Ещё раз о честных политиках
Отвечаю Другому автору:
"Входите через узкие врата, но широка дорога и пространен путь, ведущие к погибели, и многие идут ими".
Вдуматься, сколько верблюдов мог бы пропустить через игольное ушко один только "честный" юрист Навальный... Сколько времени уже прошло, как он находится у микрофона... ? Но дал ли Навальный хоть один КОНКРЕТНЫЙ совет, как преодолеть КОНКРЕТНОЕ беззаконие? Увы, увы.
Once again about honest politicians
"Russia is not the only country in the world. People passed this way. There are many honest and decent people among politicians. Everywhere the script was the same. A political program was created, simple and understandable to people, in which each person saw a real benefit for themselves and a real legal position. And most people supported this program. I do not think that we have any "special way"". (Other author)
I answer to the Other author:
"Enter through the narrow gate, but the road is wide and the path is wide, leading to ruin, and many go by them." (Jesus).
Think about how many camels could be passed through the eye of a needle only by an “honest” lawyer Navalny ... How much time had passed, how was he at the microphone ...? But did Navalny give at least one SPECIFIC advice on how to overcome SPECIFIC lawlessness? Alas, alas.
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