Experience nature and relax

1. Find a quiet, not so crowded place, which is not too far from your house.

2. Turn off all your devices.

3. Sit on the grass leaving all your thoughts far away (even if it is too difficult for the first time).

4. Close your eyes and try to concentrate on the feelings, you have at that very moment.

5. Try not to think about your past or future. Keep yourself in the present.

6. Breathe slowly and relax.

7. Pay attention to every sound around you (for ex.: Listen to the wind or singing birds).

8. Open your eyes.

9. Notice the things around you, think about them and pay attention to every element of such things. 

10. Come home, keep calm and write down all your experiences on paper.

Read more: www.stacyshystovska.blogspot.com
