The Most Holy Theotokos of John of Kronstadt

It's the God's mother image in the oaks of Hill of the Cranes!
That was given to the righteous John as a holy donation
on the day of his angel: with three golden stars on Her dress,
with a fringe of white threads, and a very long tail without endings.

In Estonia there is Puhtitsa - the "Holy Hill".
Virgin Mary appeared on it at the fount of water.
As she walked towards me through the Palace - she stands there like this:
Just the same view and tail, those three stars and Her Greatest Mercy.

I have found this image when I came to the Estonians.
For the Veil, as I waited, I searched in the Mexican gardens,
And in Lebanon even a similinar statue I found,
But who prayed to her - it is Ivan Sergiev, or Kronstadtsky.

Who advised me to go to Tallin - I'll say many thanks.
There's Assumption Cathedral, today - Afterfeast celebration.
On this holiday she has decided to come to Ioann
in the garments of Heaven, and granting with Her Revelation.
