found washed away at sea around 100 mile off course. The 45-year-old’s dinghy was blown severely off course after she took the boat to the Greek island of Folegandros where she had been shopping.
The Kiwi, who was making her way back to her British husband’s yacht, went missing on Friday.
Strong winds swept her across the Aegean Sea and was eventually rescued 50 miles north of Crete yesterday.
The woman was spotted by a coastguard patrol boat, who ventured out and found the woman exhausted and seriously dehydrated, according to reports.
The Sun reports that six navy vessels and a helicopter were involved in the search.
The woman was recovering in hospital last night.
Her identity has not yet been revealed.
A spokesman said: “We found her alive, but she was completely exhausted by her ordeal.”
The woman was taken to Harekleion, on the island of Crete, and was treated for dehydration.
It is understood that efforts were being made to reunite her with her husband.
Vassiliki Katsandoni, the head coastguard on Folegandros, said:
“They anchored at the bay of Agkali
and she quickly got in a dinghy to go to shore to purchase some supplies.
"She rang her partner to inform him that she was making her way back, but she never made it.”
The woman is thought to be an experienced sailor who has taken part in several international competitions."
PUBLISHED: 05:46, Mon, Nov 4, 2019 | UPDATED: 07:56, Mon, Nov 4, 2019
"Horror as missing woman found days after her rubber dinghy was swept 100 miles out to sea"
A WOMAN who went missing off the coast of a Greek island has been found in the middle of the sea.
By Lorna Thornber
I picked this to add:
had been at sea
for between 37 and 40 hours
when a coastguard vessel found her
"half way between Crete and Folegandos",
Wendy said.
Local media reported that
she was found
55 nautical miles north of Heraklion and
more than 23 nautical miles south of Folegandros.
Wendy first learned of her daughter's predicament
late on Saturday night New Zealand time, [02.11.2019]
a friend of Kushila's in the UK
called to tell her
what her happened.
By this stage, her daughter had been missing for about 10 hours.
The friend travelled to Folegandros
and did his best to keep the family in New Zealand updated,
as did the Greek authorities,
Wendy commended
for their "professional"
handling of the situation.
Wendy said she had been ready to fly out to Greece
when a local police officer phoned her
to say her daughter had been found alive and well.
She was subsequently reassured that Kushila,
who was sent to hospital after her ordeal,
was in good health.
"She told me:
'I did everything I could to survive,'
Wendy said.
"She has been trained in sea survival so is quite competent.
I think that might have saved her life." "
"The 47-year-old was on a sailing holiday with her husband when she took the dinghy of their catamaran to go shopping on the island of Folegandros last Friday, according to the Greek Reporter. "
"She was "exhausted" but in good health given the circumstances, Keep Talking Greece reported.
The woman, who was not named, arrived in Heraklion, Crete on Sunday afternoon local time and was taken to hospital, the report stated.
The dinghy did not have a motor and was swept off course by strong currents, according to The National Herald, which also reported that the woman was able to walk unaided into the hospital. "
"How Long Can You Survive Adrift At Sea?"
"Do you know more? Email us at "
"Kiwi lost at sea in Greek Islands rationed boiled lollies to survive
Lorna Thornber"
16:22, Nov 04 2019
03:15 04 november 2019 Source:
"Kiwi tourist found floating in inflatable dinghy off Crete"
© A News She spent 48 hours floating alone on the ocean.
A New Zealand woman who went missing while on holiday in the Greek Islands has been found days later at sea in an inflatable dinghy, far from where she was lost.
After being rescued on Sunday (local time), she was exhausted and was transferred to a hospital as soon as the boat landed at the city of Heraklion on Crete, according to the Greek Reporter.
She was reportedly found
in the middle of the Aegean Sea,
55 nautical miles north of Crete.
The unnamed woman - aged 45 according to some news reports and 47 by another -
reportedly went missing on Friday (local time)
after shopping on Folegandros island.
She was using
the motorless inflatable dinghy
to get back to
a catamaran yacht
she and her husband were travelling around the islands on, when wind apparently made her small vessel uncontrollable and she drifted off.
"Yeah I was blown away, blown away in my dinghy,"
she says
in a video posted to
YouTube account
Greece's The National Herald reports that the search for the woman included four coast guard patrol boats and land forces on the islands of Santorini, Ios, Naxos, Folegandros and Milos, as well as three private boats and a Navy helicopter.
The report says additional craft from Hania, Rethymno, and Heraklion joined the search operation in the morning of Sunday (local time).
New Zealand tourist lost at sea for two days survives by rationing 'a handful of boiled lollies' after getting washed away as she paddled back to a yacht in Greece
New Zealand tourist lost at sea for two days survives by rationing 'a handful of boiled lollies' after getting washed away as she paddled back to a yacht in Greece
The exhausted New Zealand woman Kushila Stein, 45, was found floating on the dinghy in the middle of the Aegean Sea, 110 kilometres north of Heraklion in Crete on Sunday. She wrapped herself in plastic bags to stay warm, and survived without drinking water by snacking on a 'handful of boiled sweets' during her two nights lost at sea.
travel advice
travellers stories
Source SUN NOVEMBER 5, 20199:36AM
"Tourist lost at sea survives for three days in dinghy after drifting more than 180km"
"A tourist trying to get back to her husband’s yacht has spent three days drifting at sea after getting swept away in the Aegean Sea."
A tourist survived three days at sea
in a dinghy as
she drifted
more than 160km.
The 45-year-old woman was blown off course while paddling back
to her British husband’s
chartered yacht.
She was swept across the Aegean Sea
and finally rescued
80km north of Crete yesterday.
She went missing on Friday
off the Greek island of Folegandros
after going ashore to visit a shop.
The woman, originally from New Zealand,
was recovering in hospital last night.
