The Telepathic message on 10th Sept 2001 from 11th

The Telepathic message on 10th Sept 2001 from 11th Sept 2001 USA


I had received a telepathic message in 3 parts
(as a night dream for part 1&3, part2 "a transferable description of operator about the situation"

Part 1.
"MAMA (From/or To) MAMA MUM (Sender/Receiver).
"white towel moving in air" (= plane ?)

Part 2.
"AMERICA" = "BAD" "SHOCK" "STRESS" (transferable condition description)

Part 3.

Date was 10th September 2001, morning , UK, in England, in Nottinghamshire

* I had not a clue about a Twin Brothers Trade center In New York in America,
* I never was in USA
* I was not able to understand i had received a telepathic message in 3 parts from someone, this was 1st time, i had not understood all this
* I had not played in charades words game to realize a message in 3 parts as charades game

I had a strongest shock on 9/11, listening some words "TWINS BROTHERS" and what was in New York.

I had a stress, so strong from all as a confusion
that i could returned back to this all just after 15 years
to start to look this old calendar list and memorize all.

So, just after 15 years as a time was i realized what was on 9/10 prior 9/11
as someone unnamed (probably, British, working for a military, or intelligent, or security, or ex-Army, as as trained Professional to protect humans lives and the health and the safety tried to protect lives, making his telepathic message from the future to the past.

I was one of the receiver, just stupid foolish not able to know what was.

I am really pity sorry for this.

He sent to a right person as I would run trying to protect lives,
but he choosed a wrong person as the ordinary woman not having a huge knowledge about USA and NY.

Some people try to save lives.
Some ruin lives and damage humans.

I do not know whom he was or she was.

I do not know the destiny of a sender.

I had not some after.

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, from Nottinghamshire, England, UK


I do not live on
36 Bentinck Close,
Boughton, Nottinghamshire,
i lived here
in September 2001
Mrs Inna Scotford.

I had sold my property in January 2013,

#9/11 #2001

The Telepathic message on 10th Sept 2001 from 11th Sept 2001 USA

???   On Russian

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