GPS для ДНК, тест HomeDNA, результаты
2018, Great Britain, Nottinghamshire / 2018, Великобритания, Ноттингемшире
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
GPS Origins® Ancestry Test (HomeDNA) results and feedback
GPS Origins® Ancestry Test (HomeDNA) results
Click each to see its unique map
#1 Fennoscandia 18.8%
#2 Southern France 14.8%
#3 Western Siberia 14.7%
(3 points on a map for each route)
GPS для ДНК, генетический тест HomeDNA, результаты
3 points with coordinates on the map as a result
of migration route of my ancestry , route A and route B
(one route for Mother's side and one route for father's side
of theirs and my ancestry)
3 точки-вехи миграционного пути предков
Your ancestor’s DNA originated in this area
Latitude: 56.093
Longitude: 29.422
Radius: 130.3633 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA traveled through this area
Latitude: 61.323
Longitude: 33.257
Radius: 112.7949 miles"
Your DNA journey came here between 364AD - 1270AD
Latitude: 59.992
Longitude: 38.986
Radius: 38.8379 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA originated in this area
Latitude: 59.655
Longitude: 34.516
Radius: 59.8608 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA traveled through this area
Latitude: 61.786
Longitude: 26.488
Radius: 12.9575 miles
Your DNA journey came here between 1195AD - 1453AD
Latitude: 63
Longitude: 32
Radius: 32.0158 miles
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GPS Ancestry genetic test by HomeDNA
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*Сам оригинальный тест с обновления результатов при росте базе данных и улучшений алгоритма:
GPS Origins® Ancestry Test
Pinpoint your ancestry—even to the town or city—with the highest- resolution DNA test available. Read more below...
Результаты / Results
Part I
Click each to see its unique map
#1 Fennoscandia 18.8%
#2 Southern France 14.8%
#3 Western Siberia 14.7%
The area known as Fennoscandia encompasses the countries of
Norway, Sweden, Finland
The area known as Fennoscandia encompasses the countries of
Norway, Sweden, Finland, a part of Russia known as the Kola Peninsula.
It also included Denmark during the Viking Age, which forms part of greater Scandinavia
*see more in Appedix / *больше в Приложение и Примечания ниже
Complete Results
#1 Fennoscandia 18.8%
Origin: Peaks in the Iceland and Norway and declines in Finland, England, and France
#2 Southern France 14.8%
Origin: Peaks in south France and declines in north France, England, Orkney islands, and Scandinavia
#3 Western Siberia 14.7%
Origin: Peaks in Krasnoyarsk Krai and declines towards east Russia
#4 Southeastern India 12.2%
Origin: Endemic to south eastern india with residues in Pakistan
#5 Orkney Islands 12.2%
Origin: Peaks in the Orkney islands and declines in England, France, Germany, Belarus, and Poland
Orkney (Orkney, Orkcas, Orcades, Insi Orc, Ynysoedd Erch, Arcaibh, Orkneyjar)
#6 Basque Country 7.8%
Origin: Peaks in France and Spain Basque regions and declines in Spain, France, and Germany
#7 Tuva 6.9%
Origin: Peaks in south Siberia (Russians: Tuvinian) and declines in North Mongolia
#8 Northern India 4.2%
Origin: Peaks in North India (Dharkars, Kanjars) and declines in Pakistan
#9 Sardinia 3.6%
Origin: Peaks in Sardinia and declines in weaker in Italy, Greece, Albania, and The Balkans
#10 Austronesian Southeast Asia 1.3%
Origin: Peaks in Taiwan and Malay and declines in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and South China
#11 Central America 1.2%
Origin: Peaks in Mexico and Central America with residues in Peru
#12 Western South America 1.2%
Origin: Peaks in Peru, Mexico, and North America and declines in Eastern Russia
#13 Arabia 1.1%
Origin: Peaks in Saudi Arabia and Yemen and declines in Israel, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt
Part II
GPS в HomoDNA указала мне два пути с 3 точками-координатами как вехами пути по каждой из 2х веток по карте.
с совокупности путей всех моих предков,
выбрали для трассирования
2 пути (путь А и путь B (Б)),
где каждая ветвь миграционного (кочевого) пути
3 точками с координатами на карте,
с радиусом разброса,
одна миграционная ветвь выбрана со стороны предков по маминой линии и одна миграционная кочевая ветвь пути с 3 координатами точками на ней относится к предкам по папиной линии.
3 points with coordinates on the map as a result
of migration route of my ancestry , route A and route B
(one route for Mother's side and one route for father's side
of theirs and my ancestry)
3 точки-вехи миграционного пути предков
Your ancestor’s DNA originated in this area
Latitude: 56.093
Longitude: 29.422
Radius: 130.3633 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA traveled through this area
Latitude: 61.323
Longitude: 33.257
Radius: 112.7949 miles"
Your DNA journey came here between 364AD - 1270AD
Latitude: 59.992
Longitude: 38.986
Radius: 38.8379 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA originated in this area
Latitude: 59.655
Longitude: 34.516
Radius: 59.8608 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA traveled through this area
Latitude: 61.786
Longitude: 26.488
Radius: 12.9575 miles
Your DNA journey came here between 1195AD - 1453AD
Latitude: 63
Longitude: 32
Radius: 32.0158 miles
3 вехи и точки в пути миграции моих предков (папы и мамы, как путь А и путь Б)
3 points of migration route A of my DNA
Your ancestor’s DNA originated in this area
Latitude: 56.093
Longitude: 29.422
Radius: 130.3633 miles
- Это латышские древние племена, балтийские
Ancient ancestry in around Latvia
Your ancestors came
from around Latvia
prior to 364 AD,
so let's take a look at what was going on in Latvia up to this point:
Early Latvian Tribes
Between 0 BC and 900 AD,
was ruled by local leaders in a period known as
Iron Age Latvia.
Baltic and Finno-Urgic tribes,
who had migrated to the area
since 2000 BC,
inhabited Latvia.
Organized into chiefdoms these tribes, although predominantly agricultural, participated in trade across Europe.
Latvia's location made it a trading crossroad, connecting Scandinavia to the Kievan Rus' and Byzantine Empire.
Around the 7th century a Scandinavian settlement was founded in Latvia which demanded tribute from the Baltic tribes of the region.
People migrated from Sweden and Finland and Estonia to Latvia during the settlement of tribal colonies in Latvia.
* I lived in Latvia from 12 y.o. age from June 1974
* Latvian Officials had took my old Soviet Union passport from me in 1992 and
* Latvian Officials had gave me their Latvian Alien passport
* Latvian Officials hated me for my Russian Ethnic Group
* Latvian Officials as Latvian Lettish women were really rude, shouting on me in my face^
- You are a daugther of enemies of our state Latvia! You must been deported from Latvia back to your country Russia!
* as a fact, I never had a Russian Citizenship or Russian passport, as their Russian Laws did not and do not permit to do this for children till they grew up till 16 y.o. age to go to vote.
* as a fact, i had 7 refuses from Russian Ministry of Affairs (including two from V.V.Putin here) with their words "You are not ours by our Russian Laws and no chances to have Russian Citizens too as you have already British Citizenship".
* Russian Officials adviced me just one way to start their Russian Citizen for me as to donate a huge amount of money to Russian state and to buy a good valueble properties in Russia for a Russian visa as a permit to stay and a work.
* Another way for me was to ask someone from my rich Russian relatives to provide for me their hull welcome hospitality to stay on their property and on their financial support.
* So, this was just a sort of a money and a social range as the ability to have a permit.
* My ancestors lived in Russia and in Russian Impair and in Siberia.
* My native language was Russian
* But my Russian Ethnic was not a point for Russian Officials to open the door of Russia for me to go to live to settle down here, - i was not a rich and a rich enough for their expectation.
* Be honest, there are not a big diffrence between Great Britian social range system and Russian social range system, all the some, just languages are different.
* In 1992, Latvian Officials took Latvian passports on Latvian Lettish language from my big family members (my mother, my Dad, my brother's family, my nephews, including a new born child).
* Latvian Officials, Latvian Lettish women, adults, blamed me in my face that my father Balzin (birth 1937, December, in Siberia) and my mother Balzina (birth 1938, January, in Tadzhikistan) were these two people, as enemy of Latvia state and Latvian Letts of Latvia, whom had their personnal responsibility (and me, birth in 1961 in Khabarovsk in Russia) for the deportation of Latvian Letts and Jews from Latvia to Russia to Siveria on in 1939-1942.
*** Latvian Red Letts were the Internation Tropps supporting Lenin, they killed plenty Russian people in Russia from 1917 + and worked in VChK (the old name for a blood red terror KGB in Russia in 1917+)
*** Plenty Russian Citizens had been killed, their properties had been extracted.
*** Latvia had a Holocaust years in Latvia, which had not leaved Latvian Jews.
*** Genebase collected DNA samples to compare to Jewish Habreys Ashkenazi DNA from each European country, just not from Latvia as nobody was left alive as WWII time, Holocaust
* I founded Balzin surname in old Latvian archive papers. It was a rich Jew Balzin in Latvia whom donated a lot as his present on Jewich weddings as their quest on a wedding. This was Latvian Jew Balzin, living in Latvia till WWII time.
* Money and properties and all personal belongs of Latvian Jews had been taked by a force of Latvian Laws of Latvian state - properties, money in bank accounts, savings, all
* Latvian Jews had been forced to wear a special STAR mark on their clothes/
* Later Latvian Officials by Latvian Laws took all Latvian jews to Latvian ghetto
* And all Latvian Jews had been killed in Latvian Rumbala forest after this by Latvian Lettish men, - there were not jet any German soldier.
* When German Army as German Faschists Army of Hitler stepped to Latvian land, plenty happy smiled Latvian Letts, women and men, and Latvian Officials, met them with their posters:
Why not!?
Because Latvian Lets and Latvian Officials making their Latvian Laws to kell own inhabitans of Latvia, if they were being Latvian Jews.
* Some saved their lives if they were abroud, - in USA or in Russia or if they had been deported from Latvia to Siberia.
* The deportation of Jews saved their lives if someone was deported from Latvia to Siberia to Russia.
* Since 1992, Latvia as a state returned back to their old Latvian Laws which permitted to kill people, blaming their Ethnic Group as a wrong and unwanted and hated.
* Just it was a small change from Latvian Jews to blame them to Latvian Russians to blame them.
* I lived in Latvia and Latvian Let, a man, said me in my face as they will cut a throughts to kill all Russians living in Latvia.
* Russia is not as Israel to welcome each Russian to return back.
* Latvian Official pushed people to live by changing the juridical rights till "Alien of Latvia" (a person without any citizenship) status.
* British PM Teresa May as some as British PM David Cameroon created a stupid hysteria to push British people to hate Russia and Russians to be prepare with the WWIII with Russia.
* Russia was the allies of Great Britian during WWII, 1941-1945.
* Russia stopped WWII, coming to Berlin, - this saved lives of British and Germans too, as no war = all alibe = no bombs
* Russia had a huge loss of 50 billions of own inhabitants of all age group and a sex group, - children, women, men.
* a loss of 50 billions lives which ex-alies in WWII as UK and USA never named a crime against the humanity.
* Jewish lives had been saved as the end of WWII was too. Jews had ahuge loss of lives, this loss of European Jewish lives had been named as a crime against humanity and a Holocaust (a loss of 50 billions of lives of Soviet and Russian people as children, women, men had not been named as a crime as so seriois as a loss of Jews as Holocaust)
* So, English-speaking and German-speaking and French-speaking Top Politicians ahd not any valies of human lives of children and women and men as their values: a loss of 50 billions lives was a nothing serious for Western countries'es Leaders!
"Look! They all are pro-Soviet! pro-Russians! These newborn babies and pergnant women and pensioners! Some as their pro-Russian cats, pro-Russian cows, pro-Russian horses, pro-Russian dogs, pro-Russian chickens, pro-Russian pigs, pro-Russian dugs, pro-Russian turkeys!"
