The love serenade of Don Juan de Multiverse

The love serenade of Orozkul
under accompaniment of the superstring multiversal komuz

 From the book "The autopilot of Superposition"

I love all of you, 50 billion women,
who ever lived on this planet
and another 50 billion
who are still waiting for a treasured and ardent meeting with me
until the end of this millennium and beyond
where people begin to perform unprecedented miracles
and experiments with genes.
None of you have been rejected by me
but not all of you were immediately grateful to me,
although I played on the strings of the universe itself
and in the end we all became happy and glad to each other.
All women left the most wonderful memories
and I remember every moment spent with them,
surrounded by their love and enchanted,
I am floating through a dying universe
on the ship with the marvelous sails
catching wind from stars, dark energy, 
and not a single man in the world
was not betrayed and deceived by me,
didn't call me an unreliable guy
because all these women were mine and nobody else’s
I never encroached on someone else's love and reward,
but took gently and raised only what was rightfully mine
and was created for me initially.
Yes, I spent a wonderful honeymoon
not only with Kok Suluu and Sharon Stone,
when they were a little over 18 years old
but also Cleopatra, queen of ancient Egypt,
and future president of Kyrgyzstan
and the Queen of England in the time of Shakespeare and much later,
and with the winners of a beauty contest in the 25th century,
And even such extraordinary fatal women
like Princess Diana, singer Anna Herman,
Iron Margaret Thatcher, wife of President Reagan
and bitchy wife of Abraham Lincoln
and all 400 thousand women of medieval Europe and Asia
doomed as witches to burning
were unusually happy with me and I with them,
pacifying their obstinate customs and witching charms.
No one was left in oblivion, no one's beauty wilted without a trace,
I found a path to the heart of every woman and girl
I saved their love and made them happy -
myriad aishea, gretchen, margaret, basilis, aisuluu ...
How was this possible, you ask?
My heart was a great mathematician
and created perfect equations and formulas,
allowing me to catch love, find and figure out
heart pulse treasured with high precision.
It seems incredible to you
but this is how the universe works
and my heart was perfected in the art of dance from birth
laws of quantum physics and supersymmetry
in harmony, coherence and tact
with hidden protocol and dark matter matrix,
revealing the world of many realities, phenomena and faces
in a magic kaleidoscope and a casket-continuum of space and time.
I loved so much and was fascinated by the beauty,
that I always found their open and hidden forms,
and my soul constantly improved the formula
search, calibration and implementation of my projection of the universe,
in which every woman who has ever lived on Earth,
was doomed to love me
with the deepest and most devoted love
in reality, where I was never late or came before the deadline.
We live in an infinite number of realities,
but love helped me
allow the greatest of the sacraments
and create the world of my perfect love and universe.
And I fell in love with every woman on this planet
and they loved me - in one of their variations
and spent the best years of my life with me
and no one was dishonored and deceived,
not a single man was in a claim to me,
that I managed to pluck all the stars in the sky
but they learned from my example.
And I will say more, ladies of my heart,
of all ages and times, eras and peoples,
I found a way to queens and princesses
who have never been born, never got that chance
to be reborn from star ashes
but the number of which exceeds the universe
all conceivable and inconceivable numbers and limits

Yes, I found a way to the heart of each of these transience’s,
and I myself was reborn in countless images of my unborn brothers.
I made an arc of love the size of a galaxy
for sleeping beauties of all the Arctic and Antarctic,
so structured and planned,
that no flower is wasted
but became a heavenly gift to someone
to find a place and the most wonderful embodiment
every love in the universe
every potential tendency to feel responsive,
like a real gentleman and gentlewoman
I didn’t offend anyone and did not betray a single heart and soul,
and they were all saved and gained immortality
in the most reliable and secure palaces and arms of my quantum love,
no one became a blind accident or failure victim
and not a single love faded from excessive heat or cold in the heart,
not suffocated amid kitchen utensils or star blizzards.
Oh, I was a virtuoso of playing on a super string komuz,
who helped me find the path to my muses
in all their multiplicity and marvelous dawns.
And now I know how God loves us and how long he waited
our reciprocal love and gratitude,
and I tell you all, be happy all, now and forever,
in all ages, universes and limits,
I know how beautiful you are
and worthy of the highest happiness and immortality
in each kiss and tender reply.
