
   What is success? How exactly can we tell whether a person is successful or not? I am not sure about this, but it is believed that for different people the notion of success could be different. For some people, success is measured by wealth, and for others that could be something less material. So what is success?

   I found a very interesting point of view that said some people can't judge by themselves whether they are successful or not and they would rather let other people decide. We can agree or disagree with this, but it will be very interesting to see how it works for them, because everyone is different and they all have different ideas of what success is and what it is not. So how can someone judge that, and most importantly, whom will they judge?
   I think success depends on our personal goals. You know, those things that play the main role in our lives. Something that is very important for us in particular, and that other people may like or dislike. We still like these things even though some people disagree.

   Therefore, I could say that a successful person is one who feels happy and satisfied with his or her life. This satisfaction that we feel is good not only for ourselves and our motivation, but also for our mental health. Consequently, I think we are the only ones who can judge whether we are successful or not.

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