
Happy Father’s Day!

You were always there
 for me,
when I’ve needed you,
You really were
 the best papa
in the whole wide world,
My truest,
dearest friend,
and you did it,
Kept all those promises,
 that frequently
you’ve told.
I’ve got your genes,
I’ve written
many poems,
No longer feeling timid,
nor that shy,
I’ve published many,
Shared with friends,
 like you’ve done always,
For them to read,
enjoy some,
smile and cry.
The audience,
who reads them
 getting larger,
Supporting all my hopes
sometimes dreams...
I wish,
that I could make you
somewhat prouder,
I think you are,
or just to me
it seems.
I wish
you were with us,
we really miss you,
Today we’ll all share one, 
but very happy toast:
To all the fathers out there,
those, who are still with us,
with their caring help,
And whom we love,
And those, who left us,
but live their lives
 inside us,
Who’ve kept
 all their promises
 by watching
from above.

 Vladimir Brichkov
Brooklyn NY 06/16/2019
