A Death blow is a Life blow to Some by Emily Dicki

Цветенью жизни смерть иных равна,
Коль не умрут - рожденьем не дана:
Им оживать, мертветь, но всё ж
Погибнув только, жить начнёшь.               

(Эмили пишет к Сью, и понять, о чём речь,
поможет одна -
простите, но она моя, и ей лет 30, строчка:
"кто в любви умирал - и рождался поэтом."

[David Preest:
Judith Farr suggests that the ‘Death blow’ Emily has
in mind is the death of her love relationship with Sue,
for this was also a ‘Life blow’ in that it turned her
to writing poetry as a healing balm. She did not come
alive as a poet until the relationship had died. If she
had lived (= the relationship had not died), she would
have died to poetry. But the relationship did die, and
when it died, Vitality (=her life as a poet) began.
Lines 3 and 4 would be easier to understand if there
was a comma after ‘had died’ in line 3, and in fact
there is such a comma in some copies of the poem.]

как видим на фото, в автографе эта запятая есть.)

A Death blow is a Life blow to Some by Emily Dickinson

A Death blow is a Life blow to Some          
Who till they died, did not alive become --   
Who had they lived, had died, but when       
They died, Vitality begun.               
