Darker side of...

He thought that it wasn't that bad of a day after all, but then he went to bed...

At some point the best people realize that they are the best, only because the rest are the worst.

They had to kill her to keep from harming herself.

He had a stroke and it wasn't a stroke of a genius.

He went to bed, but it wasn't there.

You are supposed to know your roots, not to be attached to them, otherwise, you will never move forward.

An unwritten song about love.
"It kisses like a bride,
But it hurts like a bitch..."

If you always choose the way of the least resistance, you will never get to the point of the most gain.

Sitting and waiting for the changes is as stupid as sitting in a car waiting for it to start moving without even igniting the engine.

Somehow Death of a person plays tricks with the memories of those who neglected, couldn't care less, or ignored that person. All of a sudden they start to share with others stories about love, friendship, care, support, etc. for the departed. Maybe, just maybe, if they indeed were caring, loving, understanding, supportive, etc. he or she would have lived longer and happier.

I'm a very kind and caring person and love everybody..., especially myself and hate others.

For some people to speak their mind, means to flush their bowels.
