US stuff...

В ответ на удивительную новость, что в 2020 году состоятся масштабные учения в Европе и для этого, США собираются передислоцировать 35 000 солдат в Германию. Меня эта новость наводит на странные мысли...

We are in information war,
And Media wants always more,
It is always leading by US,
they're sowing evil, serving Mess,

this warlike eagle, acts & plays,
And after him, piece never stays,
Blood bands are painted on the flag,
It's pressing will, like heavy drug,

he's eating nations, feeding dream,
And moistering politics skin,
Behind the Dollar, always flesh,
Some wish the flag stars splash and crash..

There is an office on Broadway,
it is teaching, what's the country game,
it is teaching ways to revolution,
this office is the world polution,

And they exist in real life,
Presenting warlocks wheel of drive,
they're building freedom on the bons,
their hearts are cold deep ocean's stones..

Here, Russia always in their target,
they wants us all to be the Mappet,
And they are doing great their best,
Nor giving chance, and niether rest.

they're paying Khaos in Ukraine,
they easy crush Malasian plane,
they whisper Europe right in ears,
Embargo those, who really nears,

they stays behind the any war,
suppling weapon, even more,
they are collecting nuclear stress,
Who's blowing bombs ? they are - US !

they strawed the Noble Russian gold,
The price, The First World War was sold,
And they were standing in the shadow,
Creating debts with smiling Hallo !

they didn't give Alyaska back,
When rent was coming to the end,
they changing history & culture,
they crushing, conquer, fight and capture,

And every country in the world,
Stays trembling, just to say a word,
So, watch the movie "Wag the dog" !
And you will see, they challenge God !

There is technology behind,
How real problem should be hide,
And while we all are keeping silence,
We pay the price to grow the violence !

So, print this out, send it through !
And stop the process of brain brew,
That's how you have to stop the fight,
Don't be away, take peaceful side !

Created in 2015, still valid...