Her name had not been revealed
Six vessels and a navy helicopter
had searched for her
before a coastguard on patrol
the small rubber boat.
A spokesman said:
“We found her alive, but she was completely exhausted by her ordeal.”
The woman was taken to Herakleion, on Crete,
and treated for dehydration.
It is understood efforts
were last night
being made
to reunite her
with her husband.
She had been floating at sea for three days. Picture: Crete Live
She had been floating at sea for three days. Picture: Crete LiveSource:Supplied
Vassiliki Katsandoni,
the head coastguard on Folegandros, said:
“They anchored at the bay of Agkali
and she quickly got in a dinghy to go to shore to purchase some supplies.
“She rang her partner to inform him that she was making her way back, but she never made it.”
The Kiwi is thought to be an experienced sailor who has taken part in several international competitions.
Chora on Folegandros island. Picture: istock
Chora on Folegandros island. Picture: istockSource:Supplied
Last year, [2018]
Kay Longstaff, 46,
survived 10 hours in the Adriatic Sea
after plunging 23 metres
from a cruise ship.
*** This why "Ms Longstaff" , 46,
missing in the Adriatic Sea in 2018 year
had been but in article 2019 November
for a missing woman in Algerian Sea, probably ??? ... ***
The air hostess,
from Cheltenham,
she had sung to herself to survive the cold.
This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission"
"DINGHY MIRACLE Tourist lost-at-sea survives in dinghy for three days after drifting from Greek island"
By John Lucas , Anthee Carassava
3 Nov 2019, 23:53 / Updated: 4 Nov 2019, 8:24
"A TOURIST survived three days at sea in a ding"
"A 45-year-old woman has been rescued after drifting for three days at sea in a dinghy"
Photo Credit:
"The woman, originally from New Zealand, was recovering in hospital last night. Her name has not been revealed"
Photo Credit:
"A TOURIST survived three days at sea in a dinghy after drifting off from a Greek island.
The 45-year-old woman was blown off course while paddling back to her British husband’s chartered yacht.
She was swept across the Aegean Sea and was finally rescued 50 miles north of Crete yesterday. She went missing on Friday off the Greek island of Folegandros after going ashore to visit a shop.
The woman, originally from New Zealand, was recovering in hospital last night. Her name had not been revealed
Six vessels and a navy helicopter had searched for her before a coastguard on patrol spotted the small rubber boat.
A spokesman said: “We found her alive, but she was completely exhausted by her ordeal.”
The woman was taken to Herakleion, on Crete, and treated for dehydration.
It is understood efforts were last night being made to reunite her with her husband.
Vassiliki Katsandoni, the head coastguard on Folegandros, said: “They anchored at the bay of Agkali and she quickly got in a dinghy to go to shore to purchase some supplies.
"She rang her partner to inform him that she was making her way back, but she never made it.”
The Kiwi is thought to be an experienced sailor who has taken part in several international competitions.
Last year, Brit Kay Longstaff, 46, survived ten hours in the Adriatic Sea after plunging 75ft from a cruise ship.
* See this another story
The air hostess, from Cheltenham, Gloucs, said she had sung to herself to survive the cold.
"A TOURIST survived three days at sea in a ding"
Another story, similar to this
By Jacob Dirnhuber
22 Aug 2018, 10:00 / Updated: 22 Aug 2018, 10:02
"SEA RESCUE What happened to Kay Longstaff, why did she jump overboard and how did the she survive at sea for 10 hours?
Here we reveal what happened to her, how she survived, and when she was rescued"
Kay Longstaff fell into the sea around 60 miles off the coast of CroatiaCredit: Twitter
Kay was rescued after 10 hours in the water
The Brit was rescued following a 10-hour search
Croatian rescue crews posed with her after she had been checked over by medics
BRITISH air hostess
Kay Longstaff
survived ten HOURS
in the Adriatic sea
near Croatia
after jumping off a cruise ship
- but how did she live to tell the tale?
Here we reveal what happened to her, how she survived, and when she was rescued...
Kay Longstaff fell into the sea around 60 miles off the coast of CroatiaCredit: Twitter
What happened to Kay Longstaff?
* British - британское, британский, британская, британец, британка, (этнос-национальность-язык - место жительство Великобритания )
* Brit, British - британец, британка, "брит", "бритты"
* Air hostess = стюардесса
* Kay Longstaff - Кей Лонгстафф
* jump off = спрыгнуть с, перепрыгнуть
* cruise ship - круизный корабль
* Norwegian Star - Норвегиан Ста = Норвежская Звезда
* Croatia - Хорватия
* coast - берег, береговая линия
* the Adriatic Sea = Адриатика, Адриатическое Море
* August - август
* 2018
* ten hours - 10 часов
Air hostess
Kay Longstaff
spent ten hours
treading water in the Adriatic sea
after jumping
a Norwegian Star cruise ship.
She was dramatically pulled from the water
around 1,300 metres
from where she vanished and was lifted to safety.
is believed to have jumped overboard
around 60 miles
south of Croatian port Pula
shortly before midnight on August 18 [2018].
* Croatia = Хорватия
She had
reportedly spent the night
with her boyfriend
the two got
into a heated argument.
The 46-year-old
was reportedly moments
from giving up when she was saved.
A source told
the Daily Mail:
"She had
hypothermia and
a haematoma on her right cheek
from where she hit the water.
"It was at the very moment that
she thought she wouldn’t survive, that was
when the boat arrived to save her."
Kay was rescued after 10 hours in the water
How did she survive falling off a cruise ship?
Speaking after her rescue, Kay said:
fell off the back of the Norwegian Star
and I was in the water for about ten hours.
These wonderful guys rescued me."
A rescuer revealed how Kay told them how she survived her ordeal.
“She said the fact that she practices yoga helped her as she was fit.
