The window

Snow behind the window, cold pieces of light
So many times I’ve watched it fall, cover the life
Snow is my memory, life is my fantasy
I’m still blind, still trying to look alive.

Knowing everything and keeping silence.
Knowing everything and keeping silence.

I see lips moving, don’t try to listen,
Forgive me or not as you please leave me here.
Everything we wanted, everything we’ve had
Just laid there, in snow and dust…

I see no point,
No idea why
Must I join
A thousand years’ cycle

And it’s not just about me
It’s in the pulse of the rhythm
It’s about the abyss that lays behind the window
It’s in you, it’s in me
If we ever dreamt about anything. Anything.

I say terrible and simple words
Leave them out
Like common stones
For someone
To stumble over
And maybe someday
to be heard.

‘Cause it’s not just about my inner world
Outer world
Why do we have to split everything
Let things be abysses and windows
Them and us. You, me, Time. Dreams.
You, me, Time. Dreams.