This seem as Faschism came to each country again and again men and women in power ready to organize the mass bloody mess with a huge amount of dead locals in their own country and in other countries.
The loss of a a value of lives, human rights, in each county now as a work of Top range Politicians.
USSR was as a brake on the greedines of richest social groups, pushing to think about all each in your country.
USSR collapsed. British NHS ... probably, had a loss of their chances on a good financial state support for British pacients.
British Politicians took money of British budget to start wars abroad while it would be so better to spend the some all money here inside UK land for social programms, on NHS, on police, on benefits, on roads, to support British communities.
They do this as richest greedy to make people happy in their own country.
The Cold War was a huge mistake, this had ruined USSR economy and created a criminal politician power as instable inpredictible and a rude agrressive, educated people to live in a criminal aggressive state to loss values of lives.
British PM Tony Blair prior to start a war with Iraq, - he provided a time for open political discussion on British TV, for Politicians and in UN.
2018. British PM Teresa May shouted loudly:
- This is MY COUNTRY!
and she ordered to go to bomb Syria without any open public consultation on British TV, with British Politicians, in UK to make a legitive way of laws.
Tony Blair tried to talk to argue with Brits as this is juridical right thing to do for British Monarchy with British Parlament.
Teresa May had a political change of a power and British Laws to Absolute Monarchy, naming herself as The Absolute Monarch of England, as The Queen of England!
"I am a king! (a queen) This is MY COUNTRY!"
Pardon? So, not Her Majesty The Queen of England as Elizabeth II any more????
This is a political Revolution when a Top British Politic Teresa May had declated herself as The Queen of England!
So, no The Queen Elizabeth II is alive already?
and what about Prince Charles? Prince William? Prince Harry? Princess Charlotta? Prince George? Prince Arthur? Princess Beatrice?
Or British PM Teresa May is thinking this country if not theirs already? as HERS?
Can you imagine if you a military Officer on Command to start to bomb as the new coming order from British PM, British Lady in age with some hysteria as a normal way for plenty Ladies in her age group?
You will open a letter to see the order to start WWII, knowing better how this bloody terrible for all?
British military officers on British submarine avoided to do orders coming from British PM Teresa May, -they had not trusted her, so, as a competent and a mental normal woman in age too.
British submarine did a right way, avoided to bomb Syria, but explaing this poletly as inability to do, as plenty plenty Russian submarines rounded them in a deep sea small place, making the urgent needs to leave this areay to stay safe to save the submarine the the staff.
British pilots just were people whom did all as was ordered, not worring this was illegal by British Laws as there was not any public constultation and UN permit to do this. British pilots delaed as robots and biorbots to attack another country Syria far far away from all British borders and no in a way with UK or EU or USA.
British sabotages or similar to this had been cached or killed in the East Guta in Syria in a country whom never asked them to come.
They did all as British PM Teresa May instructed said them to do.
They had been chached, some killed.
Great Britian and British families had a loss of lives following orders of British PM Teresa May.
Here some small interesting point as British PM Tony Blair run from UK land to stay to live in USA, taking all his family and kids to here.
He had created a huge bloody mess for UK, a loss of safety, plenty crimes and refugees, a loss of money from British budgets and Tony Blair run as a chichen would run away, leaving all mess of problems he created for Great Britian as British Top Politician.
British people discussed a political issies and the point of a war with Iraq too.
2018 = no discussions in British sociaty and news.
British BBC aborted the news translation as their British Consultant Jurnalist had said his opinion which is not permitted to say publicly on British TV, as a fears, fear, a censure, a brain washed lie.
I sure, British PM Teresa May tried to do all her the best.... but we see as the British "the best" always as "usual" "the some" or "worse" or "much worse".
People voted for Labours - started worse
People voted for Conservative-started worse
People voted for Labors - started worse.
People voted for Conservatives - started worse.
Look, they all want just a political power and a huge money in their pokets.
"Migrants! Just these migrants'es fault we live so badly, cutting money from our British budget to NHS, to a police, to fire brigades, to social care, to roads, to schools!"
"Migrants'es fault we did not installed CCTV in undergroud channels to France!"
Pardon? Migrants had not any access to spend money from British budget?
Great Britian started a war with Iraq in 2001, this war started to be a permannet loss of money from a budget.
2018 - 2001 = 17 years as British PM and Parlament used to take money of budget on their military ambitions for wars.
Look! gave this money to locals to spend in UK land, - you will recieve taxes back in a budget!
People in Germany had been forced to accept occupants from other countries in their properties as when UK + USA + EU pilots bombed other countries and ruined other people properties, - they run away with their kids and wives from tis mess to EU, UK, USA.
So, all goals of wars are to push families to move to UK and EU.
This mean a medical opinion as modern population of UK and EU are so unhealthy to produce healthy generations to work to serve in British Army.
So, UK state must to up child benefits to provide British childre by more better quality of a food, with plenty fruits.
But British riches dislike such ideas. (They do their moneys on wars? saling their goods? to they like wars to making their money??)
I am sorry for mooning, I am so tired, I need the pension rest. But the changes of Laws and all put me to have a financial loss of my pension.
By old Laws, a pensions age for women in Russia was 55 yo as right by medical statistic of a living on a cold climat with no enough good quality food, plenty cold illnesses.
By new laws, they ordered you to work till 66 years, planning to order to work till 86 yo age, as some pension age for men and women.
But to work for so longer, a woman must not give birthes of her kids, as this uined her health.
So, they will force to make babies just in lab medicakky and to grow medically in a special cubes life support machines too.
But waht a reason to make babies to work as robots works?
12 hours night shifts, 3-4-5-6 shifts on your own, (not enough! let's come on daily trainings!Not enough! Lets come on daily voluntary activities! Not enought time for a sleeping!"
Do you wish to produce babies to grow to be their robots and biorobots?
Wake up! go to a work! work fast! fast! faster! 15 minutes a break time! run! run! run! a tualet and a drink and a food=15 minutes to charge yourself! 12 hours night shift of a fast work. 12 hours 15 minutes nights shift. 3-4-5-6 night shifts on own! May you stay more? May you stay for a longer? May you short your break time for me, we need to do a lot today?
Crack! and you are not able to work any more at all.
And your back is sore. and your wrists in a huge RSI pain.
And they said to yur this^
- This is yours fault! You are a weakest link! Good buy!
- You are not young enough to work with our young team! Good bye!
- We pay a fil note just from 4th day, never for first 3 days if you ill!
- May you come to work to cover absense additionally for me? as 8 night shifts per 12 hours 15 minutes on own, please, for me?
- Look! here are your break time 15 minutes on a route time! Let's go to work!
You are walking and you collapse on a street, all in blood and a shock.
- Oh, this is all right! you are so young! this is nothing serious to worry about!
Anemia and a high blood pressure.
- You are fitted to work hard!
You had a loss of visions, collapsed.
- You need to drink iron tablets as you have anemia and tablets from a high blood pressure.
May be I need just to have more time for a sleep and a rest? as I am a tired to work so fast always and I am not a robot or a biorobot?
People work fast.
Unsold goods are to duspin bins for rats to stay happy.
The Pollution! The Global Warming! as so plenty in duspin bins!
So, this system of fast working had damaged a climate of our planet? and us too?
and was needed just for rats to stay happy rats?
But to produve less = to plan the needs for production?
But to plan the production needs was what Soviet Union did having the economics on plans of calculation of needs of all Citizens.
So, USA, UK, EU with move to idea to recreate USSR and USSR state planning econimics as their future economical models now? to reduce pollutions to save climate on a planet?
But this means English-speaking Politicts were wrong to collapse USSR economics? on plans to produce just needed number of goods?
If so, they all look like so stupid ideas never knowing any right things to choose to doo, really.
2) отсюда потом тут:
Your ancestor’s DNA traveled through this area
Latitude: 61.323
Longitude: 33.257
Radius: 112.7949 miles"
"Migration Story A
Movement from around Latvia to Russia
At some point
before 364 AD
your ancestors moved to Russia.
These are the events your ancestors would have lived through in Russia.
The Gothic Kingdom of Oium
Between 100 AD and 300 AD,
Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as
the Gothic Age.
In 100 AD
Gothic tribes migrated
from Scandinavia and allegedly established
the Gothic Kingdom Oium
in southern Russia.
The area was likely also home to
and other groups, such as the
Turkic Khazars,
who had gradually arrived in the country
since the end of the Ice Age.
collapsed when it was overrun by
People migrated
from Belarus,
Ukraine, Moldova,
and Eastern Europe
and Central Asia
to Russia
as part of the migration of different tribal groups around Europe searching for new land and opportunities.
At the same time,
populations moved
from Russia
to places like
Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and
Ukraine and
the Baltic states
during the movement of
early tribes from Russia
through to
the Baltic region and Scandinavia.
The Bulgarians from Siberia
moved down into the Eurasian Steppe
and the plains
between the Caspian and Black Seas.
The Khazar Kingdoms
Between 301 AD and 881 AD,
Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as
the Middle Ages.
At this time Russia was home to many
nomadic warrior Turkic tribes
and local Finno-Ugric tribes.
In the south was
the Bosporan Kingdom,
a Roman client state that was subsequently
replaced by the kingdom of Khazaria.
The Khazars
were a Turkic people who dominated the Crimea and Caucasus having a highly profitable control over trade to the east.
Eastern Slavs
were beginning to migrate to and settle in Russia, and
by the 7th century constituted a majority of the population.
People migrated
Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and
Eastern Europe and
Central Asia
to Russia as a consequence of the constant westward migration of nomadic tribes across Eastern Europe, such as
the Slavs, Khazars and Avars,
many of whom settled in Russia."
Котоозеро = Cats'es Lake = Kotoozero = The Lake of Cat /Kot
чуток восточнее
Интерпосёлок (т.е. иностранцы жили) в Петербурской области.
"Интердевочка" вспоминается В.В.Высоцкого сразу рассказ.
3) Отсюда потом тут:
Your DNA journey came here between 364AD - 1270AD
Latitude: 59.992
Longitude: 38.986
Radius: 38.8379 miles
Migration Story A
Movement from around Latvia to Russia
At some point before 364 AD your ancestors moved to Russia.
These are the events your ancestors would have lived through in Russia.
The Gothic Kingdom of Oium
Between 100 AD and 300 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Gothic Age.
In 100 AD Gothic tribes migrated from Scandinavia and allegedly established the Gothic Kingdom Oium in southern Russia.
The area was likely also home to Slavs and other groups, such as the Turkic Khazars, who had gradually arrived in the country since the end of the Ice Age.
Oium collapsed when it was overrun by Huns.
People migrated from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia to Russia as part of the migration of different tribal groups around Europe searching for new land and opportunities.
At the same time, populations moved from Russia to places like Scandinavia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine and the Baltic states during the movement of early tribes from Russia through to the Baltic region and Scandinavia.
The Bulgarians from Siberia moved down into the Eurasian Steppe and the plains between the Caspian and Black Seas.
The Khazar Kingdoms
Between 301 AD and 881 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Middle Ages. At this time Russia was home to many nomadic warrior Turkic tribes and local Finno-Ugric tribes. In the south was the Bosporan Kingdom, a Roman client state that was subsequently replaced by the kingdom of Khazaria. The Khazars were a Turkic people who dominated the Crimea and Caucasus having a highly profitable control over trade to the east. Eastern Slavs were beginning to migrate to and settle in Russia, and by the 7th century constituted a majority of the population. People migrated from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia to Russia as a consequence of the constant westward migration of nomadic tribes across Eastern Europe, such as the Slavs, Khazars and Avars, many of whom settled in Russia.
Это линия А.
