Six days of Creation
That is how it happens, the Bible says.
“That’s impossible!” angrily sceptics object,
“Making the Universe is a massive project!”
“Not six days, but five billions years it was,
to create the world so complex with its laws –
laws of thermodynamics, gravitational pull…
Who can now believe in six days but a fool?”
And some Christians shrink at such logical stance,
“No one can create so fast, no chance!”
Well, all logic appears redundant, of course,
for the Scriptures a different story disclose…
It’s not testing your mind, but a question of trust:
whom you’d rather believe – God or creatures of dust?
If the Lord is Almighty God, then indeed
why a doubt is planted in you like a seed?
Why believing the Lord might seem to you odd?
What impossible things are existing for God?
Why reject what the Father in Heaven had said?
Have you been at the time when the Time was spread?
Have you witnessed Big Bang or, perhaps, you have seen
how the Spirit of God hovered there, at the scene?
If a day for the Lord means one thousand years,
do you then to six thousand years adhere?
As for me, I am glad that the Earth does exist,
even though the origins lie in a mist.
All I need is to trust that the Lord can create
at the speed as He wants, so no debate!
All that’s matter for me that He planned everything
from the time to be born to the time to be King.
And I’m glad that He planned my existence on Earth:
in His vast Universe He included my birth!
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