Plea to a Friend

My Friend!
Oh, how you dream of being able to get away from the disorder of prosaic day
Аnd the disharmony of human freedoms of divergence!
So, you might step into the crystal of the forthcoming plot of being.

While entering the El Dorado of unknown,
You’d like to step to geometric spaces of the measure,
Where the Sun reacts in the breathtaking blue of heaven
Upon the call of pace of transformation,
And rapid rhythm of heartbeat in the burning chest
Will open you the way towards your new domain.

Perhaps, thereafter
In irreversible extreme from all the vainly goals,
Your supernova star will light again
Its ever-burning glow!

translated 31 May 2019


Through the crystal of consciousness a human being conveys his spiritual and intellectual potential via the system of his human form upon the system of the form of his near; therefore, projecting the effect of beneficial influence.
"To step into the crystal of the forthcoming plot of being" - to purify the crystal of consciousness.


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