Unseen edges
Oh what a beauty
Hey! Hehehei !,
Hello Sky !,
Land and river !,
And the lakes and my people away!
How happy i am
What was born here
On the earth of heaven
The people and their homeland!
2 times Chorus
Glory to the people !,
White gods come from heaven
Wars of light and priests
Guardians of heaven and goodness
Cultists beware
Spirit of the Slavs !,
My heavenly people!
After the chorus
Slavic Spirit !,
Do not win !,
We crushed the enemy !,
Mate, mud pour!
We are not afraid of you
Ram, even knocking,
We will drive for yours
The nasty sounds of evil
Get out of our land!
2 After the Chorus
Slavic Brothers,
And the eternal land
Under your feet
This is all ours
Don't cross
Our border
We will defeat you evil !,
Sin! From our borders !,
Our Slavic people !,
We won’t win!
3 After the Chorus
Slavic people
They sing fun on the road
And the eternal Russian march,
A soldier from the bloody fields
Or vice versa there,
Against the Evil of Fascism !,
And this is our victory!
4 After the Chorus
Our brotherly people
Bogatyrs, yes princes,
Russia, yes kings
Emperors, and rulers,
The whole world of the Slavs !,
Not conquered! Warriors of light from heaven!
5 After the Chorus
Heavenly Hero Gods
Wars come from heaven !,
My Great Slavic People !,
The power of the whole earth!
2 verse.
We are fishing
We light the earth
Keepers of the earth,
The righteous of the earth
And we have enough strength
Fight back the enemy
Our people will not win!
Living Everywhere !,
True world !,
And power !,
Keeping earthly peace
Song Wars with the Sun in your chest!
Chorus and so on.
3 verse.
Our Russian people
Of the heroes alone
From the bloody fields
The Russian spirit cannot be broken
We are warriors of time
We gave the world
Were good with a bouquet of flowers
Birds sang in the yards
Flowers grew in great gardens
And their guardians planted
That past land
And now there are few of them!
Chorus and so on.
4 verse.
Heaven and Earth
Rivers and seas
Keeps everything
Heavenly people
From fields and forests
Sing and dance
In the wind,
In an eternal battle
On horseback
Eternal heroes of epics !,
Slavic eras!
Chorus and so on.
5 verse.
Great Times
Our Russian people
And the old world
Our fathers
Our heroes
Tidying up.
Around the field
Of solid colors
Where the trees were planted
Apple trees and mountain ash,
Around alone
The beauty of the Slavic Lands!
Chorus and so on.
6 verse.
Our songs
And Slavic poetry,
A darling of many souls
Where is your world
Your own law of being
Don't threaten
And keep your harvest
Feed your family
Russian family,
My true homeland
Where i was born
And I say
In your native language
And not on some stranger,
My Slavic! Russian World! Of being!
Chorus and so on.
7 verse.
The sun is shining on the edge
Walk with the princesses
Sing and dance all day
The people of dusk and dawn
From bright light and color
Stars of being on the field
Of roses and lilacs
The river is floating
Jump try
What is the water
Like the words of the earth
Pleasant and tender
Like the souls of people
Living among the people
Solar being!
Chorus and so on.
8 verse.
Do not be afraid,
The sun is bright in the distance
You're an optimist
Think good
And forget about the bad
Are you for good or evil ?,
Answer me! Or silently
Live a sunny day
Lead people for protection
Home and homeland
Young Russia to be baptized,
Vladimir Vladimirovich,
You are the true sun
Godfather world! Slavic Heaven !,
The Great Baptist and Father of Russia!
Chorus and so on.
Verse 9
Russian people,
Slavic people
Russia, Russia and the USSR,
And in the past glory !,
The bright sun in the chest
And they played on ballalaikas
And in chess they thought
And the grass is growing
To the edge and admire
The beauty of the earth
Decorate yourself
The beauty of the earth
And your people of heaven !,
Living in these!
Lands for a long time!
Chorus and so on.
10 verse.
The war of light and good
Keepers of the world
God's favorites
God bless you!
You are a sunny people !,
And bright blood!
Yes, let Nevsky show
The truth of the soul and the holy powers of the earth,
Keep the memory of the heroes
That keep the memory of their nights
Times of Slavic eras,
Keep and ancestors proud
By our people
What to this day is,
Do not forget who we were
And then what will we be
We are Slavs !,
Eternal Solar People !,
Coming from far heaven !,
The war of light and the whole Earth !,
And a home for us all !,
My people of the Sunshinelands !,
Slavs! My heavenly and sunny world !,
In our souls! In the souls of the Slavs !,
Great Warriors and White Gods !,
Coming from Heaven! My great! Slavic People! Slavs!
2 times Chorus and so on.
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