One Toy Soldier by Enya

One toy soldier stands alone,
With his drum down by his side.
One toy soldier on his own,
With his drum to keep the time.

He keeps the beat
Of marching feet,
He keeps the beat so true!
He's one small toy
For one small boy…
But his heart is oh, so blue!

“Who can mend my broken drum?
Will it be as good as new?
I must play when morning comes!
If I don't, what shall I do?..”

He keeps the beat
Of marching feet,
He keeps the beat inside,
While children sleep
In dreams so deep.
There's a secret he must hide.

For he keeps the beat
Of marching feet,
He keeps the beat so true!
He wants to sing
And hopes to bring
Happy holidays to you.

He keeps the beat
Of marching feet,
He keeps the beat inside.
Someone has come
To mend his drum –
Now his heart lights up with pride.

So, he keeps the beat
Of marching feet,
He keeps the beat so true!
When morning comes
He plays his drum:
“Happy holidays to you!”

Happy holidays to you!
Happy holidays to you!
Happy holidays to you!

Holidays are here again,
Holidays are here again,
Holidays are here again,
Holidays are here again!

Стоит игрушечный солдат
И барабан при нём
И всё что знает - всё подряд
стучит солдат на нём
Бой боевой
Бой строевой
Сигнал и ритм любой
Он чуть дыша, для малыша
Под вечер бьёт "отбой"

Вот незадача с барабаном!
Он лопнул невзначай
Ему ж "зарю" для мальчугана
С утра на нём стучать!
Бой боевой
Бой строевой
Сигнал любой и ритм
Пока он слышен - спит малыш
И в том секрет сокрыт!

Коль громок он, все черти - вон!
И в том есть - таинство
С ним - ухорон, со  всех сторон
С ним будет - Рождество!

Бой боевой
Бой строевой
Бой, тот, что нарочит
А кто наладит барабан
Солдату жизнь вручит!

Пусть громкий бой, клич боевой
Звучит, звучит в ночи
Бой этот - служка Божества
Ключи от Рождества!

От Рождества - ключи!

От Рождества - ключи!

От Рождества - ключи!