"And she said she was singing to not feel cold in the sea overnight”.
The Brit was rescued following a 10-hour search
What has she said?
A director at the hospital where she is being treated yesterday revealed that
Kay said:
"It has happened, what has happened and I want to come home as soon as possible."
It comes
after Kay
reportedly had an "emotional and full of love"
reunion with her boyfriend,
expat Craig Rayment.
The captain
of the rescue ship
Cavtat, Lovro Oreskovic,
also told daily newspaper
Jutarnji List
the incident occurred on the last day of Kay's trip.
He said:
"She told us it was the last day of her three weeks holidays.
We warmed her up, gave her first aid,
she took some water, then a soup, an isotonic drunk and a pudding
before she fell asleep.
"Before that she asked
whether she would need to pay for the expenses of the search.
But we calmed her down."
When was she rescued?
Kay was found at around 9.30am local time (8.30am UK time)
on August 19, [2018]
around 1,300 metres
from where
she vanished.
Wearing just denim shorts and a top,
Kay was plucked from the 20C water
by coastguards
and taken on board a rescue boat.
Asked her name and where she was from by reporters,
she replied:
"Kay... from England".
She was treated by medics
and taken to hospital in Pula
but was discharged a short time later.
A hospital official confirmed:
"The British woman was brought to the hospital and her life is not endangered."
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"SEA RESCUE What happened to Kay Longstaff, why did she jump overboard and how did the she survive at sea for 10 hours?
Here we reveal what happened to her, how she survived, and when she was rescued"
Some information and details dissapered from Internet
via updates
i had not copied what i try to find now additionally
regarding this interesting story
i can not find now these details.
I could not find a number of a deck (8th or 10th or another)
which was on this news with some mix two different stories
all about similar events
as a woman
on own
in a boat
in the sea.
We see here two similar stories
One story about 2018, August case
from a sea near Croatia
British woman, Air Hostess,
Kay Longstaff, 46 yo,
jumped off a cruise ship
Norwagian Star
and managed to surviving for 10 hours
in the Adriatic sea water
before the rescue team saved her life
another similar story from 2019, Nobember case
from area north Crete - Folegandros Greece area
from Aegean Sea
about Kushila Stein from Warkworth,
a Kiwi woman (a woman from New Zealand),
a skipper,
skipping the yacht (Rival 34 sailboat catamaran yacht),
helping to British man Mike
to travel from souchern Turkey till Aphen Greece
by yacht
for a journey sea travel for 3 weeks time, already,
so, trying to have a rest and a shopping
but a strong wind on her return back and a loss of a oar
put a woman to be a loss in a sea
in a rubber boat, a dinghy,
without a motor engine,
just with oars, when one oar had been left just,
making her as
a vulnarable alone single woman
for sea waves and a sea powerful strength
for a long time,
till her save by a rescoue team, -
one resources said for 48 hours
others for 40 hours
others for 39 hours
others for 38 hours.
The stress and a hot air
is not good as giving a huge loss of water
from a human bodies.
This is, really, a tourture.
Ane person may has some hallitinations, visions, a fast or slow or changed a heart beat,
slow down, a pain in a kidneys and so in a back area,
a loss of a vision, an orientation, ability to see on a distance,
a confusion, an blood in a urine if kidneys stops to work well,
still a shock and a stess, a weakness, a depression, a suicidal mood, moonings.
This is a tourture for any women, or a child, or a man of any age group.
We saw no water was in the rubber boat/a dinghy.
Kushila Stein said as this her bad living conditions had been via the unpredictible strong wind and a loss of her oar.
But i would ask the questions nobody left her in a rubber boat without no fluids , no drinking water in bottles
or a small possibility she had been a prisoner of some place, trying to escape to run away to survive.
* I had not saw traces of any shopping or bags on the photo with Kushila Stein in newspapers
* I had saw the empty rubber boat-vessel/dinghy with the fully empty floor surface
* the oar had been presented on the photo on the back side in front to a photographer
* this oar had been attached or a boat
* I do not remember if it was or not another oar in this rubber boat, i saw and remember just this one.
When i saw
Kushila Stein , named another way as
"a Kiwi woman" or
"Mr Longstaff"
*mistaken with Ms Kay Lonstaff, Air Hostess ? some similar age group?
I saw the great affords of Kushila Stein to walk,
refusing from the help of others (Greek Coastguards, Greek Police, Hellinic Coastguards.
This hard true attempt to walk
was similar to some for a long term in a Cosmos
for Cosmanauts / Astrounauts
on their first hours return back
to a solid surface of the our planet The Earth.
Some tried to refuse from the help, trying to walk on own themselves.
Kushila Stein walked making me things some hidden secret story
was in all this story.
We see as plenty main newspapers of World,
put this story with plenty Kushila Stein's photos
and this story.
So great echo response from news agencies
put me to think we do not know the full story here.
how long time it need for the yaht
to travel from the Southern Turkey area to Aphene Greece area?
This Rival 34 sail boat yacht was for 3 weeks in this trip.
Kushila Stein tried to find a highest point on a mountain in Folegandros,
Agkali bay coast,
this looked she had a loss of the directions North-South, West-East,
she had not any compass or a map as a skipper too,
making the travel way
by a way she knew "by her eyes"
as "traveled before plenty times".
I mean this look likes a some experiences of a surviving
when people imitated the technology of a past:
no compass, no maps, just a memory,
some ways as birds fly to a home having no maps or a compass.
"kiwi" is a name of a bird, from a New Zealand, a symbol of New Zealand.
I hope, the continue of this story was nice happy end ,
the nice story with a happy end.
