Through the single sided glass

Автор текста: Полудница
Редактура: Joanna и Eagle2018

You're fun and brilliant, and kind,
And many have your voice on mind.
But you aren't able to see behind
The single sided glass.

I look at you and scream, and cry,
And tell you something, always try,
But any sound can’t reach your high
Behind the mirrored glass.

I know you could unlock the door,
You could admit inside the pore
When happiness you're searching for
Get passed the bloody glass.

But you're just staring at yourself,
You're losing days, you're losing health,
You're losing hope that someone else
Can still be though the glass.

Revert your eyes the mirror off.
The bluest sky there is above,
There's many friends, the sun shines bright.
You need just make one step outside.
So, face your truth, release your core!
You’ll find what you’ve been looking for
Outside the broken glass.


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