Again figure Стороны_А, but increased........ It(he) soon is required!!
.. I wrote earlier, that it is better to work with the original / the book or qualitative photo /, and then it is possible to reveal some details, on which yet have not paid attention, or that that was not absolutely precisely argued.
Probably text will be with continuation, and here I am going to pay your attention on "triviality". The scornful and frivolous attitude(relation) can get(start) decoding of a disk in such дебри, that then tens years of hundred "researchers" will give the link on when that for a long time given interpretation. Probably, erroneous!
Most frequently heard about the Form, that it(he) IS WRONG, that is not a circle! And if it In a ROOT IS NOT CORRECT! That if you after a chain of simple gaugings, and more closely(more attentively) having looked on a disk will understand, that it(he) is made to within millimeter! I assume, THAT the PRINTS PUT ON LABELS, And THAT the PRELIMINARY SECTORING WAS! ON a THEN RULER. I shall not tell, that she(it) was graduated in millimeters, as the link on their measures of length pleased are foggy!
... I shall explain! You will meet only One citation at the authors, all: " the disk SHOULD be read from the centre ". Other authors have Opposite judgement: is not present! Only from a rim on a spiral up to the centre! Look! At the left, the middle are higher there is a Narrow sector and in it(him) two marks: one is similar to an Onions(bow), second write that it цветок-Крокус / flower Krokus/. This mark has reminded me banal spice Гвоздику! Such as though triangular in the basis / flower.
P/s. The assumption, At the centre from the Socket the first mark the Bald man, and following an Arrow, but as you can see - she(it) WITHOUT a TIP. The arrows in workshops дворца / palase of king Menus/ were done(made) by THOUSAND, and this instruction(indication) can that manufacture of arrows here is written down. From an arrow, up to connection on them of a tip! Then not цветок Крокус / flower Krokus/. /? Why крокус, unless there are not enough of colours with such ? And this mark should be understood as a Tip of an arrow. And it is Two Different words. I shall bring an example with Russian words: in ребусе you take the First letter an Arrow, Tip, To - рокус. The difficulty in definition that " That Is meant By(with) these Prints ". I have come to a Paradoxical conclusion - anything! At all that that wrote before.. 007. 357.....
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