I wrote this on Russian
as my experience
i saw as someone as a little little height size, probably, and unseen,
used a raspberry summer fruit juice drink surface
to write here
as people or children draw on a surface of a paper sheet,
a picture, a drawing:
4 smallest white dots in line together on a right side
3 biggest white ovals as a clouds or islands "North" from this
and similar to this, 3 biggest white ovals as a clouds or islands in a Google map on the "south" of this.
When i saw this story,
i had saw a Google map with this area Foleganros-north Crete islands
and here 4 more smallest islands as a closed group on line.
It was 2nd November 2019,
a late eveing time closed moving to 3rd November 2019.
When i checked a time of story with Kushila Stein,
- this looked like connected,
this looked like as really connected as the association.
I had a Home Sprit , I am a British Citizen of Russian Ethnic ,
people in Russia-latvia
had their experiences
to have home spirits "Barabashka" ("Nock-Nokkies")
in their houses in villages or in towns
for centuries,
as "Home Spirits",
"a good home could not be without a Home Spirit, living here!"
Old Slavonic traditions named "Home Spirits"
as some alive living Unssen Home Spirits,
as a "small Goddies of places - the house",
whom protected the house and the families
as some part of a family.
British people have pets in home, - dogs, cats, bords, fishes in tanks, hamstrers, still more could be on the yards of house as home pets, - pigions, owls, horses, pigs, chicken, ...
Russians and Slavs had all the some, all similar,
just still more as a "Bumbarashka" ("Nock-Nockies", "Nock-Nock", "Nock-Nockie")
as a "Home Spirits of Home",
as some another living race with a mind, emotions, ability to understand human speeches,
having own thoughts, opinions, wishes, feelings, and a proudness.
These home spirits acted some as small human Homo Sapiences children 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 yo age
They may making noises, as playing, or just
They may broken something some as chidlren and adults
They may save all family at night, making noises to wake up in case of a fire at home,
saving a house, libes of all (and themselves).
Some home spritis had been a kind or more kinds.
Some home spirits liked own plays, games, naughtiness, mischief, tricks, frolic, prnka, Dido
prank, trick
(шутка, выходка)
frolic (веселье)
mischief, naughtiness
People liked to talk about pranks or activities of their home spirits
betweeen themselves or via letters,
with the feeling this all a part of their HOME and FAMILY.
Russian Orthodox Church and other Christian Priests
had , some, their Home Spirits
in their houses too,
living this their memory
in letters text, in books, in diary.
"Well, My Home Spirit here had not his right mood today tonight her,
i listened his mooinings, knocks, sigh, gasp, groan,
probbaly, he worried it will be cold and a strong wind soon,
or just missing and feeling as a loneless"
Plenty people, living in different countries, talking on different languages,
leaved their memory about theirs Home Spirits experiences.
Plenty writers or poets wrote
their Home Spirits like to see what how they wrote
and to express their opinions and thoughts
by knocks, gasps, noises
Some Russian writers and poems left some story
"Now, when i am writing this my text in a book,
i am listening the reaction of my Home Spirit all times
he dissagry with somehtings"
I am writing poems, tales, stories, searchins, i draw drawings,
i had such experience as noices started sometimes to stop me to write somethings sometimes.
I am living in England, i noticed my British Home Spirits weere being as a British Christians of old days, liking Christmas and old traditional style way.
I wrote and they reacted as some things was over for them.
*But if I would not? I would never find the existance of Home Spirits?
I wrote my poems and tales, one on my previous home,
and they liked to open a door a little bit to stay here
if i moved to a door, i listened a noise of unsseen running away legs to hide themselves.
They may do knowns, or as a short laugh.
When i moved to another home to live, they had not, with me, any place unick for own things.
I think this could be
1. unburried died people of different age groups, especially children
2. some time travelers, - they may stay unseen, looking, some could be children
3. babies of unsseen races (Angels), staying in a home with humans, while they small,
and so, not able to fly to a sky. later when they grow up they flied away to a sky but as they grew closed to human families, - they saved humans as their childish memory work about their childhood. So, some humans family grow up future Angels to save humans, some family grow up not Angels, probably. This Angel's habits to save humans may grow for to be a part of a human family, living in a human houses with humans, just unseen.
Each person knows Angel protect humans
just not each knows why this,
- Angel's babies are a really small light dot or an energy
- Angel's new born babies are babies
- Angels leaved their hildren in humans houses, making all compact and to see for humans and for babies.
- But Biggest Angels lived in sky, as they much too big to live in humans homes, small to them,
these huge sizes Angels came to pick a human soul to return back in far far far another star Universe Galaxy.
- as they help humans they trust humans will not offend their children, their babies, their Angel babies - as these Angel memerised some humans, making their home and family as for Angels-babies.
So, while humans live in house,
plenty spirits and babies and children of plenty unseen spirits, souls, Angels
are living too, just unseen.
Still more.
Time travelers could not been seen.
Still more.
Some form of life could been unseen.
*We do not see a radio or TV waves or mobile waves but all exits and a real.
Old Slavonic Russian tradition
is to feed your Home Spirit of home by a sweet porriage
on 1st day of each month.
They put a sweet oat porriage
on a plate, with spark of warm butter
and saying
"Домовой, Домовой,
Пообедай тут со мной!"
"The Home Spirit, Knockie-Knock!
Please take your porrige,
eating it all here,
near with me!"
Never nobody saw nothing after this.
But this food, left, cleaned to the yard for birds.
Once upon the time,
I did the some 1st time in my life.
Nobody came living me to feel i just throw out money and a food.
I was really upset, saying i will not do this any more as i do not see
someone would came to eat this food.
I gave as i said the last time.
I sat down, looking.
and i had saw!
I saw a lot!
Some foggy small dark wind rounded a plate
with a food,
really quickly and in a full silence.
some unseen as drink, making to see this moce of wave
in a cup.
I understand this such
they "coppied" something from a food to their another space of their living space.