Линяя Б - B - там чуток иначе, Финляндия есть
Линия В
Migration Story B
Movement from Finland to Russia
At some point after 1195 AD your ancestors moved to Russia and once they reached there this is what they would have experienced:
The Gothic Kingdom of Oium
Between 100 AD and 300 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Gothic Age. In 100 AD Gothic tribes migrated from Scandinavia and allegedly established the Gothic Kingdom Oium in southern Russia. The area was likely also home to Slavs and other groups, such as the Turkic Khazars, who had gradually arrived in the country since the end of the Ice Age. Oium collapsed when it was overrun by Huns. People migrated from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia to Russia as part of the migration of different tribal groups around Europe searching for new land and opportunities. At the same time, populations moved from Russia to places like Scandinavia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine and the Baltic states during the movement of early tribes from Russia through to the Baltic region and Scandinavia. The Bulgarians from Siberia moved down into the Eurasian Steppe and the plains between the Caspian and Black Seas.
The Khazar Kingdoms
Between 301 AD and 881 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Middle Ages. At this time Russia was home to many nomadic warrior Turkic tribes and local Finno-Ugric tribes. In the south was the Bosporan Kingdom, a Roman client state that was subsequently replaced by the kingdom of Khazaria. The Khazars were a Turkic people who dominated the Crimea and Caucasus having a highly profitable control over trade to the east. Eastern Slavs were beginning to migrate to and settle in Russia, and by the 7th century constituted a majority of the population. People migrated from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia to Russia as a consequence of the constant westward migration of nomadic tribes across Eastern Europe, such as the Slavs, Khazars and Avars, many of whom settled in Russia.
The East Slavic State: Kievan Rus'
Between 882 AD and 1222 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the High Middle Ages. Scandinavian Vikings, the Varangians, frequently invaded Russia. One Varangian ruler, Rurik, united parts of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine into the first east Slavic state: Kievan Rus'. Kievan Rus' controlled trade between Scandinavia and the Byzantine Empire and adopted a Slavic variant of the Byzantine Empire's Christianity; Eastern Orthodoxy. It was a prosperous and economically advanced relative to much of Western Europe, but in the 13th century, the Rus' began to suffer from internal conflict between the Kievan princes and was destroyed by the Mongol Golden Horde. People migrated from Scandinavia and Ukraine and Belarus to Russia due to early Viking raids and the formation of Kievan Rus' which saw Varangians from Scandinavia settle among and assimilate eastern Slavs of the region. At the same time, populations moved from Russia to places like Georgia in response to the Georgian King David inviting 40,000 warriors from the Northern Caucasus to settle uninhabited land in Georgia.
Подробнее по карте: с координатами:
Your ancestor’s DNA originated in this area
Latitude: 59.655
Longitude: 34.516
Radius: 59.8608 miles
More about this ancestral point:
Migration Story B
Ancient ancestry in Russia
Your ancestors came from Russia prior to 1195 AD,
so let's take a look at what was going on in Russia up to this point:
The Gothic Kingdom of Oium
Between 100 AD and 300 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Gothic Age.
In 100 AD Gothic tribes migrated from Scandinavia and allegedly established the Gothic Kingdom Oium in southern Russia.
The area was likely also home to Slavs and other groups, such as the Turkic Khazars, who had gradually arrived in the country since the end of the Ice Age.
Oium collapsed when it was overrun by Huns.
People migrated from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia to Russia as part of the migration of different tribal groups around Europe searching for new land and opportunities.
At the same time, populations moved from Russia to places like Scandinavia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine and the Baltic states during the movement of early tribes from Russia through to the Baltic region and Scandinavia.
The Bulgarians from Siberia moved down into the Eurasian Steppe and the plains between the Caspian and Black Seas.
The Khazar Kingdoms
Between 301 AD and 881 AD,
Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Middle Ages.
At this time Russia was home to many nomadic warrior Turkic tribes and local Finno-Ugric tribes.
In the south was the Bosporan Kingdom, a Roman client state that was subsequently replaced by the kingdom of Khazaria. The Khazars were a Turkic people who dominated the Crimea and Caucasus having a highly profitable control over trade to the east.
Eastern Slavs were beginning to migrate to and settle in Russia, and by the 7th century constituted a majority of the population. People migrated
Your ancestor’s DNA traveled through this area
Latitude: 61.786
Longitude: 26.488
Radius: 12.9575 miles
More about this ancestral point:
Migration Story B
Movement from Russia to Finland
At some point before 1195 AD your ancestors moved to Finland. These are the events your ancestors would have lived through in Finland.
The Finno-Urgic Tribes Arrive
Between 100 AD and 400 AD, Finland was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Roman period. Up to the 2nd century AD the hunter-gatherer societies of the Lapps lived in Finland and hunted reindeer. In 100 AD, Finno-Ugric tribes including the Finns, Tavastians and Karelians crossed the Baltic Sea and forced the Lapps to move northwards. The Finns established farming communities on the coast, traded with Romans and became very prosperous. People migrated from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia and Germany to Finland due to the settling of Finno-Urgic tribes from the Baltic regions along the Finnish coast. At the same time, populations moved from Finland to places like Russia as part of a wave of Gothic Tribes, Lombards, Heruli and Varangians moving through Russia and the rest of Europe, which intensified during the Migration period.
The Rise of Finnish Culture
Between 401 AD and 800 AD, Finland was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Migration period. During this period the small pagan farming settlements began cultivating land away from the coast. Trade and communication between Scandinavians, Balts and Germans would have been common and, while a Finnish culture was beginning to appear, most weaponry was likely to have been imported. People migrated from Sweden to Finland when the first Swedish Vikings began to settle on the Finnish coast.
The Early Finnish Wars
Between 801 AD and 1323 AD, Finland was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Early Middle Ages. From the 9th century, the Finns had to stave off invasions, missionaries and crusaders from Sweden, Denmark and the Novgorod in Russia who sought to control the country and spread Christianity. One English bishop, who was martyred in Finland, became the Finnish patron saint, Henry. In 1323, after a series of crusades, Finland came under Swedish rule. People migrated from Sweden to Finland as vast numbers of Swedish colonists sought new land. At the same time, populations moved from Finland to places like Russia as Viking tribes passed through Finland on their way to Russia.
Your DNA journey came here between 1195AD - 1453AD
Latitude: 63
Longitude: 32
Radius: 32.0158 miles
More about this ancestral point:
Migration Story B
Movement from Finland to Russia
At some point after 1195 AD your ancestors moved to Russia and once they reached there this is what they would have experienced:
The Gothic Kingdom of Oium
Between 100 AD and 300 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Gothic Age. In 100 AD Gothic tribes migrated from Scandinavia and allegedly established the Gothic Kingdom Oium in southern Russia. The area was likely also home to Slavs and other groups, such as the Turkic Khazars, who had gradually arrived in the country since the end of the Ice Age. Oium collapsed when it was overrun by Huns. People migrated from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia to Russia as part of the migration of different tribal groups around Europe searching for new land and opportunities. At the same time, populations moved from Russia to places like Scandinavia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine and the Baltic states during the movement of early tribes from Russia through to the Baltic region and Scandinavia. The Bulgarians from Siberia moved down into the Eurasian Steppe and the plains between the Caspian and Black Seas.
The Khazar Kingdoms
Between 301 AD and 881 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the Middle Ages. At this time Russia was home to many nomadic warrior Turkic tribes and local Finno-Ugric tribes. In the south was the Bosporan Kingdom, a Roman client state that was subsequently replaced by the kingdom of Khazaria. The Khazars were a Turkic people who dominated the Crimea and Caucasus having a highly profitable control over trade to the east. Eastern Slavs were beginning to migrate to and settle in Russia, and by the 7th century constituted a majority of the population. People migrated from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia to Russia as a consequence of the constant westward migration of nomadic tribes across Eastern Europe, such as the Slavs, Khazars and Avars, many of whom settled in Russia.
The East Slavic State: Kievan Rus'
Between 882 AD and 1222 AD, Russia was ruled by local leaders in a period known as the High Middle Ages. Scandinavian Vikings, the Varangians, frequently invaded Russia. One Varangian ruler, Rurik, united parts of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine into the first east Slavic state: Kievan Rus'. Kievan Rus' controlled trade between Scandinavia and the Byzantine Empire and adopted a Slavic variant of the Byzantine Empire's Christianity; Eastern Orthodoxy. It was a prosperous and economically advanced relative to much of Western Europe, but in the 13th century, the Rus' began to suffer from internal conflict between the Kievan princes and was destroyed by the Mongol Golden Horde. People migrated from Scandinavia and Ukraine and Belarus to Russia due to early Viking raids and the formation of Kievan Rus' which saw Varangians from Scandinavia settle among and assimilate eastern Slavs of the region. At the same time, populations moved from Russia to places like Georgia in response to the Georgian King David inviting 40,000 warriors from the Northern Caucasus to settle uninhabited land in Georgia.
И там рядом Котоозеро есть и чуть далее Интерпосёлок в Петербурской области у Питера.
Т.е. чисто генетическими тестами я нашла пересечения.
Место где жили предки. у Котоозера. Улыбнуло. Папа много раз говорил мне про знаменитого Кота и как он ходил на Озеро.
Так что похоже, британские генетики нашли правильно всё. :) и точно :)
*См внизу ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ, как пояснения к теме
Примечание 1
Человек = 23 пар хромосом, где в паре хромосом набор 1 от папы и 1 от мамы.
Папа = 23 пары хромосом. Мама = 23 пары хромосом
Ребёнок = 23 пары хромосом, где пара комбинируется сложением хромосом родителей.
Из пары хромосом одно значение передаётся ребёнку. (от папы или от мамы)
1 человек =
2 родителя, предки, и у каждого их родители, потому далее
4 пра-предков (дедушки-бабушки, 2 бабушки и 2 дедушки)
8 пра-пра-предков (4 пра-бабушки и 4 пра-дедушки)
16 пра-пра-пра-предка (8 пра-пра-бабушек и 8 пра-пра-дедушек)
32 пра-пра-пра-пра-предка (16 пра-пра-пра-бабушек и 16 пра-пра-пра-дедушек)
64 (пра) х 5 - предка (32 пра-пра-пра-пра-бабушки и 32 пра-пра-пра-пра-дедушки)
128 (пра) х 6 - предка (64 (пра)х5 - бабушки и 64 (пра)х5 - дедушки)
256 (пра) х 7 - предка (128 (пра)х6 - бабушки и 128 (пра) х6 - дедушки)
512 (пра) х 8 - предка (256 (пра)х7 - бабушки и 256 (пра) х 7 - дедушки)
1024 (пра) х 9 - предка (512 (пра)х8 - бабушки и 512 (пра) х 8 - дедушки)
2048 (пра) х 10 - предка (1024 (пра) х 9 - бабушки и 1024 (пра) х 9 - дедушки)
4096 (пра) х 11 - предка (2048 (пра) х 10 -бабушки и 2048 (пра) х 10 -дедушки)
8192 (пра) х 12 - предка (4096 (пра) х 11 - бабушки и 4096 (пра) х 11 - дедушки)
16384 (пра) х 13 - предка (8192 (пра) х 12 - бабушки и 8192 (пра) х 12 - дедушки)
32768 (пра) х 14 - предка (16384 (пра) х 13 - бабушки и 16384 (пра) х 13 - дедушки)
65536 (пра) х 15 - предка (32768 (пра) х 14 - бабушки и 32768 (пра) х 14 - дедушки)
131072 (пра) х 16 - предка (65536 (пра)х15-бабушки и 65536 пра)х15-дедушки),
262144 (пра)х17-предка (131072 (пра)х16-бабушки и 131072 (пра)х16-дедушки),
524288 (пра)х18-предка (262144 (пра)х17-бабушки и 262144 (пра)х17-дедушки),
1048576 (пра)х19-предка (524288 (пра)х18-бабушек и 524288 (пра)х18-дедушек),
2097152 (пра)х20-предка (1048576 (пра)х19-бабушек и 1048576 (пра)х19-дедушек),
4204304 (пра)х21-предка (2097152 (пра)х20-бабушек и 2097152 (пра)х20-дедушек),
8408608 (пра)х22-предка (4204304 (пра)х21-бабушек и 4204304 (пра)х21-дедушек),
16817216 (пра)х23-предка (8408608 (пра)х22-бабушек+8408608 (пра)х22-дедушек),
.... и далее по такой схеме, удояясь (могли и могут быть ошибки в цифрах, потому они даны для примера как приблизительные увидеть рост арифетической прогрессии предков если считать по такой свехе по поколениям, назад и опять назад в прошлое).
