Скетч Коули


Как-то раз навеселе шли мы шли и пели,
Элем душу грея,
Два со мною без меня,
Три тебя,
И троился Том О’Лайн, ву-у...смерть пьян.
И до речки шли мы шли, весело так пели,
Элем душу грея.

На закате Джек вскричал: «Горю, парни, лей скорей!»
Том там вечный кайф имел по дороге в Биркендейл,
Джим струёю не достал - был немного ростом мал,
Билл тушил что та кобыла, но всё мимо, жаль.

Как-то раз навеселе шли мы шли и пели,
Элем душу грея,
Два со мною без меня,
Три тебя,
И троился Том О’Лайн, ву-у.. смерть пьян.
И до речки шли мы шли, весело так пели,
Элем душу грея.


For all our men were very very merry,
And all our men were drinking:
There were two men of mine,
Three men of thine,
And three that belonged to old Sir Thom o' Lyne.
As they went to the ferry, they were very very merry,
And all our men were drinking.

Jack looked at the sun, and cried, Fire, fire, fire!
Tom stabled his keffel in Birkendale mire;
Jem started a calf, and hallooed for a stag;
Will mounted a gate-post instead of his nag:

For all our men were very very merry,
And all our men were drinking;
There were two men of mine,
Three of thine,
And three that belonged to old Sir Thom o' Lyne.
As they went to the ferry, they were very very merry,
For all our men were drinking.
