They speak

    Вероятность посвящения виртуальной 2летней любви Грею  0,001%.

They speak and it’s hard not to heed them,
their whisper lovingly affectionate and so persistent
that day, interrupted by the spasm of a blueberry night,
cannot remain bright and unharmed.

Their voice is heavy, mixes in a breath
damp warmth and musky stuffy bedrooms,
in which sins gave birth and atone,
sprinkling bodies with viscous living water.

Phantom shadows of all inaccessible to me
kiss, extending the sophistication of masochism
to be one who desires, but is a priori expelled.
They speak and in a voice the whistle of belts,
and pain without a blow. A voice sings
burning under the skin in the highest note.

The emptiness and pink trace of the nail bruises.

They speak and it’s hard not to heed them.

*Oni govoryat i trudno ne vnemlit' im,
ikh shepot lyubovno laskov i tak nastoychiv,
chto den', perevityy spazmom chernichnoy nochi,
ne mozhet ostat'sya svetel i nevredim.

Ikh golos tyazhel, primeshivayet vo vdokh
syroye teplo i muskusnost' dushnykh spalen,
v kotorykh grekhi rozhdali i iskupali,
tela okroplyaya vyazkoy zhivoy vodoy.

Fantomnyye teni vsekh nedostupnykh mne
tseluyut, prodliv izyskannost' mazokhizma
byt' tem, kto zhelayet, no apriori izgnan.
Oni govoryat i v golose svist remney,
i bol' bez udara. Golos poyet plet'mi,
sgoraya pod kozhey v samoy vysokoy note.

Sadnit pustota i rozovyy sled ot nogtya.

Oni govoryat i trudno ne vnemlit' im.

19 августа 2012 в 21:30

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