Выделю, где миллионы пошли:
1 человек =
2 родителя, предки, и у каждого их родители, потому далее
4 пра-предков (дедушки-бабушки, 2 бабушки и 2 дедушки)
8 пра-пра-предков (4 пра-бабушки и 4 пра-дедушки)
16 пра-пра-пра-предка (8 пра-пра-бабушек и 8 пра-пра-дедушек)
32 пра-пра-пра-пра-предка (16 пра-пра-пра-бабушек и 16 пра-пра-пра-дедушек)
64 (пра)х5-предка (32 пра-пра-пра-пра-бабушки и 32 пра-пра-пра-пра-дедушки)
1048576 (пра)х19-предка (524288 (пра)х18-бабушек и 524288 (пра)х18-дедушек),
2097152 (пра)х20-предка (1048576 (пра)х19-бабушек и 1048576 (пра)х19-дедушек),
4204304 (пра)х21-предка (2097152 (пра)х20-бабушек и 2097152 (пра)х20-дедушек),
8408608 (пра)х22-предка (4204304 (пра)х21-бабушек и 4204304 (пра)х21-дедушек),
16817216 (пра)х23-предка (8408608 (пра)х22-бабушек+8408608 (пра)х22-дедушек),
.... и далее по такой схеме, удояясь (могли и могут быть ошибки в цифрах, потому они даны для примера как приблизительные увидеть рост арифетической прогрессии предков если считать по такой схеме по поколениям, назад и опять назад в прошлое).
Причём, люди имели 6-12-15-16-17 детей в семьях в прошлом, массу сестёр и братьев, родных и сводных, тётек и дядек, племянников и племяниц, кузенов и кузин.
Примечание 2
Девочки выходили замуж и начинали рожать с 13-14-15-16 лет, "открывая новое поколение". Рожали до 40-56 -57 лет.
Принято считать, для удобства счёта, что 25 лет это время смены 1 поколения и появления следуюшего как новое "пра" для предыдущих.
4 поколения = 100 лет назад по времени +/-
8 поколений = 200 лет назад по времени +/-
16 поколения = 300 лет назад по времени +/-
20 поколения = 400 лет назад по времени +/-
24 поколения = 500 лет назад по времени +/-
28 поколений = 600 лет назад по времени +/-
32 поколения = 700 лет назад по времени +/-
36 поколений = 800 лет назад по времени +/-
40 поколений = 900 лет назад по времени +/-
44 поколения = 1000 лет назад по времени +/-
48 поколений = 1100 лет назад по времени +/-
52 поколения = 1200 лет назад по времени +/-
56 поколений = 1300 лет назад по времени +/-
60 поколений = 1400 лет назад по времени +/-
64 поколений = 1500 лет назад по времени +/-
68 поколений = 1600 лет назад по времени +/-
72 поколения = 1700 лет назад по времени +/-
76 поколений = 1800 лет назад по времени +/-
80 поколений = 1900 лет назад по времени +/-
84 поколения = 2000 лет назад по времени +/-
88 поколений = 2100 лет назад по времени +/-
92 поколения = 2200 лет назад по времени +/-
96 поколений = 2300 лет назад по времени +/-
100 поколений = 2400 лет назад по времени +/-
104 поколения = 2500 лет назад по времени +/-
108 поколений = 2600 лет назад по времени +/-
112 поколений = 2700 лет назад по времени +/-
116 поколений = 2800 лет назад по времени +/-
220 поколений = 2900 лет назад по времени +/-
224 поколений = 3000 лет назад по времени +/-
Примечание 3
Стоят тесты дорого. Но я взяла вариант загрузки результатов моего теста с FTDNA ( за плату для обработки программой GPS для ДНК-трассирования.
(*Если платить, человек получает автоматически обновление результатов при загрузки в базы данных новой информации, мой вариант загрузки результата генетического теста другой компании в базу данных для обработки дешевле, но минус, что этот вариант не даёт обновления при увеличении базы данных,
зато намного дешевле, и мне пока подошёл, первоначально, присмотреться, что получается по новым разработкам генетикам.)
1. FTDNA (FamilyTreeDNA) американская компания
Наборы генетических тестов компании FTDNA для покупки:
3. HomeDNA компания
3. GPS Ancestry genetic test by HomeDNA
- генетические тесты GPS карты пути предков,
выбирается 1 линия отца и 1 линия матери,
раскладывается по карте как 3 точки трассирования
для каждой из линий
Я использовала загрузку данных другой (FTDNA) компании
для обработки в алгоритме базе данных:
GPS Origins® Algorithm - Upload Your Raw Data
Pinpoint your ancestry, going back 1,000 years or more!
*Сам оригинальный тест с обновления результатов при росте базе данных и улучшений алгоритма: он дороже:
GPS Origins® Ancestry Test
Pinpoint your ancestry—even to the town or city—with the highest- resolution DNA test available. Read more below...
This advanced autosomal test is so targeted, it may even indicate the town or village where groups of your ancestors from different cultures met—building a vibrant picture of the migration journeys that formed your deep genealogical heritage.
New ancestral tracking technique pinpoints your genetic genealogy
80,000 autosomal genetic markers tested, 1,000+ reference populations and 41 gene pools analyzed
Results Back:
Within 6 weeks
4. Коротко о тесте:
GPS Ancestry genetic test by HomeDNA
- генетические тесты GPS карты пути предков,
выбирается 1 линия отца и 1 линия матери,
раскладывается по карте как 3 точки трассирования
для каждой из линий
Плюс. Информация автоматически обнавляется при увеличении базы данных.
Минус, нет генетических кузенов.
Минус, канадская компания Genebase даёт трассирование по митоДНК и по УДНК намного сильнее полнее дальше , полнее остальных.
Плюс, что да, трассирует точно мало, но точно, как путь предков по карте пересекался с названием деревушек, совпадающий с фамилиями моих генетических кузенов-кузин (видимо, часть носили фамилии по названиям деревушек).
Программа GPS (HomeDNA) нашла и Котоозеро в Петербурской области, что совпало с тем, что я слышала от отца о наших предках, озере и знаменитом коте, кто ходил ловить рыбу и уток, принося их в дом, ему пожарить сготовить, и кормил его семью. Так что я обрадовалась, найдя потверждение этой семейной легенде и истории.
Неподалёку от Котоозера есть Интерпосёлок.
Мне вначале вспомнилась "Интердевочка" В.В.Высоцкого, рассказ и фильм.
Но название Интерпосёлок, это могли быть и иностранцы-поселенцы. Любопыно было найти карту и отметки по карте на основе генетических тестов пути предков, как 1 линия от папы и 1 линия от мамы из (см Примечания) совокупности всех линий моих предков.
5. Appedix from my GPS HomeDNA test
The area known as Fennoscandia encompasses the countries of
Norway, Sweden, Finland
The area known as Fennoscandia encompasses the countries of Norway, Sweden, Finland, a part of Russia known as the Kola Peninsula. It also included Denmark during the Viking Age, which forms part of greater Scandinavia. The often blonde haired and blue eyed people of this region are known for their intrepid spirit, braving the bitter winters of northern Europe and conquering lands further afield within the continent, even briefly reaching North America.
The retreat of glaciation at the end of the last Ice Age saw the arrival of hunter-gatherers in the north of Europe between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago.1 The presence of these people is known from archaeological evidence, but where they came from is still unclear and subject to some debate.2 It is likely they were from similar populations that represent much of the early migration of small hunter-gatherer bands that moved into Europe during the Paleolithic.
Agriculture appeared in Scandinavia between 4,000 and 6,000 years ago.3-6 Archaeological evidence has shown that this farming culture originated in Central Europe and spread north into Fennoscandia.7 Similar to other regions in Europe, there has been a considerable debate as to whether this evidence for farming meant that immigrants arrived and pushed out the local ancient hunter-gatherers, or whether farming culture was adopted by the people already living in the area.
Recent genetic studies looking at samples of ancient DNA from preserved bones have found inconsistencies between prehistoric people and later farming populations,2 suggesting that there may have been replacement of people to some degree. There are two major language groups in Scandinavia, these being the Germanic language of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, and the Finno-Ugric languages of Finland. The division between the Germanic and Finno-Ugric speaking areas has been used as evidence to support the theory that the Baltic may have been a refugia for earlier hunter-gatherers.2,8 Analysis of Y-chromosome ancestry from Finno-ugric speakers in Scandanavia and other areas points to a high level of heterogeneity. The potential ancient origins of these people date to 12,000 - 14,000 years ago, when they would have travelled on an ancient Paleolithic migration route that may have gone through Central Asia before turning west to Europe.9
The consensus among researchers today is that the genomes of the people of Fennoscandia are of a mixed ancestry, combining ancient hunter-gatherers and more recent Germanic farmers. In areas with more extreme cold climates, there remains more original hunter-gatherer influence, likely due to the marginal nature of farming under such conditions. In Finland, some genetic studies have noted potential historic population crashes as evidence for regional genetic distinctiveness, possibly occurring around 3,900 years ago.10 Surviving on farming alone was perilous in such an extreme climate and there is evidence for a long coexistence of farming and foraging cultures in Finland.1
Between 600 and 700 A.D., social changes in Scandinavia marked the start of a migration event of a different kind, one that saw the cultures of Scandinavia make their mark on the rest of Europe. It is believed that economic and political stress, as well as a rapid period of agricultural expansion led to a desire to seek resources and land further afield, giving birth to the start of the Viking Age.11 Various small kingdoms and chiefdoms invaded and colonized many countries within Europe. Vikings raided and invaded much of Northern and Western Europe, taking over lands in England, Scotland, and France. They moved east into Russia and moved further west into Iceland, Greenland, and ultimately North America. They briefly settled in what is now Canada’s province of Newfoundland.12,13 They often mixed with the local populations, as shown by the mixed British Celtic and Norse origins of Iceland that have been identified both through historical and genetic research.14,15
The age of the Vikings may have ended in medieval times but the movement of people from Scandinavia has continued to the present day. In recent centuries, many have ended up in parts of United States and Canada, often moving into the Midwest, such as Northern Michigan where a distinct Finnish immigrant community has been well established.16
In the future, we can envision genetic tests that will be able to distinguish between the ancient hunter-gatherer and more recent Germanic farming components. There may also be tests that can link individuals back to ancient DNA extracted from archaeological skeletal material. What may also prove fascinating for historical enthusiasts is the possibility of future tests that are able to distinguish specific migrations of Viking settlers to different areas of Europe.
1. Tallavaara M, Pesonen P, Oinonen M. 2010. Prehistoric population history in eastern Fennoscandia. J Archaeol Sci 37: 251-260.
2. Skoglund P, Malmstr;m H, Raghavan M, Stor; J, Hall P, Willerslev E, Gilbert MTP, G;therstr;m A, Jakobsson M. 2012. Origins and genetic legacy of Neolithic farmers and hunter-gatherers in Europe. Science, 336: 466-469.
3. Taavitsainen JP, Simola H, Gr;nlund E. 1998. Cultivation history beyond the periphery: early agriculture in the North European Boreal forest. J World Prehist 12: 199–253.
4. Vuorela I. 1998. The transition to farming in Southern Finland. In: Zvelebil M, Dennell R, Domanska L. Eds. Harvesting the Sea, Farming the Forest: The Emergence of the Neolithic Societies in the Baltic Region. Sheffield Academic Press: Sheffield, pp. 175–180.
