
Dedicated to the National Hero of Azerbaijan, Albert Agarunov

On Martyrs’ Lane there is a granite slab,
It’s covered with carnations, roses.
It is the last home of a Baku chap,
Descendant of the line of Moses.

In the early nineties mayhem,
When the collapse was trivial,
Nobody would ever blame him,
If he just moved to Israel.

“To fight, I want to volunteer!” –
His choice was simple, it was grand!
“Give me a tank!  I have no fear!
We’ll never give away our land! ”

"What makes a Jew to fight for Muslims? Weird!”
“This is a funny question, man!
This is my home! Or was not born I here?
This land is my Azerbaijan! ”

In Albert’s hands his tank was like a toy,
He was the tank’s both heart and soul.
While his tank's blasting guns were still deployed
Shusha was under our control!

The heights were held, so was the major road
While they began a power struggle in Baku,
They did not send for help a single squad!
This sealed its fate – the downfall was due...

He fought just like a whiz wars ever knew,
Used any move to his advantage.
“Still something is not good enough for you?
Then gobble up my “Jewish sandwich!” *

The foe devoured them in high doses
From his, erupting fire gun.
The great son of the line of Moses
Defended his Azerbaijan!

“Two tanks are done, and we will lure
The third – the same shall be its fate!   
We will destroy it too, I’m sure!
Let’s just remove the bodies, wait –

These are our comrades, fellow men!
I will not crush them with my tank!”
He quickly rushed to them, and then…
A sniper shot him from the flank.

Being full of life, being bold and brave,
And proud of all the things he’s done,
The follower of Moses gave
His life for his Azerbaijan!

The rabbi with the mullah sang verses
From the Torah and from the Koran
For an adept of the faith of Moses,
For the great son of Azerbaijan!

His fellow tankmen named their tanks –
Inspired by the hero’s skills and feat –
“Albert”, as if were saying “Thanks”,
And pledged to carry on the way he did.

Our flag flies, bro, and calls upon us
To fix our oldest, gravest error.
The great son of the line of Moses,
Your Azerbaijan salutes you, hero!

Albert Agarunov was killed in action on May 8, 1992. The next day the town of Shusha had fallen.

On the photo: Albert Agarunov’s memorial in Baku, Azerbaijan.

* “Jewish sandwich” – a special method of Albert, when he could destroy two units of enemy’s machinery with a single shot.

Russian version is here:

Я слышал о его подвиге. Молодец,что написал о нём. Вечная память герою!

Рахманин Павел Тим   20.03.2020 12:21     Заявить о нарушении
Конечно, вечная слава! Вначале написал по-русски, а уже потом перевёл. Не всё сто процентов один к одному, но главные идеи те же. Размер не совсем тот же, но количество катренов одинаково. Я показал русский вариант его брату и ему понравилось. Спасибо!

Мирза Мехтиев   20.03.2020 15:59   Заявить о нарушении
Ищу кого-нибудь перевести на азербайджанский. Сам пробовал, но не то получается.

Мирза Мехтиев   20.03.2020 16:01   Заявить о нарушении
Есть одна женщина на сайте, я общался с ней всего пару раз, я спрошу, если она знает азербайджанский...

Рахманин Павел Тим   20.03.2020 16:22   Заявить о нарушении
Она сказала,что не настолько хорошо владеет азербайджанским, чтобы помочь с переводом.

Рахманин Павел Тим   20.03.2020 19:13   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.