Постылые кущи The sickening garden of Eden
Постылые кущи
Лариса Изергина
Райские кущи:
розы прямо под окном,
трели соловья,
аромат акации...
но «еве» всё постыло.
21 мая 2019 г.
Abstract: Social Studies: Mood: It is caviare to the general, or eager to swop the garden of Eden for a more commonplace vicinity. (A sketch. A tanka. From the “Time crystals”, “Philistines’ ways”, “Chronicles of the troubled times” cycles. The author’s translation from Russian.)
The sickening garden of Eden
by Larissa Izergina
The garden of Eden:
roses right under the window,
the nightingale’s warble,
the acacia sweet fragrance...
make “eve” sick to death.
May 21, 2019
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