5. Shennan S, Edinborough K. 2007. Prehistoric population history: from the Late Glacial to the Late Neolithic in Central and Northern Europe. J Archaeol Sci 34: 1339–1345.
6. Taavitsainen JP, Vilkuna J, Forssell H, 2007. Suojoki at Keuruu – a mid-14th century site of wilderness culture in Central Finland. Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia Humaniora 346. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae: Finland.
7. Zvelebil M, Dolukhanov P. 1991. The transition to farming in eastern and northern Europe. J World Prehist 5: 233-278.
8. Malmstr;m H, Gilbert MTP, Thomas MG, Brandstr;m M, Stor; J, Molnar P, Andersen PK, Benedixen C, Holmlund G, G;therstr;m A, Willerslev, E. 2009. Ancient DNA reveals lack of continuity between neolithic hunter-gatherers and contemporary Scandinavians. Curr Biol 19: 1758-1762.
9. Siiri R, Zhivotovsky LA, Baldovi M, Kayser M, Kutuev IA, Khusainova R, Bermisheva MA, Gubina M, Fedorova SA, Ilum;e A, Khusnutdinova EK, Voevoda MI, Osipova LP, Stoneking M, Lin AA, Ferak V, Parik J, Kivisild T, Underhill PA, Villems R. 2007. "A counter-clockwise northern route of the Y-chromosome haplogroup N from Southeast Asia towards Europe". Eur J Hum Genet 15: 204–211.
10. Sajantila A, Salem AH, Savolainen P, Bauer K, Gierig C, P;;bo S. 1996. Paternal and maternal DNA lineages reveal a bottleneck in the founding of the Finnish population. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93: 12035–12039.
11. Myhre B. 2000. The early Viking Age in Norway. Acta Archaeologica 71: 35-47.
12. Ingstad H, Ingstad AS. 2000. The Viking Discovery of America: The Excavation of a Norse Settlement in L'Anse Aux Meadows, Newfoundland. Breakwater Books: St John.
13. Brink S, Price N. 2008. The Viking World. Routledge: London.
14. Helgason A, Sigur;ard;ttir S, Nicholson J, Sykes B, Hill EW, Bradley DG, Bosnes V, Gulcher JR, Ward R, Stef;nsson K. 2000. Estimating Scandinavian and Gaelic ancestry in the male settlers of Iceland. Am J Hum Genet 67: 697-717.
15. Byock JL. 2001. Viking Age Iceland. Penguin UK: London.
16. Gedicks A. 1977. Ethnicity, Class Solidarity, and Labor Radicalism among Finnish Immigrants in Michigan Copper Country. Polit Soc 7: 127-156.
6. Appedix from my GPS HomeDNA test
Southern France Story
Europe has seen multiple waves of migration of humans and ancient human ancestors, with Southern France being a major crossroads in such journeys. The people of Southern France today appear to share many commonalities in appearance with their Mediterranean neighbors. At the same time, the region’s position within Europe to the west of the Alps has facilitated a higher rate of movement of people between north and south.
Southern France and much of the surrounding area was inhabited by Neanderthals during the Paleolithic: an early human species that went extinct upon the arrival of modern humans between 35,000 to 50,000 years ago.1 The area was at the edge of the Paleolithic ice sheets and was a place of refuge for people pushed back by worsening climate conditions further north. This meant constant movement in and out of the region. The earliest modern humans that arrived in Southern France were Ice Age hunter-gatherers. These people are famous for producing some of the earliest cave paintings known to exist in the limestone caves of the Pyrenees.2
Hunter-gatherer subsistence patterns persisted for many millennia and population density remained low. The development of agriculture in the Middle East and its spread into Europe starting 12,000 years ago3 brought major changes to the region, and involved potentially large-scale migration of people along the southern corridor of the Alps. These people brought their languages, which are believed to be part of the Indo-European language family which exists all over Europe today.4,5 Virtually all of the currently spoken languages in Europe are thought to relate to this expansion of early farmers. In Southern Europe, this track south of the Alps links the Latin languages of Italy, Spain, and France, while Germanic languages are found north of the Alps.6 This suggests that the early farming cultures that arrived in France came through the south and proceeded north.
A Bronze Age culture had developed by 1000 B.C.,7,8 with settlements throughout Southern France. Over the next millennia, Iron Age societies began to appear throughout all of France, and became unified as a culture known as the Celts.9 These Celtic societies formed strong links throughout France and into other parts of Northern Europe. These societies were eventually subdued by the Romans who conquered all of present day France, turning it into the Roman province of Gaul.10 After the breakup of the Roman Empire, the southern area of France has generally remained within the borders of the Kingdom of France, with some fluctuation in Borders on the Catalonian and Italian sides. Similar regional economic practices have seen it stay firmly rooted in the cultures of the Mediterranean.
The level of linguistic diversity in the region may hint at historical populations that were divided based on ethnic divisions. Catalan, Aragonese, and Gascon are Indo-European languages related to French that are still spoken in other areas of the Pyrenees today.11 Aragonese and Gascon have been in decline in recent centuries. While it may not be possible to link these populations back to the earliest societies in the area, they do provide some grounds for investigating local genetic ancestry.
Future genetic testing may be able to distinguish between early hunter-gatherer influences and later agriculturalists. Some studies have found links between Southern France and its Mediterranean neighbors.12 Research has also found genetic contributions from other migration events such as Semitic and North African components. In the future, we may be able to distinguish these components as well. It may also be possible to determine which specific groups within Southern France (Catalan, Aragonese, or Gascon) an individual may be more likely related to and what languages their ancestors used to speak.
1. Bocquet-Appel JP, Demars PY. 2000. Neanderthal contraction and modern human colonization of Europe. Antiq 74: 544-552.
2. Chauvet JM, Brunel Deschamps E, Hillaire C. 1996. Dawn of art: the Chauvet Cave: the oldest known paintings in the world. HN Abrams: New York.
3. Zeder MA. 2008. Domestication and early agriculture in the Mediterranean Basin: Origins, diffusion, and impact. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105: 11597-11604.
4. Diamond J, Bellwood P. 2003. Farmers and their languages: the first expansions. Science 300: 597-603.
5. Bouckaert R, Lemey P, Dunn M, Greenhill SJ, Alekseyenko AV, Drummond AJ, Gray RD, Suchard MA, Atkinson QD. 2012. Mapping the origins and expansion of the Indo-European language family. Science 337: 957-960.
6. Renfrew C. 1990. Archaeology and language: the puzzle of Indo-European origins. Cambridge University Press Archive: Cambridge.
7. Bouby L, Leroy F, Carozza L. 1999. Food plants from late Bronze Age lagoon sites in Languedoc, southern France: reconstruction of farming economy and environment. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 8: 53-69.
8. Sandars NK. 2015. Bronze age cultures in France. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
9. Webster J. 1996. Ethnographic barbarity: colonial discourse and ‘Celtic warrior societies’. In Webster J, Cooper N. eds. Roman imperialism: post-colonial perspectives. Leicester Archaeology Monographs No. 3. School of Archaeological Studies: University of Leicester. pp. 111-123.
10. Woolf G. 2000. Becoming Roman: the origins of provincial civilization in Gaul. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
11. Calafell F, Bertranpetit J. 1994. Mountains and genes: population history of the Pyrenees. Hum Biol 66: 823-842.
12. Gibert M, Reviron D, Mercier P, Chiaroni J, Boetsch G. 2000. HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 polymorphisms in Southern France and genetic relationships with other Mediterranean populations. Hum Immunol 61: 930-936.
7. Appedix from my GPS HomeDNA test
Western Siberia Story
Siberia’s vast, open landscape set the stage for the movement of people and cultures to multiple regions of the Eurasian continent: both to the south and into what is now China, east into North America, and west into Europe. The people of Siberia today are divided between different regional ethnic and linguistic groups. The people of Eastern Siberia are more closely related to Mongolians and the Tungusic tribes of Northeast China, such as the Manchu, while Western Siberians are made up of small, former nomadic tribes such as the Ket and the Selkup.1 The people of Western Siberia could be described as having mixed Eurasian characteristics. However, it is likely these people have their own, unique ancestry that goes back just as far as the earliest migrations of humans into other areas of Eurasia.
The harsh and arid conditions of Siberia have meant that population densities have always remained low with nomadic foraging being the predominant subsistence-pattern for most of the region’s history. 2 The region is particularly known for reindeer breeding. Whereas agricultural innovations have led to substantive displacement, colonization, and mixing of Paleolithic groups in other areas of the world, far less intermixing has occurred in the steppes of Western Siberia. This has attracted the attention of geneticists attempting to determine who were the original Paleolithic peoples that migrated through Siberia.3,4
Precisely how the earliest inhabitants of Siberia arrived in the region remains unclear and is still subject to debate, with routes up through China and Mongolia commonly proposed, but also some from further west toward Europe.5,6 The earliest dated archaeological evidence for human habitation has been found in the Altai Mountains dating to 45,000 years ago.7,8 Many of the early groups maintained nomadic subsistence patterns well into the 20th century. Much research has gone into identifying them through their linguistic heritage. The two major linguistic groups are the Samoyedic and Ugrian languages. Speakers of Samoyedic language include the Nenets, Enets, Nganasan, and the Selkup, while Ugrian includes Khanty and Mansi.1,9 These two linguistic groups are thought to be related. Studies of Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages have related the Khanty and Mansi to both west and east Eurasian gene pools.10
There is another small group that lives in the region known as the Kets, who number fewer than 1,000 people today. They speak an Eastern Siberian language known as Yeniseian, which is related to Yukaghir, Nivkh, and Chukotko-Kamchatkan.1 It is believed that at one time these people were more widespread within Western Siberia and may have arrived in the area prior to Samoyedic and Uralic peoples. Their language may be related to those found among some Native American groups such as the Athabascan, which provides a link to the people of the Americas.11 Native Americans are thought to be directly related to eastern Siberians and some Y-chromosome studies have found that the Kets share more in common with nearby Samoyedic and Ugric groups.5 However, recent mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA studies of related Altai mountain peoples, focusing on both Tungusic and Yeniseian speakers, have also reestablished a possible link with Native Americans.12 This leaves open the possibility of an ancient connection, although more recent mixing between Yeniseians and Samoyedic and/or Ugrian peoples has made this picture unclear.
The Russians arrived and colonized Siberia between the 17th and 19th centuries. This involved significant Russian migration into Siberia. Farming and resource extraction became a major economic focus of the Russian state in the 20th century.13 While most of the people who live in Siberia arrived through recent colonial migration, there has been very little intermixing between indigenous groups and Russian settlers. This period also involved the relocation of native groups and disturbance of traditional ethnic boundaries.
Future testing may be able to determine ancestry attributed to a specific Western Siberian peoples. There are also many further possibilities of tracing very ancient migration routes such as those that went west into Eastern Europe and those that went into North America. There may also be an ancestry test for the proportion of ancient Siberian DNA a person ahs and their relationship with Native Americans. Tests that assess one’s connection with specific linguistic groups may also be possible.
1. Vajda EJ. 2009. The languages of Siberia. Lang Linguist Comp 3: 424-440.
2. Rychkov YG, Sheremet’eva VA. 1980. The genetics of circumpolar populations of Eurasia related to the problem of human adaptation. In The Human Biology of Circumpolar Populations. F. Milan. ed. Cambridge University Press: London 37–80.
3. Cavalli-Sforza LL. 1986. African Pygmies. Academic Press: Orlando.
4. Cavalli-Sforza LL, Menozzi P, Piazza A. 1994. The History and Geography of Human Genes. Princeton University Press: Princeton.
5. Rubicz R, Melvin KL, Crawford MH. 2002. Genetic evidence for the phylogenetic relationship between Na-Dene and Yeniseian speakers. Hum Biol 74: 743-760.
