Из Чарльза Буковски - за пивом
за пивом
я встретил его в этом баре и он сказал:
"я часто думаю о моей
тёте Салли из Бостона. она
никогда не пользовалась зубной пастой, бигудями,
ножом или вилкой. однажды она привязала
к гладильной доске 7 котов,
отрезала им языки,
сварила их в уксусе и
и съела.
потом она села на поезд до Трентона
и вышла замуж за банкира с
лицом как у лягушки. тётя Салли
никогда не ходила в церковь" -
сказал он.
"без балды?" - спросил я. "без балды" -
сказал он.
"так она ела кошек?" - спросил я.
"нет" - ответил он - "ты что,
не понял? : одни
Charles Bukowski
over a beer
I met him at this bar and he
said, I often think of my
aunt Sally from Boston. she
never used toothpaste, curlers
knife or fork. she once strapped
7 tomcats to her ironing board
cut out their tongues
boiled them in vinegar and
ate them
then took a train to Trenton
and married a banker with a
face like a frog. aunt Sally
never went to church
he said.
no shit? I asked. no shit
he said.
did she eat the cats? I asked.
no, he answered, don’t you
understand?: just the
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the old folks a game
in the park overlooking
shoving markers across cement
with wooden sticks.
four play, two on each side
and 18 or 20 others sit in
the sun and watch.
I notice this as I move
toward the public facility
as my car is being repaired.
an old cannon sits in the park
rusted and useless.
six or seven sailboats ride
the sea below.
I finish my duty
come out
and they are still playing.
one of the woman is heavily rouged
wearing false eyelashes and smoking
a cigarette.
the men are very thin
very pale
wear wristwatches that hurt
their wrists.
the other woman is very fat
and giggles
each time a score is made.
some of them are my age.
they disgust me
the way they wait for death
with as much passion
as a traffic signal.
these are the people who believe advertisements
these are the people who buy dentures on credit
these are the people who celebrate holidays
these are the people who have grand children
these are the people who vote
these are the people who have funerals.
these are the dead
the smog
the stink in the air
the lepers.
these are almost everybody
seagulls are better
seaweed is better
dirty sand is better.
if I could turn that old cannon
on them
and make it work
I would.
they disgust me.
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