Стихи на урду. Пер. Асия Маджид Пакистан
In Osh there is old, ancient snow,
As in childhood distant and happy.
Sparkles a gentle white snow light,
On the background of snow - dear faces.
Like a canvas, the screen is all around,
I watch the movie as if in a retro style.
What film memory runs,
Then the frames disappear in a moment without a trace ...
Father and mother .. and first love,
All winter games: hockey and ski ...
Shows snow native threshold,
Close-up life is getting closer and closer to me ...
Cover the snow dark cardboard sheet:
Pages like an old album.
In the cells - a gallery of good faces,
Filled by me at home!
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Poet:Рахим Каримов (Rahim Karim Karimov)
Translater: Aasia Majeed
Not crying heart
Do not cry, oh, heart, because, nothing lasts forever,
Well, stop being a heart organ.
And the pain will pass once for good,
The feelings will be sadly abandoned.
You, after all, is not given to suffer indefinitely,
All this is a matter of time, of course.
All pain will pass away once,
Knocks left forearm knocks.
Do not complain of pain forever
They are given to you in a fleeting debt.
And the pain will pass once for good,
You have to bear a little bit, a little ...
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Poet: Рахим Каримов (Rahim Karim Karimov)
Translater: Aasia Majeed
A wisp of autumn leaves
And a strand of your hair is a fragment of autumn leaves,
Fallen on a pillow as if in September.
Are they painted with ocher with a watercolor brush,
Rustle like a fairy tale in the ear at dawn.
Intoxicates the spicy scent of the golden garden
Head spinning, fog in the eyes.
All this autumn, happiness, joy and delight,
Not on my shoulder, but on the pillow, sorry.
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Poet: Рахим Каримов (Rahim Karim Karimov)
Translater: Aasia Majeed
Свидетельство о публикации №119091202641