6. Derev’anko AP. 1998. A short history of discoveries and the development of ideas in the Paleolithic of Siberia. In The Paleolithic of Siberia: New Discoveries and Interpretations. Derev’anko AP. ed. University of Illinois Press: Urbana. pp. 5–12.
7. Goebel T, Derevianko AP, Petrin VT. 1993. Dating the Middle-to-Upper-Paleolithic transition at Kara-Bom. Curr Anthropol 34: 452–458.
8. Kuzmin Y, Orlova LA. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the Siberian Paleolithic. J. World Prehist 12:1–53.
9. Jordan P, Filchenko A. 2005. Continuity and change in Eastern Khanty language and worldview. Rebuilding identities: pathways to reform in post-Soviet Siberia. Casten E. ed. Dietrich Reimer: Berlin. pp. 63–89.
10. Pimenoff VN, Comas D, Palo JU, Vershubsky G, Kozlov A, Sajantila A. 2008. Northwest Siberian Khanty and Mansi in the junction of West and East Eurasian gene pools as revealed by uniparental markers. Eur J Hum Genet 16: 1254-1264.
11. Ruhlen M. 1998. The origin of the Na-Dene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95: 13994-13996.
12. Dulik MC, Zhadanov SI, Osipova LP, Askapuli A, Gau L, Gokcumen O, Rubinstein S, Schurr TG. 2012. Mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome variation provides evidence for a recent common ancestry between Native Americans and Indigenous Altaians. Am J Hum Genet 90: 229-246.
13. Forsyth J. 1994. A history of the peoples of Siberia: Russia's North Asian colony 1581-1990. Cambridge University Press: London.
Yes, I am satisfied. It was interesting.
The genetic new test provide me a proof detail of our family legend about a famous The Cat near The Lake near my ancestry's property and house as Kotoozero
(Kot, kotko = Cat (Tommy-Cat), ozero=lake, the Cat's lake = Kotoozero in Peterburgh Province not a lot from Ladoga lake on the North).
I am really happy to find this proof of my father's family old legend of my ancestry and the Lake with The famous Cat, The Cat-Hunter liked to hunter on this lake, taking his luck of hunting, ducks fishes to my ancestor's house, to cook for him here. So, The Cat provided th food and for himself and for my ancestors'es family, whom loved their cat and was proud a lot to have the Tommy-Cat.
Genetic studies helped me to prove to find a place as this Kotolake. I am happy and suprizing!
Not far from here Kotkolake on the north East way is Interposelok, Inter a shortage of International, (a village of international/foreigners).
Kotkoozero /
Коткоозеро, Карелия
Из Википедии / From Wikipedia
Коткозеро (значения)
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Коткозеро — деревня, (Республика Карелия, Олонецкий район).
Коткозеро — озеро, (Республика Карелия, Олонецкий район).Коткозеро_(значения)
Коткоозеро, Карелия
Коткозеро (карел. Kotkatj;rvi) — деревня, административный центр Коткозерского сельского поселения Олонецкого национального района Республики Карелия.
Расположена в 100 км на юго-запад от Петрозаводска на берегу озёр Виллальского и Коткозеро.
Работает лесничество, амбулатория, дом культуры. На базе средней школы организован «Центр образования».
Население занимается сельским хозяйством, животноводством , охотой и рыбалкой.
Население / Population in numbers for Kotkoozero village in Karelia in Russia
Численность населения, деревня Коткоозеро / Population in number
1905 год - 3325 человек.
2009 г - 1010 человек (2009 - 1905: -2315)
2010 г - 809 человек (2010 - 2009: -201)
2013 г. - 744 человек (2010 - 2013: -65)
Впервые упоминается в писцовых книгах Обонежской пятины середины XVI века.
Развивалась как две слившихся деревни — Погост и Матчейла, относилась к Олонецкому погосту.
Во времена Российской империи входила в состав Коткозерской волости Олонецкой губернии, где основную часть населения составляли карелы.
В 1905 году в деревне проживало 3325 человек.
В 1957 году в состав Коткозера вошли деревни — Виллала, Новая Заживка, Паншулахти, Сильмя и Степаннаволок.
Основным предприятием в 1970—1980-х годах был крупный зверосовхоз «Коткозерский».
В деревне сохраняются памятники истории:
Братская могила красногвардейцев, погибших в годы Гражданской войны
Братская могила советских воинов, погибших в годы Советско-финской войны (1941—1944)
Памятная стела на месте боя роты старшего лейтенанта В. А. Полыгалова, Героя Советского Союза
Могила разведчиков Егорова Михаила Фёдоровича (1921—1943) и Григорьевой Зинаиды Михайловны (1923—1943)
Действует часовня Петра и Павла,
храм во имя Рождества Христова.
Известные уроженцы
Анисимов Николай Александрович (1891—1960) — педагог, составитель первого словаря карельского языка.
ул. Виллальская
ул. З. Григорьевой
ул. Зелёная
ул. Лесная
ул. Набережная
ул. Новая
ул. Олонецкая
пер. Серова
ул. Совхозная
ул. Солнечная
ул. Степаннаволок
ул. Цветочная
ул. Школьная
См. также
Коткозерское общество
Численность населения в разрезе сельских населённых пунктов Республики Карелия по состоянию на 1 января 2013 года. Проверено 3 января 2015. Архивировано 3 января 2015 года.
; Сайт Коткозерской средней школы
; Рекомендуемая нормативная сеть и формы библиотечного обслуживания с указанием численности населения на 1 января 2009 года по данным Карелиястата. Проверено 19 апреля 2015. Архивировано 19 апреля 2015 года.
; Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Сельские населённые пункты Республики Карелия
; Объекты культурного наследия на территории Коткозерского сельского поселения
; Часовня Петра и Павла
Карелия: энциклопедия: в 3 т. / гл. ред. А. Ф. Титов. Т. 2: К — П. — Петрозаводск: ИД «ПетроПресс», 2009. — С. 102—104 — 464 с.: ил., карт. ISBN 978-5-8430-0125-4 (т. 2)
Братская могила советских воинов
Место боя роты старшего лейтенанта В. А. Полыгалова, Героя Советского Союза
Могилы разведчиков М. Ф. Егорова и З. М. Григорьевой
Визит Главы Республики Карелия
А. Ф. Смирнов, А. Ф. Стефановская, Информация об озере, на сайте Ведлозерского сельского поселенияКоткозеро
Часовня Петра и Павла.
Республика Карелия / Олонецкий район / Коткозеро
Петрозаводская епархия / Олонецкое благочиние
Деревянная часовня. Действует. (вся деревянная архитектура в каталоге ;)
Освящена в честь: Петра и Павла
Год постройки:Дата постройки неизвестна.
Адрес: Республика Карелия, Олонецкий район, с. Коткозеро, кладбище
Координаты: 61.280768, 33.215201
"... старинное село Коткозеро, на юге Республики Карелия, на Северо-Западе Российской Федерации, в 100 км от города Петрозаводска и 42 км от районного центра Олонец.
Село расположено рядом с автомобильной трассой Санкт-Петербург - Мурманск, между двух живописных озер: Виллальского и Коткозеро.
Первое упоминание о поселении
на озере Коткозеро
можно найти в
"Писцовых книгах Обонежской пятины" за
Сегодня в селе Коткозеро проживает 1275 человек, из них около 70% карел.
... в селе сохранились народные традиции и ремесла.
У жителей села можно приобрести
изделия из бересты и дерева,
домотканые половички.
Окружающие леса - прекрасные места для сбора ягод и грибов, охоты;
в ламбушках (лесных озерах) много рыбы."
МОУ "Коткозерская средняя общеобразовательная школа"
186012, Республика Карелия, Олонецкий район, с. Коткозеро, ул. Школьная, 8
+7 (814-36) 28-322
"Карельская деревня Кинерма отметила 450-летие
После молебна состоялась праздничная программа, посвященная 450-летию деревни Кинерма. Первое письменное упоминание о деревне относится к 1563 году, когда эти земли и проживавшие на ней крестьяне были внесены в писцовые книги Обонежской пятины."
Писцовые книги Обонежской пятины
Писцовые книги Обонежской Пятины: 1496 и 1563 гг.
/ Акад. наук Союза сов. соц. респ, Археогр. комис. ;
Под общ. ред. М. Н. Покровского. -
Л. : Изд-во Акад. наук СССР, 1930. – IV, 268, [6] с. -
(Мат. по истории народов СССР, Вып. 1, Материалы по истории Карел. АССР
Copyright: Национальная библиотека Республики Карелия
Место издания: Ленинград
Год издания:1930
"Древнейшая писцовая книга по Обонежской пятине
относится к 1495—1496 г.
и принадлежит писцу
Юрию Константиновичу Сабурову.
Она до нас дошла только в небольшой своей части
и в случайных выписках, делаемых в разное время для разных целей.
Одна из таких выписей была сделана в XVII в. на
ІПунгский погост для Тихвинского Большого монастыря,
получившего во владение этот погост.
Этот список и взят для настоящего издания (см. стр. 1—9).
Копия с этого списка была снята в 1915 г.,
когда список находился еще в архиве монастыря.
Где находится сейчас этот список, вместе с другими выписками из разновременных писцовых книг составивших целую рукописную книгу, определить не удалось.
Подлинная книга Юрия Сабурова повидимому погибла, сохранился лишь небольшой ее отрывок, который и печатается целиком в настоящем издании (см. стр. 9—56).
Судя по почерку и бумаге а рукопись безусловно относится к концу XV в. Рукопись начинается с полслова описания Вытегорского погоста; дальше следуют номерованные погосты (№№ 66 — 71), По этим номерам можно совершенно определенно сказать, что Вытегорский погост был № 65, т.-е. пред ним шло еще 64 погоста, до нас не дошедшие. Обрывается рукопись на 71-м погосте, а всего по Неволину в Обонежской пятине был 81 погост. Стало быть, утерянных погостов по описанию К >рия Сабурова 74, дошедших до нас 7, один из коих, Вытегорский сохранился не полностью. Яет уверенности, что полностью сохранился и последний Михайловский в Озерах. Итак, один погост (Шунгский) в копии XVII в. и 7 погостов в подлиннике XV в.— вот и все, чем мы располагаем от большого труда писцовой комиссии с Юрием Сабуровым во главе.1 Подлинник, заключающий в себе 7 погостов хранится в Московском Древлехранилище, представляет собой книгу в 81 перенумерованных арабскими цифрами листов, из коих 3 листа чистые (по Гневушеву 84 лл., из коих 6 чистых).-
Хронологически следующим за Сабуровским описанием было описание 1563— 1566 гг. Андрея Лихачева „с товарыщи“, среди которых видное место занимал подьячий Ля пун Добрынин. Эта писцовая книга дошла до нас тоже не полностью. Хранящаяся в Московском Древлехранилище под заголовком вытесненным золотом на кожаном корешке позднейшего переплета „Олонец 1566 г. № 1“ книга имеет 667 листов (664“j'211a-p374a-f~422a), нумерованных арабскими цифрами. На первом листе, от которого сохранилась лишь первая левая половина (правая оторвана), почерком повидимому XVII в. сделана надпись: „Обонежской пятине Заонежский половине Андрея Лихачева 7074 году“. Это часть большой работы названных писцов. Здесь заключено описание 19 погостов, из коих первый Рождественский Олонецкой—без начала и, может быть, имеет пробелы в средине текста, последний—Никольский в Ярославичах явно обрывается на полслове и, весьма вероятно, имеет дефекты внутри, так как последние листы повреждены больше других и носят следы долгого пребывания в оторванном от книги виде.
Прежде всего нужно остановиться на датировке книги. В XVI? веке, как видно из заголовка, датировали книгу 7074 годом. Между тем в грамоте Палеостровского монастыря от 1591 года цитируется книга Андрея Лихачева и датируется 7072 г. 1 (А. И. т. V, стр. 258). В тексте книги (л. 62) мы имеем указание на то, что писцы, давая льготу крестьянину, записали: „а дати ему тот оброк на Рожество Христово лета 7072“. Стало быть, они работали до Рождества 1563 года, надо думать, летом этого года. Подтверждение этому видно в тексте на лл. 63, 509, 511 и 588. На этом основании за начальную дату работы писцов мы принимаем 1563 г.
