Шекспир. Сонет 78. Мое искусство - ты

Так часто вызывал тебя, как Музу,
И так ты в сочиненьях вдохновлял,
что все теперь собратья по перу здесь
используют тебя, как свой заряд.

Глухой, тебя увидев, петь начнет,
Невежество возвышенно взлетает,
в крыло ученым перышки воткнет,
достоинство - вдвойне великим станет.

Но более стихом моим гордись,
тобой рожденным, в нем - твое влиянье,
В других - лишь стиль их улучшаешь ты,
изяществом искусство наполняя.

Мое искусство - ты, и в вышину
невежество мое к тебе стремлю.

So oft have I invok'd thee for my Muse,
 And found such fair assistance in my verse,
 As every alien pen hath got my use,
 And under thee their poesy disperse.
 Thine eyes, that taught the dumb on high to sing,
 And heavy ignorance aloft to fly,
 Have added feathers to the learned's wing,
 And given grace a double majesty.
 Yet be most proud of that which I compile,
 Whose influence is thine and born of thee:
 In others' works thou dost but mend the style,
 And arts with thy sweet graces graced be;
    But thou art all my art and dost advance
    As high as learning my rude ignorance.


 There is now a more distinct mention of the rivalry previously alluded to. Shakespeare, however, claims special regard from his friend and patron, alleging that, destitute of learning, his friend alone had inspired his verses.

 3. As. -- That. It may be doubted whether the words "every alien pen" require us to suppose that Shakespeare had more than one rival in the favour of Mr. W. H. See lxxix. 4. Got my use. -- "Acquired my habit [of writing verse to you]." -- DOWDEN.

 4. Under thee. -- Under thy auspices.

 7. The learned's wing. -- To the wing of the poet's "learned" rival. The word "learned" suits very well the Greek scholar, Chapman.


 8. A double majesty. An expression quite suitable if Shakespeare has in view Chapman's Homeric translation.

 9. Compile. -- Compose.

 10. Born of thee. -- Q. has "borne," and it is just possible that this may mean "supported and borne aloft by thee."

 12, 13. Arts -- art. -- Maybe understood of "learning." Cf. lxvi. 9. But there is reference here to poetical style.