All food and drink look likes untouched after.
I used a camera with a slow speed x0.25 x0.16
and i saw as some shades, having form of snakes moved
as they came across thins or rounded something.
i saw somethings as a life.
Still more.
I saw two (2) white smallest things with shapes of smallest white Angels in white long dress with wings, they had been as a smallest white fire sparks and their flied.
I saw them once just but for a quite long time.
They looked as they came to pick someone as a thinnest shape body, whom hidded himself
inside a glass bottle.
I saw all just as a via a good strong picture in a good camera on x0.16
If not to use this technology, here would be nothings os a shotest sparks of light.
I had stopped these my experiences as i felt it was enough to see once to memorise and never touch to investigate more.
But suddenly i had a strong wish to give a food to a Home Spirit on evening 2nd November 2019.
I had a flue with angine, a cough for ober 3 weeks, recovered back already, but not well yet.
So, i could not cook a sweet oat porriage for a Home Spirit as traditions said.
and this was not 1st too - was 2nd closed to 3rd.
I gave as a share some what i drank and ate.
1. 150 ml drink of a bottle with a a diet lemonade 2 litres for 17 pences from Aldi
2. mixed with a two shorts making 50 ml of a fruit juice drink from a 2 litres bottles for ;1.19 from Aldi
3. pastry, a biscuit latter meancepie from Tesco, 1 from a box with 6 for ;38, as a reduced price from over ;1
4. swirl biscuit with orange cream from Tesco, 1 from a box with 6 for ;0,25 as a reduced price from over ;1
5. some strawberry red jelly jam as 1 sppon about 10-20 gramms from a small evryday essencial strawberry jam for 28 pences from Aldi
All as a present to my Home Spirit was (Knockie-Knock or Bumbarashka or Domovoy).
* I am unemployed low income, 58 yo, so, i tried to find a reduced low prices food
* i do not always able to buy all these and usually, i have this at home or just a jam.
* so this was as a special Christmas ev for me *for my income as as especial for me myself
* so i share i had
Look this news about a Kiwi Woman?
1. the place and a map of this Greek area
= some someone unseen "draw" by stable white bubbles on a surface of drink
here on late evening 2nd November 2019 - staying stable and on 3rd November 2019
in England
Google map of this place some
what someone unseen draw by white bubbles
on a top of rassberry colored red juice drink
(a mix a lemonade and a juice)
and a time some as for events in Greece
Someone left a long green straw
in a clear cellophane package here too.
*Not here already, as all dut bin had been collected today on 5th Nov 2019 here.
UK, England, Nottinghamshire <----===-----> this place 55 miles north from Crete and 23 miles south from Folegandros Greece
*May be, my home spirit drew this looking his-her-theirs Home Spirits TV Channels News ?
*Or somethings another link was and events
*Or someone died in this place and the soul spirit flied to England UK
2. "boiled lollies"
2.1 "boiled" = "with a bubbles" (i put a bubbled diet limonade with bubbles)
2.2 "lolly" "Lollies" = this mix "juice" + lemonade === "a boiled bubbles"
"a boiled lollies" = a mix lemonade with bubbles and a summer fruit juice, as a fizzy drink with some bubbles
2.3 "lolly" = making from a juice or a juice drink
3. I saw as "waves" as "someone unseen drank"
4. Bubbles started to came so nice looking as someone unseen drew all by thinnest pen,
making me to think this was a picture of some unseen children, really smallest
The final picture looked like this Google map of area Creete-Folgandros
with 4 smallest islands on a right side
5. a water came from somewhere on a floor
I dried, but a water had came again. I dried again.
6. plastic bags dissapired . lied down and gone
*Kushile Stein used some plastic bags to warm herself
7. a red plastic bag from a surviving kit, disspared
*Kushila Stein used a red plastic bag to survive
8. i warmed a house, some unseen may dry some things on a battery while i sat down making one room not used but a warm.
* Kushila Stein used to dry her socks of a border of her boat during the Sun warmed and dried to put to warm herself during a night
9. I used to think songs, some may warm heart.
I used to sing songs to warm myself and i had wrote some my poems
while i run a long distance from Tesco in New Ollerton Nottinghamshire
to my home which was on that year as 36 Bentinck Close NG22 9HR
*I sold this property and moved and living in another place and in another town from 2013.
* Ms Kay Longstaff used to sing songs to warm herself during her 10 hours alone trip in the Adriatic Sea
* Probably, this way may work for any person in a trouble
10. I saw this surname "Stern" as some me genetic cousins, geneticly biologically connected to me when i looked links and kits of my and my genetic cousins in
So, this is a some possibility for Kushila Stern and Wendy Stern to be geneticly connected to me
by the straight genetic links line or via some my and their genetic cousins.
11. I saw some surname of my genetic cousins as "Long" and "Small" and "Malenikiy" "Malenkov" and "Carlson" "Carlsson", etc etc, i try to say the possibility of genetic links and a way of bio-radio as a thelepatic attempt to pass the information and so some people as genetic couisns could "catch" somethings", realizing or not.
12. My mother said me about one of surname ancestors as Theodorov (Fedorov, Theodorov).
I find mtDNA connected to Oshevisk, in Archangelsk Province in Karelia in Russia.
I know, my father's (...) relatives had been Old Believes people as Russian Christians if 1st Christian wave.
Michael Lomonosov was a son of Theodorov (Fedorov), living in Archangelsl Province in Karelia in Russian Impair. It was 17th Century. Michael Lomonosov was a passenger on a ship board in a sea side closed to Germany area when he saw his night dream and his father Theodorov (Fedorov), saying to his son he died on a some island (named this) and asking to find to burry his bones.
Micheal Lomonosov was not able to return back from his student trip, under orders to stay to lean science knowledge, but he wrote his letter, describing this place, this island, where to find.