*** Писец Юрий Сабуров (делал переписи дворов и оброка в 1493 году по Карелии).
*** У меня есть генетический кузен по генетическим тестам Сабуров, есть и Шабуров.
*** Т.е. есть фамилия писца Сабуров, делавшего опись оброка и опись погостов и земель в 1493 году в тех местах, что "выплыли" у меня в генетических тестах.
*** Как интересно пересекаются генетические тесты, и их результаты с архивными документами и именами, однако.
Электронная копия рукописи
НБ РК, инв. № 337755 р
(текста нет самого)
Писцовые книги Обонежской Пятины: 1496 и 1563 гг. Писцовые книги Обонежской Пятины: 1496 и 1563 гг. / Акад. наук Союза сов. соц. респ, Археогр. комис. ; Под общ. ред. М. Н. Покровского. - Л. : Изд-во Акад. наук СССР, 1930. – IV, 268, [6] с. - (Мат. по истории народов СССР, Вып. 1, Материалы по истории Карел. АССР).
"Карта погостов Обонежской пятины с перечнем погостов"
стрю 284
"72. Никольский в Шунге на озере Котко на острову" (в книге 1496 года)
"Писцовые книги Обонежской пятины", 1496 год
стр.21 (Книга 1496 года):
"В Никольском тоже погосте в Шунге великого князя деревни Лукинские Федорова.
Деревня на Холопье стороне в конце наволока:
® Еремейко Офоносов,
® Еремейко Билдин ,
сеют ржи пол-3 коробья, а сено косят 10 копеи;
обжа с третью;
а доход и с хлеба половье
да 4 белки,
а посельнику 2 белки."
® Еремейко Билдин (1496 год)
Билдин - БИЛДИН -- БАЛЗИН --- БАЛЬЗИН (??)
Билл - Bill, Bildin слышится двояко, как английское имя Билл.
Bildin <-----> Baldin <-----> Balzin <-----> Bahlzin (Bal'zin, Baljzin, Baldwin, Bolzen, Balzin)
Bildin (1496 year) <-----> Baldin <-----> Balzin
Билдин = Bildin (1496 year) <--> Baldin (= Балдин) <--> Baldwin (Балдвин) <--> Balzin (Балзин, Бальзин)
Билдин (1496 year) <--> Балдин <--> Балдвин <--> Балзин <--> Бальзин
Bildin (1496 year) <--> Baldin <--> Baldwin <--> Balzin
Билдин = Bildin (1496 year) <--> Baldin (= Балдин) <--> Baldwin (Балдвин) <--> Balzin (Балзин, Бальзин)
a rome, a rum a battle of a rum
английские a = э
Rome = [Ром] -Рим, Римский (Итальянский)
Rum [Ром] - ром (бутылка рома) (a bottle of rum) (a battle of Rome)
(play words, a humor)
(игра слов, юмор) :
Bill Din = Mr. Bill Din --- Mr. Billdin -- Mr. Bildin --- Bildin
Еремейко Билдин
"A Rum in Bill Din" =
"Arumin Bildin" =
Эромин Билдин =
Ерёма Билдин <-->
Еремейко Билдин
a bilding [э билдинг] здание (в переводе с английского)
bilding [билдинг] здание (в переводе с английского)
Bell = Белл (колокольчик, колокол, бубунцы, бубунков, колокольчиков)
Bell - Bil
Belli = Belyj = White
a bill bill - [бил] счёт (в ресторане, в магазине за покупки, портинихе за пошив одежды,..)
Стишок написала:
The Bill
A bill [э бил] как выставил! Убил!
Ну какой же я дебил!
Били страсти фонтаня!
Бил убил ж теперь меня!
Билл динь-донил целый дверь,
Колотил: - Открой мне дверь!!
- Билли, ты прости меня:
С дамой я! Пойми меня!
Билли Дин сидел в тоске
С ромом в бочке, на заре.
Он хотел бы ту открыть!
Свою жажду утолить!
А когда не удержался, -
Под столом потом валялся!
Был не бе, ни ме, так пьян!
И попался! Билл - дурак!
Дама Билла поджидала.
Колокольчиком звучала.
Серебристо смех журчал:
- Билли! Ты куда пропал??
И прекрасна вся, Сеньёра,
О, Ла Белла, как Мадонна!
Что сошла с небес сейчас!
Билл влюбился в сотый раз!
- От любви бывают дети!
Потому, ты, Билл, женись!
А потом уж на постельке
С жёнушкой своей резвись!
Но ослабла вдруг головка,
Ослабела вдруг она,
Так сомлевши, отдалась вся,
Как во сне спала-была.
Он любил её и сильно.
Но сказал:
- Прости, дела!
Капитаном каравеллы
Уплываю навсегда.
Быстро очень распрощался
И исчезнул Билл вдали.
И оставил свои счёты
Ей платить, и ей нести.
И нельзя же быть без мужа!
Но придумала она,
И одевшися вдовою,
В городе с саней сошла.
И родившейся сынишка
Был под именем другим,
Кто согрел своим участьем
Крёстным быть, за всё платить.
Сердце плакало, так ждало!
Но не в немилости судьба.
На холодной снежной въюге
Пробирает до нутра.
И потом, напившись, с пьяну
Выла песню, как плыла,
И шампанским угощаясь,
Закружилась голова.
Как рассталась с капитаном,
Кто в каюту приглашал.
Никогда тот не узнает,
Сын родился без отца.
И надевши платье чёрно,
Скажет: умерла любовь,
Улетел Соколик Милый!
Сердце утащил в полон!
И надев перчатки, шляпку,
Опустив вуаль, пошла.
А позднее место прачки
Отыскала для себя.
Вот смотри! Цвела как Роза!
Нежным трепетным цветком!
А морозы это холод,
Что совсем не бережёт.
Лепесточки, лепесточки,
Нежность в сердце у меня.
А царапки это слёзы,
Зацарапали меня.
И любить училось сердце
По шажочку вдаль идя.
Как слепая, тихо-тихо,
Чтоб опять найти себя.
Чтоб опять любило сердце.
Чтоб был кто, любя меня,
Бог нас в пары собирает,
Половинки раскидав.
Ну, а если не найти тут?
То хотя б достойно жить.
Не жалея чтоб о чём-то,
Когда время уходить.
*** Пленных иностранцев на Руси делали холопами-крестьянами.
*** Но это версия. Как имя Билл, Бил, Билли английское популярное имя.
*** Ром (бутылка рома, выпивка) или Римские события, и англичанин или итальянец мог стать пленным в России.
1496 год. Карелия. Россия. Деревня Лукинские Федоровы, дворы
стр.21 (Книга 1496 года):
"В Никольском тоже погосте в Шунге великого князя деревни Лукинские Федорова.
Деревня на Холопье стороне в конце наволока:
® Еремейко Офоносов,
® Еремейко Билдин ,
сеют ржи пол-3 коробья, а сено косят 10 копеи;
обжа с третью;
а доход и с хлеба половье
да 4 белки,
а посельнику 2 белки."
® Еремейко Билдин (1496 год)
Билл Дин - Билдин - - Балдвин - Балзин - Бальзин
Bill Din = Mr. Bill Din --- Mr. Billdin -- Mr. Bildin --- Bildin ---- Baldwin -- Balzin
Еремейко Билдин
"A Rum in Bill Din" =~~= "a rum in building" //"Ром в Билл Дине"-"Ром в здании"= Ромвздании
"Arumin Bildin" =
Эромин Билдин =
Ерёма Билдин <-->
Еремейко Билдин
a bilding [э билдинг] здание (в переводе с английского)
bilding [билдинг] здание (в переводе с английского)
Bell = Белл (колокольчик, колокол, бубунцы, бубунков, колокольчиков)
Bell - Bil
Belli = Belyj = White
a bill bill - [бил] счёт (в ресторане, в магазине за покупки, портинихе за пошив одежды,..)
® Еремейко Офоносов
Офоносов of/on Osov (Osov = Azov//Assov (?))
Еремейко Офоносов
"A Rum in of/on Osov"
"A Rum in of/on Azov"
"A Rum in of/on Assov"
"A Rum in of/on Asses"
Асс - и Ас Ассы
Асс = ж.па в английской простречье
Т.е. интересное сочетание имени-фамилий двоих мужчин,
как звучат как игра слов и юмора по английски.
(Книга 1496 года):
"В Никольском тоже погосте в Шунге великого князя деревни Лукинские Федорова.
Деревня на Холопье стороне в конце наволока:
® Еремейко Офоносов
"A Rum in of/on Osov"
"A Rum in of/on Azov"
"A Rum in of/on Assov"
"A Rum in of/on Asses"
® Еремейко Билдин
"A Rum in Bill Din"
"a rum in building"
Может быть, два англичанина попали в плен?
В России пленных селили в деревнях крестьянами?
Русский не поймёт игру английских слов и звуков,
Но англичане вполне могли уловить.
Там же, стр.22
Деревня Зиминка (Заимка, Зиминка, я упоминание её слышала часто, что предок туда уезжал)
Стр.22 (1496 год)
"дер. Зиминка.
® Гридко да сын его Костко, сеют ржи 5 четвертак, сена косят 6 копеек, пол-обжи, а доходу нет.
* У меня генетический кузен есть. Костин... проверю написание фамилии.
* Костко, Костин, Худяковы (худые, костлявые, несчастные, невезучие)
* Кстати, они очень смазливые симпатичные, кудрявые, итальянские такие типажи лиц у них.
* Константин - Костя - Костко
* Там же и река Путка упомянута (1493 год).
Писцовые книги Обонежской Пятины: 1496 и 1563 гг.
Писцовые книги Обонежской Пятины: 1563 гг.
КНИГА 1563 года
Писец Андрей Лихачов. Писец Юрий Сабуров.
Год 7074 (7072-7074-7075) == 1563 год по новому стилю.
*** вначале писали "От рождеста Христова год и стиль латинской буквой
J (Jesus) j (jesus) i (iesus, ieshua <-> jesus), I (Iesus, Ieshua, Iesua <-> Jesus)
Но, римская буква "И" I = 1
И затем произошёл сдвиг написания лет,
когда новый стиль стали писать с цифрой 1 вместо латинской буквы I, i, J, j перед годом по новому стилю.
Т.е. год 1563 от Рождества Христова
записан мог быть как I563 c "I" (римской буквой I (i))
и потому быть не 1563 годом от Рождества Христова,
а 563 годом от Рождества Христова на самом то деле.
Понимание это путаницы в написании дат уже есть,
собрано множество примеров написания дат по картинам прошлого, документам.
Люди не всегда заботились считать года, было и не до этого, порой, главное выжить.
Оттого, возникла как бы как итальянская двойная бухгалтерия, она официальная белая и реальная "чёрная", 2 стороны 1ой медали.
Как сложилось уже стойкое восприятие чего-то, то открытие сделанных изменений не возвращает на правильный путь с сложившейся колеи восприятия мира и событий и дат.
Мы видим запись 1563 года по стилю От Рожствева Христова официальную как год 7074 (или 7072 год).
Или год 563 от Рождества Христова это год 7074 или 7072 по старому славянскому календарю.
И вот странное. Считали, считали, 7074 (7072) года насчитали... и сбились, перейдя считать на новое летоисчесление.
Но притом вся информация с записями событий в течении 7074 (7072) лет вдруг исчезла со всех архивов и библиотек с территории России.
Но, если люди не ленились года считать, то и Хронологию вели, очевидно? и записи?
