A darting fear a pomp a tear by Emily Dickinson

Пронзивший трепет... Блеск,- слезой...
И миг рассвета длить,
вобрав искомое с зарёй,
вдохнутою вдали.

(Эмили - скучает по уехавшим навсегда друзьям)
[David Preest:
This poem is part of a letter (L200) of 13 February 1859
to Mrs Joseph Haven. Her husband had been professor of philosophy
at Amherst College, but he and his family had moved to Chicago
a few months ago. Emily ends the letter by saying how much
she misses ‘the geranium at the window’ of their house and
‘the clustering frocks at the door,’ and by summing up her mixed
feelings at their move in the four lines of the poem. She feels
a sharp pang when she wakes and realises anew that her friends are
breathing ‘a different dawn’ in Chicago. She is glad that
Joseph Haven has an important new post, but a tear still falls.]

A darting fear -- a pomp -- a tear by Emily Dickinson

A darting fear -- a pomp -- a tear --
A waking on a morn               
To find that what one waked for,      
Inhales the different dawn.          
