
Your highness
Is a concept
Of living between worlds,
In your face I can see
You have tried a lot.

A smile, exhausted yet light,
Is a miracle - simple and honest beauty denied.
Harmony of your face,
A look so deep and sincere
Do not only attract attention - they enlighten the hemisphere.

Green woods, transparent lakes,
A string of decisions and mistakes…
Youth, impulsive yet disciplined,
Hasn’t left your features
That shine a light.

Light, a metaphor for knowledge,
A blessing we both share,
So bright and thorough,
Sometimes, however,
Light comes through sorrow.

Through deep, thoughtful argumentation
I can explain why you have drawn my attention.
A pure coincidence of freedom and luck,
Some instruments that you use have changed my conduct.

Do we love stars for the fact they are high or warm?
Do we expect the Cosmos to love us in return?
Acceptance is a maximum of result.
Reality is adaptable. Odd one out

Is another string of breathtaking games,
Let’s play them without revealing our names,
With no fear - just knowledge and understanding
That your glory and my interest will have no ending.

(C) Maryna Tchianova,  June 2019, Kyiv