Я делаю генетические тесты, стараясь немного распутать события прошлого в привязке с документами архивов. Должны быть пересечения и совпадения имён (фамилий), территорий, событий.
a rome, a rum a battle of a rum
английские a = э
Ром -Рим
Ром - ром (бутылка рома) rum
A Rum in Bill Din = Arumin bildin = Эромин Билдин = Ерёма Билдин
1493 год, Карелия, Россия: деревня Лукинские Федорова, дворы
® Еремейко Офоносов,
® Еремейко Билдин
Rome = [Ром] -Рим, Римский (Итальянский)
Rum [Ром] - ром (бутылка рома) (a bottle of rum) (a battle of Rome)
(play words, a humor)
(игра слов, юмор) :
Bill Din = Mr. Bill Din --- Mr. Billdin -- Mr. Bildin --- Bildin
Еремейко Билдин
"A Rum in Bill Din" =
"Arumin Bildin" =
Эромин Билдин =
Ерёма Билдин <-->
Еремейко Билдин
Bell = Белл
Bell - Bil
Belii = Belyj = White
Повторю кусок текста,
(Книга 1496 года):
"В Никольском тоже погосте в Шунге великого князя деревни Лукинские Федорова.
Деревня на Холопье стороне в конце наволока:
® Еремейко Офоносов
"A Rum in of/on Osov"
"A Rum in of/on Azov"
"A Rum in of/on Assov"
"A Rum in of/on Asses"
® Еремейко Билдин
"A Rum in Bill Din"
"a rum in building"
Может быть, два англичанина попали в плен?
В России пленных селили в деревнях крестьянами?
Прошло 70 лет.
1563 - 1496, почти 70 лет прошло ( 67 лет прошло), те же места,
та же деревня Лукинские Федорова.
1563 год книга, та же деревня Лукинские Федорова.
Фамилий Офоносов и Билдин нет.
® Еремейко Офоносов (1496 есть, в 1563 году фамилии в деревне такой нет)
"A Rum in of/on Osov"
"A Rum in of/on Azov"
"A Rum in of/on Assov"
"A Rum in of/on Asses"
® Еремейко Билдин (1496 есть, в 1563 году фамилии в деревне такой нет)
"A Rum in Bill Din"
"a rum in building"
А что есть?
1563 год книга, та же деревня Лукинские Федорова.
Есть фамилии и имена
® Михатко да брат его Офонасий Парахин (Mihatko Parahin & Ofonasii Parahin)
® Онтипко да Ондрейко Гридины (Gridin , Greedin)
® Омоско Киров (Omosko Kirov)
Mihatko Parahin & Ofonasii Parahin
Mi - hatko
hatko - a home (translated from Ukrainian)
a hat [хат]- шляпа, "крыша"
ko - co [ko] [ко] - a company - Co (shotly)
Mi - home - Co(mpany) = Mihatko
Mi - hat - Co(mpany) = Mihatko
Mihatko Parahin
Ofonasii Parahin
Ofonasii Parahin
Of/on/as/I1 Parahin
Parahin [cut st n] cut - резать, зарезать, заколоть cat - кот [kot]
Parahin cut st n
parachutist, paratrooper, skydiver, parachuter
Greeding (жадничая)
grid [грид] сетка (grid, mesh, net, network, netting) (сеть, ячейка, плетение)
gridline [гридлайн] - линия сетки
gridlines [гридлайнс] - линии сетки
greed [грид] - жадность, жадный, алчный, скупой
greedy [гриди] = greed [грид] жадный, алчный, скупой
Omasko (Omosko) Kirov
O'Mask O'Kirov
O'Mask O'Kirow
a mask, mask - маска, маскировка, ник
O'Kirow Kirow <--=--> Hero (Герой)
Герой = Hero [Хироу] === Хироу == Кироу == Кироу == Киров
+ иранский царь Кир Великий и его люди переселились жить на Кавказ,
после смерти Кира Великого по прозвищу Куруш (Пастух)
Omasko (Omosko) Kirov
O'Mask O'Kirov
O'Mask O'Kirow
O'Mask O'Kiroy
O'Mask O'Hiroy
O'Mask O'Hero
Omasko (Omosko) Kirov
a mask, mask - маска, маскировка, ник
O'Kirow Kirow <--=--> Hero (Герой)
Masko - Moscow - Москва [Масква]
Фамилия Гридины появляется не только в этой деревне, а много и повсеместно.
Вероятно, фамилия Грудинин могла образоваться от фамилии Гридин (1593 года)
Прописная русская буква
И и пишется близко в английской
U u
U (У) u - у
Gridin (Greedin) Гридин <---> Грудин (Grudin) <---> Грудинин (Grudinin)
По английски, груди - bubs, bubies boobies
По латышски, мяч - бумба - bumba
По английски, мяч = ball, мячи - balls
груди у женщин как мячи, шары
bumbas --- boobies --- bubs -- balls
bubs bubies [бубиес] груди, грудь (по английски)
bumbas [бумбас] - мячи (по латышски)
bumba [бумба] - мяч (по латышски)
ball - мяч (по английски)
balls - мячи (по английски)
С латышского, если фамилия
и переходит в русский язык, менясь
Balls <--> Ballz <--> Ballzin <--> Balzin <--> Балзин <--> Бальзин (Это версия, не утверждение, гипотеза игры слов)
в 1496 и в 1563 парашютистов не было, парашюты ещё не изобрели.
А потому, это игра случая и игры слов.
Но англичане всё же могли быть.
Greedy [Гриди] <---> Гриди, Гриид <---> Жадный, Скупой по английски.
greedy [гриди] - жадный, скупой, алчный (в переводе с английского)
greed [gri;d] [грид] в переводе с английского:
жадность, скупость, алчность, корысть, нажива,
(avarice, selfishness, profit, acquisitiveness),
greed [gri;d] [грид] в переводе с английского:
жадный (greedy) (greed)
grid [gr;d] [грид] в переводе с английского:
сеткаж, решеткаж
(mesh, lattice)
растрм, гридм
электрическая сеть, электросетьж, сетьж
(electric grid, network)
энергосистемаж, энергетическая система
(energy system)
(power grid)
координатная сетка
(coordinate grid)
grid [gr;d] прил
сеточный, решетчатый
(mesh, lattice)
Тему это можно копать и копать.
Но даже и тут уже очень интересно получается,
привязка генетических тестов и документов архивов и информации.
Interposelok (in Karelia) (Intervillage in Russia)
Интерпоселок (Республика Карелия)
Святыни (2)
Святые места и объекты паломничества Интерпоселок (Республики Карелии)
- Важеозерский Спасо-Преображенский мужской монастырь
- Свято-Митрофаниевский скит Важеозерского Спасо-Преображенского мужского монастыря
Поселок в Республике Карелия,
Важеозерского Спасо-Преображенского мужского монастыря
посёлок Интерпосёлок
Олонецкий район, Республика Карелия, Россия
61.336886, 33.431540
Из Википедии: From Wikipedia:
Интерпосёлок (карел. Manasteri)
— посёлок
в составе Коткозерского сельского поселения Олонецкого национального района Республики Карелия.
Расположен на южном берегу озера Важозеро.
Постановлением Президиума Карельского ЦИКа
от 5 июня 1933 г. Интерпосёлок был передан из Олонецкого
в Пряжинский район.
Во время советско-финской войны
1939—1940 гг.
посёлок был основным местом высылки финского населения,
оставшегося на занятой территории
(было интернировано 1329 человек).
В селе находятся памятники истории — объекты Задне-Никифоровской пустыни[3].
Памятники природы
В 2 км на восток от посёлка расположен государственный региональный болотный памятник природы — Болото Важинское площадью 7235,1 га, крупнейшая болотная система в южной Карелии, ценный ягодник клюквы и морошки.
В окрестностях посёлка находится государственный ландшафтный заказник «Важозерский» — особо охраняемая природная территория.
Численность населения
2009 - 63 человека
2010 - 76 человека
2013 - 72 человекаИнтерпосёлок
"Интерпоселок начинается сразу за оградой Важеозерского монастыря. Ограда появилась в 1991 году как граница между двумя мирами, после возвращения Важеозерскому монастырю юридического статуса. Но существование Интерпоселка по-прежнему связано с обителью: сейчас, если бы не монастырь, название «Интерпоселок» могло бы исчезнуть с карты Олонецкого района Карелии.
Когда-то Интерпоселок именно с монастырской территории и начался. В 1922 году земли монастыря взяла в аренду артель финских эмигрантов «Райвая». «Красным финнам» после Гражданской войны путь на родину был заказан — оставалось только строить социалистическую республику. Рубить лес, растить худой овощ (на болотистой монастырской земле и сегодня много картошки не собирают). Большая часть тогдашних интернационалистов числится в списках расстрелянных в годы репрессий…
Но сначала были расстреляны иноки Важеозерской обители — в 1922 или 1923 году, на территории монастыря. В 1935 году пустынь была разорена дотла, монастырская стена тоже уничтожена. На территории обители начали строить Интерпоселок. Церкви обезглавили, храм Всех Святых использовался как кинозал, столовая и танцплощадка, в Преображенском храме был поселковый спортзал. После 1945 года в стенах бывшей обители расположились колония для несовершеннолетних и психиатрическая больница.
Ничего интернационального в сельском поселении, когда-то заселенном финнами, сегодня нет. Постоянных жителей — по пальцам пересчитать, кошек больше, чем людей. Летом приезжают дачники — места здесь красивые, хоть рыбалка и плохая: рыба в озере мелкая.
Общественный транспорт сюда не ходит, нет медпункта, магазина, школы. Нет и работы — только в монастыре, и то за еду (монахи живут небогато). Самым необходимым (читай: хлебом и водкой) жителей Интерпоселка обеспечивает автолавка. За лекарствами нужно ехать в Олонец, за 50 километров. Врачей здесь нет — поэтому в монастырские трудники берут людей здоровых, монахи даже справки требуют. Потому что случись что — скорую не дождешься. Дорога от трассы такая, что не всякий водитель поедет...
Правда, теперь в Интерпоселок приезжают и новые люди. Молодые, православные, многодетные. Хотят жить рядом с обителью. За школьниками каждую неделю приезжает автобус, забирает их на учебу (на выходные привозит обратно).
В поселке, за воротами монастыря живут и матушки — после того, как в 2000-м году монастырь превратился из женского в мужской, многие монахини разъехались по обителям России. А шесть женщин остались — прикипели. Работают на монастырском скотном дворе, помогают поселковым старикам. В следующем году для них начнут строить скит — с благословения архиепископа Петрозаводского и Карельского Мануила."
Click each to see its unique map
#1 Fennoscandia 18.8%
#2 Southern France 14.8%
#3 Western Siberia 14.7%
(3 points on a map for each route)
GPS для ДНК, генетический тест HomeDNA, результаты
3 points with coordinates on the map as a result
of migration route of my ancestry , route A and route B
(one route for Mother's side and one route for father's side
of theirs and my ancestry)
3 точки-вехи миграционного пути предков
Your ancestor’s DNA originated in this area
Latitude: 56.093
Longitude: 29.422
Radius: 130.3633 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA traveled through this area
Latitude: 61.323
Longitude: 33.257
Radius: 112.7949 miles"
Your DNA journey came here between 364AD - 1270AD
Latitude: 59.992
Longitude: 38.986
Radius: 38.8379 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA originated in this area
Latitude: 59.655
Longitude: 34.516
Radius: 59.8608 miles
Your ancestor’s DNA traveled through this area
Latitude: 61.786
Longitude: 26.488
Radius: 12.9575 miles
Your DNA journey came here between 1195AD - 1453AD
Latitude: 63
Longitude: 32
Radius: 32.0158 miles
"GPS Origins® Ancestry Test (HomeDNA), results and feedback", 2018
"GPS Origins Genetic Ancestry Test (HomeDNA), results and feedback", 2018
"GPS для ДНК, генетический тест HomeDNA, результаты", 2018
"GPS для ДНК, тест HomeDNA, результаты", 2018
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Свидетельство о публикации №119082501119