No fear!

The leaves are swelling in their buds:
the Lord is near.
Expose dark and evil deeds-
have no fear!
The human justice is perverse,
and Truth – imprisoned,
but seek another universe –
the Lord is risen!
His cavalries – the angels’ might-
already race.
Endorse the Truth. Do what is right.
Leave no space
for any lies corrupting us.
Do not condone
deceit - the world is full of pus,
hearts – hard as stone.
The devil lost his crafty plot –
Oh, let him rile.
Oh, let his world destructive rot
in great style!
Breathe in the blood Christ spilled for you –
no condemnation!
His blood is making all anew
and brings salvation.
Its every drop is packed with light –
it’s in the air! –
empowering you to shun the night.
Do not despair!

