When I m sixty one

when I would get older graying my hair
which happened long time ago
you would be still calling me and sending emails
texts and messages and so much more

if I'd been out till quarter to three
why would I need to run
while you still need me, you will still pay me
when I'm sixty-one

you'll be older too
and if you say the word
I could stay with you

I could be handy, mending a fuse
when your lights have gone
no moronic job I can refuse
when I'm sixty-one

everything works, and no problems at all
not even single one
or just  maybe I don't simply quite recall
when I'm sixty-one

send me a message, drop me a line
stating point of view
indicate precisely what you mean to say
yours sincerely, wasting away

do it in summer or do it in spring
when it's all said and done,
i really don't care about those things
when I'm sixty-one

нихрена не понял... но суть явно по мне....

Олег Матвеев   08.05.2020 21:29     Заявить о нарушении
Гугл переводчик!!

Зус Вайман   20.07.2022 17:59   Заявить о нарушении
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