Russian people from this village had traveled to this island and they saw a broken boat , nobody survived alive for this time, they burried the father of Michael Lomonosov and all his pals.
This is the well known fact from a history of 17th century
as ability people to a thelepatia.
British people, some, had this experiences, as medium or Sences pr a simple ordinary people, but having their personnal experiences.
I had somethings as this some experiences, coming not each day, rare, but i had this.
I decided to add
my additional investigation
regarding MAPS
I saw a map of Googles in news article
about a missing woman for 3 days in area Folegandros - Crete
these 4 white small drops would be associated
with islands
1). Iraklia - 2). Schoinousa - 3). (?) - 4). Koufonisia
Iraklia - Schoinousa - (???) - Koufonisia (- ??? a really small)
with these 4 island but as "dots" on a map (far away from a space , sallitet look)
Paros island and Naxos island
would be on a north from these 4 smallest islands
Folegandros island on the south from these 4 smallest islands
if to orientate all map as i saw it on a surface of a juice drink
making from white bubbles
I drew a drawing after a day as i memorised all, the shapes of bigest "islands" already not what i saw just the illustartion to show some locations and sizes.
Another place is having 4 islands in a row line too from a distance
1). Kea - 2). Kithoros - 3). Serifor - 4). Sitnos
this area in Greece, Greek islands, closed to Athens Greece
and to Myrloan Sea.
"Athens, Greece" woud be "on a north" from these 4 islands group
1). Kea - 2). Kithoros - 3). Serifor - 4). Sitnos
if to orientate North-Sourth as I looked
as a possible picture
as a sallitate picture from far away space.
So, there are much many and others places with 4 smallest islands in lines
and 3 much biggest "clouds" on top right
and 3 on down.
All right, may be this all is not connected, at all, no associations at all for me,
but for me and for my vision, - i see the connections.
I may forgot somethings to write, if i will remember, i will try to add it.
These two stories may be connected or not. But i decided to share.
I am really touched by this story.
I feel we ll do not all here.
I pray for better, for me and for us.
More / Больше
Дополнение 2 видео
Video from Greece, from Greek TV on Youtube
on Greek language
кому интересно
Цена на продукты в Англии,
какие там были и получились,
купить и найти мне
(покупала для самой себя)
Налила я попить "крюшон",
диетический лимонад за ;0.17 (17 пенсов) с Алди
c 2х литровой бутылки за 17 пенсов с АЛДИ:
"Everyday Essentials Diet Lemonade" ALDI
; 0.17
0.9p per 100ml
Product Ref: 045272003510200
Product Information
Carbonated low calorie lemon flavour soft drink with sweeteners.
No artifical colours or flavourings and no added sugar.
Brand: Everyday Essentials
Size / Weight: 2 litres
за 2 литра 2 литра = 2000 миллилитра
1 неполный стакан это 150 миллилитра - 200 миллилитра
2000 : 150 = 13.3333333333333 стаканов в 2 х литровой бутылке или
2000 : 200 = 10 стаканов по 200 миллитира в 2х литровой бутылке
;0.17 : 10
;0.017 / 1 стакан с 200 мл газировки
;0.17 : 13.333333 = ;0.17 x 0.075
;0.01275 / 1 стакан с 150 мл лимонада-газировки
с соком летних ягод,
тоже с Алди,
немного оставалось.
"The Juice company
no added sugar
summer fruits
juice drink" 2l ALDI
; 1.09 - 2 литра - 2 litres ALDI
5.5p per 100ml
Product Ref: 055588005118600
Product Information
Reduced sugar summer fruits juice drink.
55% less sugar
Brand: The Juice Company
Size / Weight: 2 Litres
; 1.09 - 2 литра - 2 litres ALDI
5.5p per 100ml
;0.055/100 миллилитра
Там оставалось сока где-то на 50 миллиграм
;0.0275 /50 миллилитра
Отдельно положила угощение:
фольга круглого стаканчика,
в ней 1 печенко "lattice mince pie",
butter enriched pastry
spiced mincemeat"
(яблочное пюре, изюм, лимнонная цедра,...)
это такое полупесочное печенье-закрытая корзиночка,
вверх вырезан. Внутри начинка (изюм,..) (традиционно на Рождество в Англии).
Купила в Теско,
6 печений в коробке.
Стоит такая коробка
;1.50 (один фунт 50 пенсов),
но я на расспродаже,
за ;.0.38 (38 пенсов)
отчего 1 печенко
стоило 6 пенсов:
;0.38 : 6 = ;0.06
Точнее, ;0.063333333333333333 цена 1 штучки
или 6 пенсов 1 штучка печенья
1 печенко шоколадное, 2 шоколадных печенки,
меж ними наполнитель - крем и шоколад.
Mr Kipling
shorcakes swirl filled with a
chocilate sauce
flabour CREAM
Lovely baked in BRITAIN"
Стоит 1 фунт или 1 фунт с чем то.
Но я на распродаже,
уценённое. 1 коробка за 25 пенсов
и в коробке 6 печений
1 печенко стоит
;0.25 : 6 = ;0.04166666666667
;0.042 или 4 пенса за 1 печенко
Поверх всего этого
положила ещё и
клубличный джем -желе.
Красиво вышло.
Горка такая красивая.
Клубничный джем. АЛДИ
Strawberrry Jam ALDI
Everyday Essentials Strawberrry Jam
; 0.28
6.2p per 100g
; 0.062 / 100 грамм
Product Ref: 058749127241700
Product Information
Fruity strawberry jam
Brand: Grandessa
Size / Weight: 454g
Трудно мне сказать в граммах
сколько это стоит
1-2 столовые ложки джема или 1-2 чайные ложки джема
грамм 25? 20? 30? 50?
