Из Чарльза Буковски - портниха
моя первая жена сама шила платья
которые как мне кажется были прекрасны.
я часто видел её склонившейся над
швейной машинкой
сшивающей новое платье.
мы оба работали и я подумал что
было здорово что она нашла время
чтоб создавать собственный
как-то однажды вечером я пришёл домой а
она плакала.
она сказала что какой-то парень с работы
сказал ей что у ней плохой
вкус в отношении носимой ею
он сказал что она выглядела
"ты думаешь я одета безвкусно?" -
спросила она.
"конечно, нет.
кто был этот парень?
я выбью дурь из него!"
"ты не сможешь, он мой начальник" -
она ещё малость поплакала в этот
я попытался её успокоить и она
наконец перестала плакать,
но после она купила
все новые платья.
я подумал что
они на ней смотрятся не так хорошо,
но она сказала что парень с работы
новую одежду её
что ж, с тех пор она прекратила
я был доволен.
потом она однажды спросила меня:
"что тебе больше нравится -
мои старые платья или новые?"
"ты по-любому выглядишь хорошо" -
ответил я.
"да, но что ты предпочитаешь? -
старые или новые платья?"
"старые" - сказал я.
потом она вновь стала плакать
без остановки.
схожие проблемы были и с другими
аспектами нашего
когда она развелась со мной, она
продолжала носить только платья, купленные
в магазине,
но швейную машинку она прихватила
с собой,
и ещё чемодан набитый старыми
from "Sifting Through the Madness for the Word, the Line, the Way"
the dressmaker
my first wife made her own dresses
which I thought was nice.
I’d often see her bent over her
sewing machine
putting together a new dress.
we were both working and I thought
it was great that she found the time
to create her own
then one evening I came home and
she was crying.
she told me that some guy at work
had told her that she had bad
taste in her wearing
he had said she looked
“do you think I dress tacky?”
she asked.
“of course not.
who is this guy?
I’ll beat hell out of him!”
“you can’t, he’s my boss.”
she cried some more that
I tried to reassure her and she
finally stopped.
but after that, she purchased
all her dresses.
I thought that
they didn’t look nearly as good on her
but she told me that the fellow at work
had praised her new
well, as long as she stopped
I was satisfied.
then one day she asked me, “which do
you like best, my old dresses or
the new ones?”
“you look good either way,” I
“yes, but which do you prefer?
the old dresses or the new ones?”
“the old ones,” I told her.
then she began crying again
and wouldn’t stop.
there were similar problems with other
aspects of our
when she divorced me she was still
wearing only the store-bought
but she took the sewing machine
with her
and a suitcase filled with dresses
of the old
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No Hole in the Sky
by Charles Bukowski
coming through the doorway
a lump of cancer along the inside of his left leg
he wore a green silk shirt
old-fashioned black and white shoes
the hair clipped all over his head but
the face needing a shave
wrinkled yellow pants
dark shades
he gave the note to the teller
who was female
went crazy and screamed
he hit her across the face with the gunbutt
reached for a handful of twenties from the drawer
and turned in time to get the uniformed guard
a fat guy, very big butt, grew roses, name:
Rossard went down on the big fat butt
a very beautiful red coming out on his shirt like
the bandit started running
crouched, rather half-sideways
toward the door
looking for somebody to shoot
looking for a hole in the sky
to climb out of
the people seemed to fit into the walls
and he made it outside
still running half-bent
and then the squad car came from the other way
he saw it
and ran up an alley.
the 2 cops jumped right out and also ran up the
then you heard shots
very loud in that dark alley
between downtown buildings (the violence and gamble
and anger of all men screaming) (then it was quiet)
(you thought of bread baking
in some clean kitchen)
when the ambulance came
they carried out one cop
put him in first
then carried out the bandit in cuffs
very white and bleeding, they put him in the
same ambulance, and the other cop who was standing
holding his wrist where he had been shot
the red coming through the white wrapping
he fainted
and then they put him in and
drove off
and the people stood talking and talking and
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