Call of God


                Inspired by the story of Abraham in Genesis 12
                and Oswald Chambers' book “Not knowing where”

God says “Follow Me”, but never says to where.
It is a life of faith. It is a life of trust,
dispelling any fear, and doubt, and despair,
and conquering the nature – your pride, greed and lust…

This call of God distinct is rarely explicit.
Forget your former plans and follow the route
unclear but suggestive, a hidden way implicit,
ignoring your constraints, without a dispute.

Surrender to His call, forget your own reason.
Let consequences be what God himself decrees.
For all that has to come He had ordained a season,
and yet, He wants your heart and prayers on your knees.

Like Abraham was led by Spirit from his city,
abandoning his place for an unknown land,
the Lord requires that we too, without self-pity,
lerarn to embrace new things by holding His hand.

Forsaking all your wisdom, embark on His adventure
though for the world you might appear as a fool,
get out from your comfort, discarding mind’s wrenching,
enrol your heart and soul in the divine school.