; 0.062 / 100 грамм
; 0.032 / 50 грамм
; 0. 0062 / 10 грамм
; 0.0124 / 20 грамм == 1 пенс
если сложить 1+2+3+4+5 то цена угощения
;0.01275 / 1 стакан с 150 мл лимонада-газировки
;0.0275 /50 миллилитра сок
;0.063 цена 1 штучки или 6 пенсов 1 штучка корзиночки- печенья
;0.042 или 4 пенса за 1 шоколадное печенье "Киплинг"
; 0. 0062 / 10 грамм за клубчный джем
Суммируем: ;0.15145 , округляем ;0.15 , 15 пенсов
Итого: ;0.15 , 15 пенсов
Но, как это подарок. То это подарок.
И по моим доходам, я потянула, смогла.
Нашла 15 пенсов на угощение.
Повезло домовому :)
Порой и 15 пенсов в доме у меня нет.
Но там день был удачный :)
PS Не думайте, что наши английские британские цены
в Англии всегда и везде вот такие. Найти такие цены,
надо хорошо поискать, где и в какое время и когда покупать.
Обычные же цены они без скидок и уценок
Еда, питья, транспорт, ночлег,
все британские цены очень дорогие:
Великобритания остров,
сюда завести всё,
уходит и время и силы и расходы.
А ещё и налоги и наценки есть.
Домовые и Бумбарашки и в Англии, и в России, и в Латвии,
определённо, есть,
и у них тоже, быть может,
есть и своя и технология,
и своё пространство жизни.
Сидят и смотрят свои телевизоры,
и нас всех там,
наши жизни,
и наши дела и нас,
Может быть, мы когда нибудь "встретимся",
Может быть, нет.
Это как получится.
Но я итожу.
Я живу в Англии.
Вот это "рисование белой пеной", начало,
я видела, это при мне на моих глазах было.
Невидимое стало рисовать.
И я потому и ушла, не мешать,
дать дорисовать и высказаться.
Спать ушла.
Проснулась и посмотрела рисунок.
Я не могу объяснить пересечение новостей и новости.
Это вот ощущение как два апараллельный мира
разных размерностей пересеклись.
И с моей размерности кружка и белая пена,
а в другой размерности это море и острова.
Сверкание оттуда было.
Тогда это я видела Куштлу Стейн, сигналющую в небо зеркальцем.
В её пространстве и мире , она была в надувной лодке в 55 милях от Крита,
а Греции.
А в моём пространстве, её не было даже и видно, вообще.
Как размеры эти всех островов (см карту Гуглса)
умешались в кружку.
И я смотрела и видела сполохи огня и света.
Но я просто не догадалась взять лупу.
Да? и нет у меня такой мощной лупы!
Так и наши размеры могут быть маленькими, но уже для других, больше нас.
Случайно совпало?
Море волнуется раз
Шелестя волнами.
В небе плывут облака.
Кто-то живёт выше нас?
Я загадаю мечту:
Пусть она сбудится.
О Мире, тепла - доброты,
Где радостно жить
Ты вспомни меня.
Вспомни имя моё.
Вспомни всех,
Кто тебе дорог, знаком.
Кого ты любил.
Кто тебя берёг.
И ещё сверху,
Да и побольше,
Всего и каждого.
05.11.2019. Great Britian, Nottinghamshire.
Late evening
It was nobody at home, just me one, and all doors windows closed.
I just finished to eat my dinner and turned my back to see
a bright white shine small coin
"5 pences"
with a profile of
British The Queen Elizabeth II.
Someone unseen put a new 5 pences coin
on my puggy a light lilac home gown,
making me so happy.
This mean, i see, The Unseen World is EXISTING!!!!
I thankfull them loudly.
5 ноября 2019. Великобритания, Ноттингемшире.
Поздний вечер.
Я только поела,
повернувшись спиной от кухонного стола,
как увидела,
пока я ела,
5 пенсов
на мой пушистый
домашний длинный
тёплый халат.
Монетка в 5 пенсов блестела, как серебрянная,
новая и прекрасная, яркая и ослепительная.
Тут в доме была я одна.
Двери закрыты.
Окна закрыты.
Но меня не испугало это.
я поняла:
я не дура и не ментально больная шизофреничка со моими бреднями:
пусть 5 пенсов, но у меня что-то есть.
У меня вдоме не было денег совсем-совсем.
Даже и 5 пенсов не было.
Я не знаю, кто это и как и но
Я сказала им своё
Благодарю Вас.
Вот такая маленькая блестящая яркая ослепительная монетка
Приятно очень.
Значит, вся это моя история, не бред. В самом деле случилось что-то.
И я как то так туда вдруг "перемешалась попала"
5 - 5 = 5 линий = ЗВЕЗДА. Звезда.
5 = Привет! Дай Пять!
5 = 5ая планета Сатурн.
МИ5 ещё есть тоже. Но я их не вижу не слышу за 21 год что живут тут в Англии.
Не знаю, если они есть. Хотя предполагают: вероятно есть, ведь все пишут и знают, что они есть.
А! А ещё СЕГОДНЯ 5 = ПЯТОЕ ноября 2019 года.
? Или островов было 5? просто 5тый совсем-совсем маленький?
Что-то я определённо забыла написать, деталь какую то. Хотела сказать и забыла.
Ладно, может, потом...
Нашла, дописываю.
У Кушила Стейн, новозеландки, "киви женщины", шкипера, инструктора по выживанию в море, было зеркальце-она светить им пробывала когда самолёты летели привлечь внимание.
А я тут видела в районе кружки этой с белыми точками сверкало что-то, лёгкие такие блики света мелькали, быстро быстро.
