026 376 ingl. фестский диск. время помечтать! 026
026/ 376_ DISK of Fest. TIME TO DREAM!
.....This time I did not glue Volumetric model, and has made flat. A flat figure consisting from Равносторонних and равнобедренных __With the identical parties_of triangles. That is Identical. You, not knowing, that Fest”s a disk cover figures, that under the form Triangles, will think as the distant model is the plane, at what the most modern model. It is possible is a fantastic prototype, and Forward капсула_ the separate plane_, cabin, that is shot, as saving! On the not painted model it is possible to consider сопла, that have a Different vector of draft! That is them it is possible рулить__to operate in flight_ by plane in flight.
The last century there was a discussion about development Экранопланов_The plane for flight above a surface of water. It is such plane, that flies above a water surface very much low within the limits of 10 meters, and at movement forward creates Condensation of air on which keeps! Just left plane Straightening wings becomes on экранопланы similar, which built, not leading up up to the large series. Is of a vessel on Underwater крыльях_Ракеты and Meteors_SSSR models water ship, and with экранопланом there was a hitch! Too complex(difficult) at him(it) aerodynamics, and Stability in flight turned out. But the wings экранопланов, just had Выгнутость __On it(him) the ends of wings forward are put forward_Forward, as on model!
That is to think out flying devices, what like when that flied? And, you read the Epos of India in the Original, instead of in retelling " of the connoisseurs from Academy of Unnatural Sciences? ". This model - flat is made on the same sizes as самолетик, but I think....
- And, WHETHER the triangular fields are a WAY of READING! Recollect one type of an encryption, that show in hits and films about the spies! We admit(allow), there comes the Suspicious letter, but to read it(him) it is possible only HAVING IMPOSED ТРАФОРЕТ_Sheet with the cut out windows , In WHICH the WINDOWS ARE CUT OUT. And on it Окошкам__windows_ read the true message! Probably, it is a game board, and these sectors are involved just in it(her)! On this each sector so is cut, but not up to the End that the Triangle Can Be lifted! If it is game that it is necessary to know its(her) rules! The checkers, and the more so a chess as in that ancient time on Крите would not understand. And Graceful Chinese.
We admit(allow), to the Chinese emperor as that the wise man has brought a CHESS. There on 64 crates the different figures from the simple soldier, up to the Emperor and _ Women _ he woman the emperor __settled down, of time the business was in China. Now it is the King and Queen. The emperor has played with a wise man some parties(sets).. That has told to the emperor of a rule of courses, and they in a chess very complex(difficult): - I remember all главнее the Queen, goes backwards, forward, and is direct to the right, to the left, well and кони- of a current буквой_Г! Sang Высоцкий - he singer __ in a known song! And the emperor has wanted to receive a chess, and WHAT price, like wonderful - has requested from him(it) the wise man on -------------------------------------------goo---------------- 027/337 ---------------------------------------------------
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