My main secret

It’s just the sad poems,
With nothing to say;
No matter, what goes,
You live with your great aim…

Do you know, it’s a fake:
You can’t make a mistake?
I’ll tell you all the true –
I’ll wait courage from you!..

I am unarmed, but don’t kill me –
I’ll fill with wisdom eager sane;
You have to be ready to know –
One – Two – Tree! Ready – Set – Go!

Do you suppose, it’s very hard
to be kind, honest and be smart? -
Oh, but, my dear, it’s not hard –
You should live free and open heart!..

And at the end, make a confession:
My philosophy’s vaccination –
Don’t complicate it – secret is
that there are no the mysteries…
(Because the main my secret –
is the absence of secret!)
07.01.19; 11:30-11:50.

Иллюстрация авторская: 2015 год.