I memorized as forgot to add this details
as "Kiwi woman", a woman from New Zealand, from Warkworth,
Kushila Stein
* Kushila Stern named wrongly as Ms Longstaff, as a missed Brit, Air Hostess, Kay Longstaff whom jumped of a cruise ship Norwegian Star in August 2018 near Croatia, beeing drunken and emotional argue , later she had been saved by a rescue team after 10 hours in Adriatic Sea on own.
* Kushila Stern was one on a rubber boat as an accident with a strong wind and a loss of a oar from a a rubber boat-vessel, Kushila Stern had been saved after 48 hours by one resources, 38-40 hours by other resourses. I checked photos, - yes, one oar was missed on a photo.
Kushila Stein used a mirror to make blicks of sun rays to attract the attention of air planes passengers to notice her.
It was in Greece area Crete-Folegabdros ara.
I had saw some sparking blicks here on my kitchen area, they moved fast, slim.
and i saw as i realized a map of Creete-Folegandros area
with 4 islands Iraklia - Schoinousa - ?? - Koufonisia
between biggest islands Paros-Naxo line and Folegansdros-Sikinos-Ios islands line
This is so strange
as the association our World and us and a mini world
where a smallest bubble dot on the juice was associated
to the island Iraklia - Schoinousa - ?? - Koufonisia in Aegean Sea
and so
the size of any human on a boat would be unseen as much too smallest
while i saw some light sunny sparks.
I mean this tory gave me a strange feelings
as someone unseen for our size
and so we may been unseen for someone
much bigger sizes rigther we are.
I am not able to explain this story.
Somethings unsual.
I have 5 new penses, sparking white bright.
there was nobody and someone put this on my light lilac gown,
making this coin for me a really especial.
Unseen voices said me
- This i paid and gave to you as you have not any cash and any coins here to pay to across a Sting River we need to pay some coin. This coin The Death gave to you simple as her present.
But i doubt this, as i have a really espcial warm feelings about this coin,
as i saw and touched and i had saw a light, rays of sunny rays,
3 rays staying on a thin one leg with "a needle head" . they rays moved,
making themself as the one sunny bigger sunney light rays as a cylinder,
really nice, a sunny colour.
I played, looking.
Unseen said me this 5 pences coin will be for me to give to cross a river
which devide a World of Alive Living and Dead.
Unseen said me as worry that tommorow may be a hard day for each
and plenty will died.
But as i listened such worries of Unseen for a lot,
i hope all will right.
On Russian
На карте 4 острова вот эти где Ираклия - ------ Коуфонисия
между островами Парос и Наксос линия
и линия между островами Фолегандрос - Сикинос - Иос
Это место на север от Крита, Греция.
Это то, что было и в кружке газированного напитка
где пузырьки воздуха
сложили трогательный рисунок
карту (звёздного неба и созвездия ) (или как и греческих островов около Крита)
Ещё одно такое место есть.
Это Мырлоан Море (Myrloan Sea)
Линия Афин Греция и ниже 4 острова
Киа - Кизнос - Серифор - Ситнос
Kea - Kithnos - Serifor - Sitnos
А с другой стороны там Спарта. Т.е. 4 острова и между Афинами и Спартой.
Причём, карта когда саллитеная с неба, то вид карты это вид земли и поверхности Земли с неба или со звезды. Как направление и на созвездия.
Когда душа рождается, она приходит со звёзд, т.е. с созвездия,и уточнение уже откуда.
Но и когда душа умирает, Ангелы уносят её тоже в какое то созвездие и звезду и мир.
"Домой" "Путь домой"
Другая версия: в рай или в ад.
Вернуться домой? Это вернуться в рай или в ад?
В плане, мы не знаем ничего и яне знаю ничего.
Ещё. итак. 5 ноября 2019, у меня ктото невидимый положил 5 пенсов
на халат светлолиловый пушистый, лежащий на стуле на кухне. Подготовила его одеть
для комфорта и уюта.
Монетка блестела.
Красиво так.
Я взяла в руку и стала вертеть
А там как три луча света солнечного на ножке стоят на монетке и головка больше намного как у иглы, но большая-большая.
Это всё такие лучи слонечного светлого и золотого цвета.
Они стали вертеться туда сюда и соединились вертяссь, трое, создали поток
солнечного цилиндрического света, коротенького, но красивого тёплого
и радостного душе смотреть на него.
И я вот так играла смотрела.
Как 3 тонконогих луча или "иголки" с широченными "головками иглы"
по кругу крутясь туда сюда. всё быстрее создают солнечный ярки лучик.
Очень красиво.
Невидимый сказал мне, это он мне подарил,
просто так. захотелось,
чтобы было чем Смерти, перевозчику платить.
Невидимый сказал мне. что боится и опасается,
завтра 6 ноября 2019 может быть страшный день и погибнут многие.
И, погибку или нет я, он не знает, она не знает, но хочет, чтобы у меня была монетка
заплатить перевозчику за перевоз
и необрадовался что смертного белья и всего у меня нет и не подготовлено.
Но я не верю так уж ему. Он часто волнуется что чтото случилось и все погибли,
или все уже погибли. Кроме меня одной и его-неё-их.
Как и не знаю. могу верить нет. что он и положил мне монетку в 5 пенсов.
Я не видела и я не слышала.
раз-оглянулась - и уже лежит на стуле на лиловом халате.
Никого не было.
Невидимый мир?
Я не знаю.
Но я очень благодарна тому,
кто мне 5 пенсов тут положил подарил.
Это так трогательно и как в сказке.
Совсем не хочется такую особую монетку тратить.
В самом деле особая.
Столько чувств. Сильно очень. Благодарю.
Вы очень красивые!
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
"The Stange issues with cups", a story, On Russian/English
The Strange issues with cups, mix Russian-English
"Странные дела с кружками", рассказ, мистика, события, новости
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2019
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2019
Свидетельство о публикации №119110600762