Our war heroes !,
Great miracles !,
Bloody Fields !,
What blood sprayed !,
Fallen Fighters !,
On the field with evil!
After the chorus
The lights are burning for you
Like bombs and bullets
Were in those places
And we remember
Bloody time
Not blooming fields !,
After the bloody war!
2 After the Chorus
The flowers are blooming
After the battles
But still
They know and remember
Horrible events of the times
Happened in the war
In blockade !,
Scary times !,
Which can not be forgotten!
3 After the Chorus
Do not forget your heroes
Who died
Gone to the front
And they are no more
And you live
Thanks to the heroes of the war,
Who did not return
And won't come back to you
Back home!
4 After the Chorus 4 times
Memory! Fallen Heroes !,
Innocent people !,
The dead in the war!
1 verse.
Crosses and stones
On the earth they grow
Like monuments
Or broken
People's houses
Living there
We remember
Bad days
Times of war
Where did they die
Our war heroes!
Chorus and so on.
2 verse.
The lights are burning
Like wildfire
Of fiery flowers
Growing in the fields
And sowing love
Of the dead
And those who have left the world of evil,
Which sowed
One darkness all around
What was killing us all
And now the memory
Long gone
Scary times!
Chorus and so on.
3 verse.
My old time
Where I don’t remember anything
And I want to leave the darkness
From life to freedom
To meet fate
And to heavenly father
And to Paradise beyond the clouds of the earth,
But forgetting everything is bad
On the other hand,
You should not think about the bad
And about the good times
But remembering people
Dead and storing,
The eternal rest of the earth
Our memory of the war years!
Chorus and so on.
4 verse.
Don't forget someone
What you need for
In the struggle for fate
And the great winds
Mighty warrior
That ruin the world
With my war of fire
And the stones of heaven
Shells of mighty lights
Burning the whole world
Just one blast!
Fiery soul of evil !,
And we remember anyway !,
Times an evil warrior!
Chorus and so on.
5 verse.
A fire burns over a star
And the eternal flame of memory
Gushing steam in the face
People and soldiers
Great heroes of battles and warrior,
Bygone days
And in the bloody fields
Heroes have fallen
And in memory
The fire of love burns
And the whole earth,
Heroes of war !,
And we remember you!
Chorus and so on.
6 verse.
Times of dreams
And eternal tears
It's scary to remember everything
These screams and victims of people
Dying in the blockade
In the world of hell
On a great deep day
And where sinners rot,
For his evil and good triumph,
And we remember the heroic times
In our soul! In memory! The lost times!
Chorus and so on.
7 verse.
Shards of time
Stayed in our soul
In our hearts,
Transmitted from afar
From alien and distant lands
Far time
When the war was on
But don't forget those
Who defended us
Who saved us
Our souls and the world
From destruction and evil away
But don't forget the times
Our heroes! Who drove away !,
Evil away!
Chorus and so on.
8 verse.
Horse Wars
On a chariot
In a uniform, in a crown,
Our rulers
Our warriors
Our distant ancestors
And they died
All in the war
Who from old age
Who from the wounds
Swords of Evil
Spears of Justice
And died in battle
But saved by father
From heaven itself
And free
But not forgotten !,
In the memory of people on Earth !,
And for the whole world of the Earth!
Chorus and so on.
Verse 9
Do not forget your loved ones
Dead in the war
And the heroes of grandfathers and fathers,
Against whom was the war
Family for family
Brother to brother
Son to mother and father,
Father to son
One tribal massacre
God forbid,
Souls take care
In the memory of the Earth !,
Let sigh!
Freedom and love of heaven!
In the soul of people and the whole Earth!
Chorus and so on.
10 verse.
Souls of people
Great souls are leaving
Loved ones,
Our life
That passed
But not forgotten
Stored in the shower !,
In the fire of love !,
In books, legends, myths !,
In legends and fairy tales !,
And in people's memories !,
And the whole created world !,
Worldwide! One !,
Memory of Our Being !,
Memory of Our Days !,
In the world of the Lord God !,
Lord thank you !,
For your memory!
And we will not forget you !,
The whole world will love!
Our Creator !,
Our Father Forever !,
The memory of us all about you !,
Memory of the whole world! Memory!,
Remember, honor and not forget !,
You Never God !,
Each of us has a memory !,
For all! For You Our Father !,
The Almighty Life of Our Being !,
We will always remember you !,
For the memory will always be in your honor!
Memory! Former Times Forever! Memory!!
2 times Chorus and so on.
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