it takes just a scratch

My watch left carelessly on the bedside table
As if is holding grudge for being neglected for a while
It’s sulkily plotting a revenge –
The most merciless one it is able of
which is counting each your caress carefully on its dial

The clock hands are stretching into the thinnest threads
Mockingly floating above, slipping through our fists
When trying to stop the time
Randomly grasping their ends
We should beware of them tying around our wrists

And as my fingertips slide from your back to shoulders
You refuse to notice my nails digging into your skin
Going further,
Taking root,
Running wild,
Hitting major organs,
Slightly scratching your heart
Leaving this scratch unseen.

And I swear I didn’t mean it to grow into a scar
Instead this is how we planted a tree inside to ensure your breathing
I am the leaves that tickle your lungs remaining lush green so far
I am the sun with the clumsy beams

That accidentally burn the birds
Yet are so mindful warming your blood up

To prevent you from freezing.
